Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2139 exhortation

Manbao's prescription listed a lot of medicines, and Zhou Liru bought them all, so the ointment he made... a little too much.

However, Man Bao originally planned to prepare more for them.

She divided the prepared ointment into jars, labeled them, and sent them to the shantang together with Bai Shan.

There are no other problems with several children, but there are many pockmarks.

The oldest of them was only nine years old, probably because of their young age, so they couldn't resist scratching when they were smallpox.

At that time, their family members could not always watch like the rich and famous.

Man Bao checked the acne marks on their faces, felt the pulse again, and distributed the ointment to them.

Three ointments, nine people, one for every three people.

She said: "I haven't used these three ointments, so I'm not sure how effective they are, but they all have the effect of removing acne scars. You guys use them first, and then I'll come back to see the effect and then adjust them."

"Don't change the ointment in the middle. I have made every one's ointment for a year."

Man Bao taught them how to use it.

Not only did they have pockmarks on their faces, but they also had a lot of acne marks on their bodies, but obviously they couldn't take care of their bodies now, so Man Bao only asked them to wipe their faces and necks.

"Wipe it first."

Bai Shan asked the steward of the shantang, and asked him to divide the nine children into two rooms according to men and women, and said, "Take care of the people in the shantang, don't let people bully them, their medicine can only be theirs. Use it, we will see the effect in a year."

He pointedly said: "Now they are the pharmacists of Zhou Imperial Physician."

Originally, they only thought that this was their kind-hearted steward, and immediately did not dare to neglect.

Since it is a medicine person, Zhou Taiyi will definitely see the medicine person taking medicine.

Seeing that he was interested, Bai Shan went to find Man Bao and a few people who had a good relationship with the children, and went back to the Governor's Mansion with them.

After yesterday, Yang Heshu became more concerned about Shantang. Knowing that Mrs. Cui was already looking for someone, he really planned to invite a husband for the children, so he smiled and shook his head.

When the master saw it, he smiled and asked, "Isn't your lord optimistic about this?"

"No, this matter is not only beneficial to Xiazhou's future, but also to those children." He said, "I was also very worried, Xiazhou does not lack land, but even if these children are fourteen points of land, they will It’s also hard to make a living off the land, let alone keep it.”

"I originally wanted to find another way for them, or send them to the working field to study with the tenant farmers for a few years, and force them to divide the fields until they are sixteen years old. At that time, the yamen can give them a one-time salary for two years to help them. Buying grain, farm implements, and building a house should be better than having nothing but a field at the age of fourteen, but…”

Yang Heshu paused and said, "The children are of different ages. All I can manage is the last few years in the tenure, at most six years. What about the remaining children after six years?"

The new official will not necessarily continue his policies.

Master thought for a while and said, "Do you want to take this opportunity to make this a shantang practice and include it in the rules of Xiazhou?"

Yang Heshu nodded, "Yes, Bai Shan's idea is very good, and there is a lot of room for manipulation."

He smiled and said, "Except for a little, it costs money."

The master thought for a while, it was indeed expensive, and now the madam has not reacted, just thought that the husband was from their own house and it was not expensive, but he did not know that for teaching, the training of the husband never accounted for the bulk.

Teaching materials have always accounted for the bulk of the expenses. Materials used by teachers, materials used by students, and food, drink and housing for so many people in the shantang are the biggest expenses.

Master: "Bai Gongzi is cheating Madam."

Yang Heshu smiled and said, "That kid thinks I'm still the same as in Luojiang County. How can he cheat Mrs. and me?"

The master smiled and said, "But the lord is really out of money now, isn't it still the wife who will pay in the end? So..."

Yang Heshu couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and in the end, he still cheated Mrs.

Yang Houye is rich, very rich, but since he gave Yang's business in Jiangnan to the emperor, Yang Houye stopped giving him money.

Yang Heshu thought about it and asked, "Has the caravan sent to Jiangnan returned?"

"No, it is estimated that we will have to wait another two months. This is the critical moment for Jiangnan to receive tea."

Yang Heshu nodded, "When they come back, the money in the house should be better."

The master wanted to sigh in his heart, when did the adults worry about money?

But it's always better to use your own money.

"So the lord decided to follow the white master's idea?"

"It's just that you spend a lot of money. Why don't you do things where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?" In Yang Heshu's view, things that can be solved with money are not difficult problems.

Get out of the public service first, and find a way to keep them profitable. If they can't, then pay for them and force them to build a profit-making cycle structure, so that things can go on forever, and eventually it will become a rule.

Bai Shan also seemed to know that he was cheating, so he used the extra two days he stayed to pull Bai Eryin or a few eloquently to write several plans for the shantang, and before leaving, he gave the plan to Mrs.

Cui was stunned when he received this, but he didn't expect Bai Shan and the others to do this.

Seeing her expression like this, Bai Shan felt a little guilty for this sister-in-law, and he said, "sister-in-law, we wrote this, you can take a look, it may be useful."

Cui only turned two pages before she stopped, and she asked, "You have written in such detail."

Even how to get children to choose what to learn is clearly written...

Bai Shan said embarrassedly: "We wrote about how to build the Imperial Physician's Office before. Shantang is even smaller than the Imperial Physician's Office. In fact, this is a little bit of experience from the establishment of the Imperial Physician's Office. Although it is troublesome at first, as long as it is done well in the first year , after forming the rules, there will be no trouble later, as long as you follow the rules."

It was the first time that Cui Shi came into contact with such a thing in her lifetime. She held it tightly and nodded to Bai Shan and the others, "Don't worry, I will take a serious look at it."

Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, this planning book is not only for Cui Shi, but also for Yang Heshu.

Shantang's business is not as small as Cui thinks, as long as a few people are selected to be sent over to be husbands, there are too many things to do, and Yang Heshu's support and help are definitely needed in the early stage.

Sure enough, after reading the plan, Cui went to the study to find Yang Heshu.

Yang Heshu saw the planning book, smiled and said, "They wrote it well, and it can be used with just a few changes."

"What to change?"

Yang Heshu took a pen and crossed out what he thought was inappropriate in the planning book, or added some details, or deleted some things...

The couple sat at the desk to discuss, and when they went to see Bai Shan off the next day, their eyes were blue.

Man Bao, who slept well and was in better spirits, looked at this and that, and said to them with a sad face: "Don't stay up late, go to bed early and get up early to be healthy, you are young now and don't know how to take care of it, and you will grow old in the future. …”

Mr. Zhuang couldn't listen anymore, he cut her words after a light cough, and said to Yang Heshu, "Sir Yang, just send it here, I don't think it's getting too early, we'll set off now."

Yang Heshu didn't want to listen to Man Bao's health-preserving scriptures either, so he nodded with a smile and sent them to the car.

Man Bao had to get in the car, but he still opened the curtain and leaned on the window and said to Yang Heshu: "Brother Yang, you look so good-looking, you must stay up late, not only will your eyes turn blue, but your face will be dark yellow, In the future, I will lose hair and become bald and gain weight..."

Yang Heshu smiled and waved, "You guys take care all the way."

Bai Shan pulled Man Bao away from the window, waved to Yang Heshu with a slap behind him, "Goodbye Brother Yang."

See you tomorrow

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