Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2137 Incentive

Man Bao turned over all the prescriptions for acne that she had seen in her mind, but there were quite a few, but the acne scars of smallpox were basically not among them.

Bai Shan frowned as soon as they saw her talking, and then walked straight forward, walking straight forward without stopping when they passed their own yard.

Crowd: ...

Liu Huan opened his mouth to scream, but Zhou Liru gave him a sideways glance, not allowing him to make a sound to frighten her aunt, and then hurriedly ran after him.

Bai Shan said to several people, "You go back first, and I'll walk with her."

He didn't let Zhou Liru follow, "You've been busy all day, so go back and rest first."

She was relieved to hand over her aunt to her uncle Zhou Liru, she nodded, turned around and went back to the yard.

Bai Shan went forward beside Man Bao, and seeing that she knew how to turn along the road, he simply took her hand and led the way.

The two walked towards the garden, and they simply walked around the garden.

When Man Bao came back to his senses, they had walked around the garden twice, Bai Shan shook her hand and asked, "How is it, have you thought of a way?"

Man Bao said: "There is no good way, but it should be possible to try medication to relieve symptoms."

She decided to go back to Mr. Mo to study it.

Because of the smallpox epidemic in Xiazhou, Mr. Mo recently took a lot of time to study smallpox. For this reason, he found a lot of smallpox-related prescriptions. Naturally, there are also prescriptions for acne.

He said: "It's better to use direct photon peeling. The acne scars formed by smallpox are uneven, and the color is uneven. If you only apply medicine and take medicine, I can't think of a good way."

He has seen the acne scars left by Zhou Man's photo of smallpox. It's just normal. Seriously, even in his era, he can only change his entire face. If he only relies on drugs...

Mr. Mo touched his chin and thought, "I heard that there is a biological research laboratory in the Second Union School that is studying the technology of worm skin peeling. Maybe that one can give it a try."

Man Bao asked curiously, "What is a worm?"

"A cultivated granule organism that devours the skin, but the reacted mucus can also promote skin growth and speed up metabolism. It is said that it is safer and more effective than photon skin resurfacing technology, so someone is doing this research recently."

Man Bao was stunned when he heard it. Converted to a technology that he could understand, it was a kind of bug that would gnaw a person's face and secrete something to speed up the growth of the skin...

She shuddered and asked, " can you be sure that the skin that has been gnawed will grow out of your own satisfaction?"

Across the light curtain, Teacher Mo looked up at Zhou Man and smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter what human skin looks like, because flesh and blood grows along the bones, so as long as your bones don't change, the flesh that grows will grow out of it. It's you, but because it's a newborn, it's as smooth and flawless as a newborn."

Man Bao reached out and touched the little red spot on her nose. She went to two appointments in addition to seeing a doctor in the past two days. She ate lamb, which might be a little dry, so this morning, a pimple appeared on her nose. smallpox.

If you use worms...

Teacher Mo also saw it and said, "Your newly grown face will be more tender and clean than it is now, but..."

"But what?"

"However, the safety of this has not yet been determined. It takes at least three years for a new technology to be tested from development to application. I haven't heard that it can be used yet." Teacher Mo said slowly: "Also, yes, this is true. I can't give you something cultivated, and there shouldn't be any transactions in the encyclopedia and the mall."

"Ten thousand steps back and said that it can be traded. Can you afford the technology tax?"

Man Bao's boiling heart fell back and asked, "Mr. Mo, you better give me a prescription and teach me some treatments that I can use."

Teacher Mo said: "I don't have any patients, but I can use the case data you gave to conduct research. I'm not sure what the effect will be."

Man Bao immediately said: "We can first select a few prescriptions to try, and the children in the shantang should try it."

Teacher Mo nodded after thinking about it, "Yes."

After saying this, Teacher Mo asked, "How far are you from where the meteorite fell?"

Man Bao said, "It's still a long way off, we've only walked one-tenth of the distance."

Teacher Mo frowned, "Your world is that big?"

Man Bao nodded, "Very big."

Keke couldn't help but quietly complained about the data. It's a big surprise. It's not as big as their planet, not to mention it's only a corner of the planet. It's obviously because the transportation is behind, and they're going too slowly.

But slowness also has the advantage of being slow. Recently, Keke has included several things, in addition to plants, there are also bugs that Man Bao and the two climbed to catch on trees. The harvest is not bad so far.

It's just that the reward points are not too many except for the mountain, ranging from dozens to two or three hundred.

There are a little more Shankang, but only more than 1,800.

Man Bao is quite satisfied with this, and if there is any excess, he will hang it on the forum to sell.

In the forum, because people from all over the world generally know that she is young, sometimes people who see her things hang up for a long time and no one buys them, and some people pay to buy them, just to make her happy.

Anyway, there are not many points, and it is very interesting to talk to this little girl.

After all, it is still a cub, and it should be taken care of as an adult.

Since knowing that Zhou Man was going to start collecting meteorites, Mr. Mo has paid more attention to Zhou Man, and the Alliance and the Encyclopedia have been asking about the progress of this matter every now and then.

Not only Mr. Mo, but Keke has been paid more attention.

And because Keke is a subsystem of the encyclopedia, the alliance and the encyclopedia prefer to ask directly on the program.

This has caused Keke to be very honest recently. Well, Man Bao is also very honest.

Teacher Mo encouraged Man Bao and told her about the current research progress of rice seeds, "The secondary seeds you gave have been improved, and the seeds you gave before are the improved fifth-generation seeds. Dr. D is very confident in this, and there should be no problems like the previous one, have you planted it?"

Man Bao nodded, "I asked my eldest brother to plant them. Didn't I give you some soil and water to simulate my environment?"

"That can only simulate a small environment, not a large environment," said Mr. Mo, "I estimate that to stabilize the rice seeds, we need to study for at least three years. This is because we can do it all year round. Experiment, in your world, I'm afraid it won't last for twelve years."

Teacher Mo said so much to motivate her, "but if the money is in place, the speed should be faster."

Thinking of the bad weather this year, Man Bao asked curiously, "How much faster?"

"It should be a year sooner."

See you at 6 pm

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