Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2148 No talent

Different from the enthusiasm of the patriarch, although Gu Lu smiled towards them, both Man Bao and Bai Shan could feel his indifference and... distrust.

The herdsmen moved very fast. The tents were set up, their blankets were spread inside, and the low tables were placed to entertain guests.

Gu Lu invited them in and sat down.

Man Bao was very interested in their stationing, and the lighting in the tent was not very good, so she declined, and pointed to the slightly high hillside: "How about we sit there?"

Gu Lu looked at where she was pointing for a while and nodded slightly.

So they turned around and went up the hillside next to them. Before reaching the top of the hill, they sat cross-legged on the half-slope.

Bai Shan first looked up at the sun in the sky and felt that they could talk for a long time, so he didn't talk about seeing a doctor, but asked first, "Have many people in your tribe suffered from smallpox?"

Gu Lu said vaguely: "It's all done, the gods forgive us for our recklessness and neglect."

Man Bao, who was about to ask to take a look at the connections of people who had suffered from smallpox, paused for a moment. Her eyes fell on Gu Lu's face and she asked, "Is the medicine you take useful?"

Gu Lu said: "It's useful."

Man Bao quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She still believed that the medicine was useful. She stopped Bai Shan, asked him for a pen and paper, and wrote down the three prescriptions.

In order not to confuse them, she wrote three pieces of paper for the three prescriptions.

Gu Lu didn't expect her to be so direct, and lowered his eyes to hide the surprise in his eyes.

No matter what he thought, Man Bao took three prescriptions and said to him, "These three prescriptions can all treat smallpox, but the pulses are different, so the prescriptions used are different."

She said: "Of course, everyone's pulse is different. A good doctor will increase or decrease this according to each person's pulse, and there will be some changes, but you can also rely on the prescription."

There are many doctors in the world who are based on a few ancestral prescriptions. I heard Xiao Yuanzheng say that in some remote places, a doctor may only see one kind of disease in his life, but he can also achieve a reputation as a famous doctor, just because he can judge. A disease, and then use the symptomatic prescription.

Man Bao said: "You can learn how to detect smallpox, and then determine what kind of pulse condition the patient prefers, and then give him a prescription. Can you feel the pulse?"

Gu Lu said: "It will be a little while."

He is a witch, and he has always been in charge of treating his clan. He knows more about medical principles than other people in the clan.

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, it was much easier to teach.

She pointed to the boy behind him and said, "Then you can feel his pulse."

Gu Lu narrowed his eyes and looked at her. After a long while, he nodded with a smile. He called his apprentice in front of him. After asking some questions, he touched his pulse and said, "He is very healthy."

Man Bao:  …

Even if she doesn't feel the pulse, she knows that he is not healthy, okay?

Man Bao turned the child around, reached out to touch his pulse and asked, "Does my stomach hurt at night?"

Gu Lu helped her translate, Xiao Tong was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

Man Bao raised his eyebrows, knowing that the boy did not speak Chinese, so he asked in nonsense, "How painful? Can you roll?"

She spoke very slowly, so although the accent was a little different from theirs, Xiaotong still understood it. He glanced at the master and replied, "I can't roll, but it hurts."

Man Bao asked, "Does it hurt now?"

The kid shook his head.

Man Bao asked him to lean back, then lifted his clothes and pressed his stomach, asking, "Does it hurt?"

The kid shook his head.

"What about here?"

The child hissed and shouted, "It hurts, it hurts a little."

Gu Lu was surprised.

Man Bao motioned Gu Lu to feel his pulse again, and taught him: "His pulse is stagnant, and the most important thing is that his face is sallow, his belly is round but his face is thin, and his limbs are also thin. It looks like he is sick, how can he be healthy?"

Gulu:  …

Man Bao said: "Remember his current pulse and complexion, this is the reason for the worm in the abdomen."

Gu Lu reached out and felt his pulse, but after a long time he couldn't tell the difference.

Man Bao ordered another child to come, "Touch his pulse and compare."

Gu Lu touched it for a long time, and finally Man Bao simply let him touch one with one hand and said, "It can always be compared like this?"

However, after listening to this one, I would always ignore the other one, and Gu Lu's forehead was sweating.

Man Bao didn't expect that he couldn't even hear such an obvious pulse, and at the same time, shouldn't it be very clear?

She still didn't believe it, "Come here, go and call a few more people, why can't they come out?"

Gu Lu nodded at the little apprentice a little embarrassedly, and warned a few times, so the little apprentice ran down, and soon brought a group of people up, men and women, young and old.

Man Bao was very satisfied with this, rolled up his sleeves and said, "If you want to prescribe the right medicine, you must first be able to diagnose the illness. Only when the diagnosis is correct can the right medicine be prescribed."

She said: "In this way, even if you don't change the prescription according to the patient's pulse condition, the prescription for the same disease will always be effective, it's just how effective it is."

This Gulu knew, he nodded.

So Man Bao started to teach him to differentiate his pulse, so he had experienced smallpox, and from the twelfth lunar month of last year to the present, they had also suffered a snowstorm, and there was not much rice. Not bad.

There are also many people who have found major problems, and Man Bao taught him how to feel the pulse and diagnose the disease.

When the patriarch came over, he looked at it for a long time and saw that the witch's face was pale and his forehead was sweating, so he couldn't help but say to Man Bao, "Miss Zhou, these people are not smallpox patients, what's the use of touching their pulse?"

Man Bao said: "Now you can't find a smallpox patient and give it to me."

She said: "That's why he can only feel the pulse like this. He can feel a healthy pulse, a stagnant pulse, a rounded pulse, and determine where the person is sick, whether it is a high fever or other diseases, and then ask the patient about the process of illness, see The patient's complexion and physical condition can comprehensively determine whether the person has smallpox, general acne, or a high fever for other reasons, so that the corresponding prescription can be given."

She said, "Looking, hearing, asking, and cutting, the first three should not be difficult for the witch, if I can't remember, I can write down all the symptoms of smallpox patients, but there is no way to cut the pulse, you have to break it yourself. Pulse Disorders."

You can tell whether the complexion is sallow or ruddy, but not everyone can feel what the pulse looks like.

She felt that Gu Lu had no talent. As a witch, he couldn't even feel the pulse of his own apprentice, and he could tell by looking at his face, right?

God is pitiful to see, Gu Lu always thought that the apprentice's face was sallow because he didn't eat well, and he didn't think much about it at all.

Daji reminded: "Master, Miss Man, the sunset has appeared, we should go back.

Bai Shan also looked up at the sun, then got up with a smile and said, "This is not something that can be learned in a short time. Why don't Wu think about it tonight, and we will come back tomorrow."

See you tomorrow

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