Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2157 Needle?

The taxes that the herdsmen on the grasslands have to pay are different from those of the people in the Central Plains.

The ordinary people in the Central Plains, apart from the tax and levies and servitudes, only have the land rent for the land divided by mouth, and the forty tax is not very heavy.

Even in a place with more mountains and less land like Qili Village, most of the farmland is divided into mountains that cannot be cultivated, but in the case of the full amount of Yongye Field, it is not so difficult to accept the forty tax paid for the farmland.

Moreover, Luojiang County has always been very poor. The three magistrates before and after are all good people. They know that most of the fields in the mouth are mountains and do not generate income. Therefore, the foundation set is not high. The forty tax is basically not much. higher.

This is not the case on the grasslands. Except for Ding Shui, they have no labor service, but they have to do military service directly. When the Great Jin fights, they will recruit troops directly from here into the camp.

There are no donations and fu, but there is a tax for grazing. Bai Shan quietly calculated the sum and found that it was much higher than that of the people in the Central Plains.

However, ordinary herdsmen are not very worried about this, because in the Khanate before the Jin Dynasty, they did not even own people, let alone the cattle and horses they raised.

As soon as the Khan gave an order, these small tribes had to make confessions. If they did not obey, they were likely to be thrown to the front line to block the stones.

So they didn't feel unfair at the moment, they just felt unhappy about being conscripted from time to time for military service, "Three years ago, the Khan wanted to fight Gaochang, so we were recruited to guard Liangzhou, and finally we fought the Tubo people who came over. In one game, eight of our tribe died."

"How many people did you go to?"

"Twelve, there are still two in the army now. Their legs are not lame and can't come back." Speaking of this, the herdsmen proudly put their injured legs forward and let Bai Shan see, he Showing off: "When I was charging, the horse was hit by a stray arrow. I was very clever. At that time, I rolled down with my head in my arms. When I rolled to the side of the road, only this foot was trampled by a horse coming from behind, and then I wasn't dead, I burned it."

Bai Shan: "...Then why did the other one come back?"

"Oh, he had better luck than me. He had one arm chopped off when he fought against someone, and he chopped off his head. When he finally came back, he took Anjia's money. He used that money to buy fifty little lambs. , plus the original cattle and sheep in his family, it is the eighth richest family in the family."

Bai Shan said with a complicated heart, "...I'm very lucky."

The herdsman said happily: "But I'm not bad. I bought ten lambs with the money I got back."

Bai Shan's heart was complicated, and he was speechless for a long time, "Do you think the life is better now, or fifteen years ago?"

Fifteen years ago, Xiangli Khan was still there.

The herdsmen thought for a while and said, "It's not much worse, but now there are not as many wars as there were back then, and not so many people have died in our clan. Besides, there are also traders. It's easier for us to buy corn, tea, and salt than before. , I, Aye, only supported me one, but three of the five children I gave birth to."

Bai Shan, who has no children, can't understand this pride, but he also knows that in the Central Plains, the survival rate of children is not high, let alone the grasslands.

He didn't speak any more.

Yin Or, who had been sitting quietly on the side, didn't speak. He tore off the grass beside him and made up a random number, but he didn't know what it was.

Bai Shan glanced at it and said, "This is safflower, which can activate blood and remove blood stasis."

When the herdsmen heard this, they immediately looked at the grass in Yin He's hands, and asked with bright eyes, "Master Bai, is this medicine?"

Bai Shan smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"Then can we pick it up and sell it to a trader?"


The herdsmen are worried, "Will they accept it?"

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Of course I will, and haven't you sold all of your herbs to Brother Thursday for the past two years? He will receive them."

The herdsman smiled embarrassedly and said, "That's not necessarily true. Lord Thursday is very strict. Check the herbs very carefully, and it's not allowed to mix any herbs in them."

The smile on Bai Shan's mouth froze, and he said, "Herbs are like no other, they are sold to patients, and if they are mixed with other things, not to mention the effect of the medicine, it may be poisoned, etc., so You should be careful."

The herdsman smiled embarrassedly and nodded. They didn't know it before, they thought they were all grass, and they were all eaten anyway. How much difference could there be?

Now, after seeing Zhou Man using those herbs to heal the children and people in the clan, they no longer dare to underestimate these herbs.

At this time, Man Bao also squatted in the Tutu Department and picked the herbs they picked, picked up one, and first asked Aina their names and usages, and then she told them what she knew.

She said: "Many herbs can be obtained from anywhere, but some are not available here. You have to buy them. You can't remember if I say too much, so I will only tell you the herbs for smallpox that you can find here."

But after turning around and teaching the four of them, she opened a small stove for Aina alone, "You don't have all the herbs for treating smallpox, but you do have herbs for treating basic diseases such as wind and cold."

Aina's eyes brightened instantly.

Man Bao said: "It's not necessarily according to the prescription. I just suddenly thought that I can choose one or two prescriptions based on the herbs you can find here. Do you know which herbs are there?"

The name Aina said was a little different from what Manbao knew, but after describing Manbao, she knew what herb she was talking about. She took a note and glanced at Agu Gusan, who was still trying to memorize the medicine. People, got up and said, "You guys should memorize the prescription first. When I come back, I will continue to teach you to feel the pulse. I will simulate the pulse of a smallpox patient for you."

Man Bao turned around and went to the carriage to find the herbs he had dug up during this time.

There are plants recorded after Keke's instructions, but more are the herbs she saw when she ran around on the grassland.

As long as it was an herb she knew, she couldn't help digging it when she saw it. She felt that it was brought by Keke.

So she knew that the types of herbs on the grassland were no less than Aina.

She took out the dried herbs or the herbs that were drying, took a few samples of each type, and handed them over to Zhou Liru. "Write the name of the medicine and its efficacy, and stick it to Aina."

Zhou Liru took a handful of herbs, divided them first, and placed the ones that needed to be dried on the wooden boards outside the tent to continue drying, while the others that had already been dried were brought into the tent.

Man Bao then picked up a bag of needles and went back to find the four of Dai Yi. She sat in her seat and waved her hand, "Go and call in all the men, women and children who feel your pulse."

Now, there are dedicated people in the Tutu Department who are responsible for staying in the tribe to give them their pulse. They work in the camp when they don't need it, and when they need it, they will come over to roll up their sleeves and let them feel their pulse, acting as a model for learning. .

However, this time feeling the pulse is different from the previous times, because before this time, Man Bao will have a needle.

The herdsmen who saw acupuncture and moxibustion for the first time were stunned, especially the first needle drawn by Man Bao was so long and so long...

They shivered all over and looked at Man Bao with horror on their faces.

Good night

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