Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2174 choice

But Bai Shan said, "Why not let the yamen and our scouts go there together, explain their identities, and say that we borrowed a place to be stationed."

Nie Canjun's eyes flashed, and he looked at Bai Shan steadily, only to think that the scholar is indeed treacherous enough, no, he is smart enough.

He said: "If there are people in his tribe who are familiar with the thieves..."

Meaning what if they colluded?

Bai Shan said: "Didn't you say that Duan Inspector had killed them four times, and two of them broke them up?"

The yamen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."

Nie joined the army and understood that these thieves and local herdsmen should not have a very close relationship, otherwise Duan Inspector would not be so easy to break them up.

Nie Canjun rolled his eyes and said, "It would be great if the two pedestrians would follow along, it not only represents our sincerity, but also expresses the intention of the court, like this kind of horse thieves who block trade routes and burn, kill and loot, I Dajin will never allow it to exist."

Bai Shan nodded solemnly, "Yes, I'll go talk to the two pedestrians."

The two pedestrians on the side:  …

Without Bai Shan's persuasion, Wei Xingren directly invited Ying.

Man Bao rummaged through the box, and quickly found two jars of ointment and a few packets of medicine, "This is a gift."

When visiting a guest, you always have to bring a gift. She introduced to Wei Xingren: "These medicines were prepared in the Tutu Department, and they were used to deworm children. One pack is for ten people, boiled twice, and mixed twice. The concoctions are mixed together to eat. This is a total of five packets, and all of them are here."

Bai Shan said: "Bring some tea leaves." These are all things that are scarce on the grasslands.

Mr. Zhuang nodded and let them prepare.

Seeing that it was getting late, Nie Canjun waved, "Let's set up camp."

Man Bao also rolled up his sleeves and said to Bai Shan, who had nothing to do, "I need hot water."

Bai Shan knew that she was going to treat the wounds of the injured person, and after nodding, Bai Erlang and the others went to find the dry grass and came back to make a fire.

Mr. Zhuang also rolled up his sleeves to help.

Mr. You and others were not seriously injured. They were very aware of current affairs. When they found out that they were surrounded by horse thieves and they could not escape, they surrendered. When they were caught, they were very obedient. Most of the injuries were caused by falling while running for their lives today.

Man Bao only glanced at the thieves who had been cut and shot by arrows.

After checking it, she said to Zhou Liru, "Bring my big medicine box."

There are knives and clips in there.

Zhou Liru went to get it.

Man Bao has already checked the wounds of several people, and she just brought the medicine box and reported a series of medicine names, "The medicine soup to stop bleeding, after you have caught it, give it to Bai Shan and the others to boil it, and then take another one. A bottle of gold sore medicine."

Nie Canjun came over and heard the words: "Master Zhou, these are all horse thieves. According to my opinion, there is no need to waste the medicinal materials, not to mention the precious golden sore medicine."

The soldiers passing by nodded again and again, and whispered: "Sir, the medicine for golden sore you brought is from Ji Shitang, right? The medicine for golden sore in their family is Panax notoginseng powder, which is precious."

Just as Man Bao was about to speak, Bai Shan, who came up with the dry wood in his arms, said, "Alright, anyway, if you send it back to the prison, you will end up being beheaded. It's better to let them slowly bleed to death now."

Man Bao's heart moved, and he said with a tangled face: "It's not good, after all, it's human beings, doctors are benevolent, what if they do meritorious deeds in the future to avoid the death penalty?"

"Impossible," Bai Shan said, "Don't you see that they are very strong? They don't seem to be able to speak at all, so let's just do it."

After a pause, he turned to look at Nie Canjun and asked, "Nie Canjun, are the heads of these people counted as military merit?"

"Forget it!" They didn't drag the body out, but chopped off the head of the person who was killed just now.

It's just that there are old people and young people in this line. Nie Canjun didn't want to scare them, so he let the soldiers walk on the other side with the heads.

He didn't understand why Bai Shan brought this up, because he couldn't bear to see them being so cruel?

Bai Shan said with a blank face, "Oh, it's too cruel to cut off their heads alive, so let's cut them off after they're dead."

Then he put down the firewood, and then suggested to Nie to join the army, "Would you like to open their wounds so that the blood will flow faster."

Nie Canjun: How do you handle this?

It should be, is it really stabbed twice to let blood?

It shouldn't be timid, it doesn't look like it's going to kill them.

Man Bao glanced down at them, then shook his head, "Forget it, pack them a pack. If you don't take medicine, the night will be so cold and you will die slowly."

Bai Shan nodded: "Okay, you can go and see the injury to Master You and the others."

Man Bao hesitated for a while and gave the place to them, carrying the medicine box to see Mr. You and the others first.

Zhou Liru grabbed the medicine and came back, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, he blinked and ran to find Man Bao, "Little aunt, what are they doing?"

Man Bao sighed sadly: "They are using torture to extract confessions."

Zhou Liru: "...This can't be called extorting a confession by torture, can it?"

Man Bao changed his words: "They are preparing for the extermination of horse thieves."

Mr. You and the others, except that one person's arm was broken when he fell and needs to be dealt with, other people's injuries are simply cleaned, disinfected, and applied with medicine. This kind of contusion can only be healed slowly, so it is very fast to deal with. .

On the other side, the injury was more serious, but the thief, who had wrapped a cloth a few times to stop the bleeding at the beginning, raised his pale face and looked at the two of them.

His gaze shifted from Nie Canjun to Bai Shan, and the man in the lead showed a distorted smile and said, "The lambs in the Central Plains can become wolves when they enter the grasslands? Don't you bluff to scare people?"

Nie Canjun stepped forward and stepped on his slashed shoulder. With a little force, he couldn't help crying out in pain. The blood that had already stopped most of the blood leaked out again, and the sackcloth was dyed red in one fell swoop. .

He said blankly: "I don't know if he is bluffing, but this official knows if he is not."

Bai Shan slightly turned his head in discomfort, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Nie Canjun crushed his feet again, and then he stopped his feet and said: "I advise you to be honest, if you are willing to tell the hiding place of the thief's den, it is best, and it is nothing if you don't. , I will never lose."

The other party bit his lip in pain and spit out bloody spit. He stared at Nie Canjun sternly and asked, "You are not an officer in Liangzhou."

Although it is a question, it is a certainty.

Nie Canjun showed his teeth and smiled, "No, so, it's enough to exchange your heads for military merits. We don't care about long-term merits, and we won't be able to get them."

"The Inspector Duan won't let you kill us."

Nie Canjun said: "It's good to do it before he comes. They can't arrive at noon tomorrow at the earliest, so you have one night and half a day to think about whether to give us the head or make a confession."

see you at nine

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