Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2134 follow-up

The six did not see Yang Heshu until the sunset, so a group of people gathered together for a dinner and learned about the situation in Xiazhou.

The situation in Xiazhou is much better now. Before Yang Heshu returned to Xiazhou with the supplies aided by the court, he had to leave Xiazhou because of various rumors.

Before, the resentment of the smallpox epidemic was mainly concentrated on the Niu family and Yang Heshu.

The reason for the Niu family goes without saying, but Yang Heshu and the local people in Xiazhou believed that if it wasn't for Yang Heshu's closure of the city, so many people would not have died in Xiazhou.

If they could go south or east to seek medical treatment, they would have at least half their lives.

Even if they know that the closure of the city can be the most effective way to prevent the spread of smallpox, but it really involves the lives of themselves and their relatives, how many people can agree with the closure of the city without regret?

Yang Heshu naturally knew that this was indisputable, and he did not argue, but after he left Xiazhou with the officials of Dali Temple, the rumors in the city slowly changed direction.

Cui moved to Zhuangzi outside the city to live, but she did not do anything. Yang Heshu only brought one Wantian into Beijing, and the others, including her master, were left to her.

The people of Xiazhou began to remember that Yang Heshu had always been on the front line in order to save people. Smallpox patients were all isolated, and even their family members had abandoned them and were unwilling to take care of them in the hospital shed.

But Mr. Yang basically went to the hospital once a day, and sometimes went to comfort the patients himself. It can be said that he did not care about his own safety.

Moreover, Lord Yang's wife was also infected with smallpox, and she was also not sent out of the city. Although some people thought that Yang Heshu's actions were too cruel, most people were moved by his selflessness.

At least, Mrs. Yang, like them, did not go out of the city, and did not treat her specially because she was the county magistrate's wife.

In addition, Lord Yang has always worked hard to get food, medicinal materials and money from the imperial court. Not to mention the rich people who are sick this time, at least the vast majority of ordinary people use medicine for treatment. .

When everyone is cured, they can turn around and leave without paying a penny.

Of course, if it is not cured, it will be directly lifted and burned, without even the bones.

Because of these remarks, Yang Heshu's image finally turned around slowly, and the people in the city felt less resentment towards him.

Ordinary people, in particular, turned to resentment against the Niu family before long, and they were more grateful and sympathetic to Yang Heshu.

As for the local gentry and wealthy businessmen, Cui Shi and Shi Ye thought about it for a few days and still obeyed Yang Heshu's suggestion. It was revealed that Yang Heshu was going to be transferred back to the capital, and that Niu Shishi might have to commit crimes and be demoted to the magistrate of Shuofang County.

As soon as this news came out, not only ordinary people, but even the gentlemen who had been resenting Yang Heshu wholeheartedly couldn't help smashing the cups.

It's impossible to say that they don't hate the Niu family. If it wasn't for Niu Kang, they wouldn't have contracted this damn disease.

It's just that after the disease came out, Yang Heshu ran at the forefront, blocking the way for most people to survive, so everyone hated him so much.

but now……

The Niu family still wants to stay in Xiazhou City.

Ordinary people don't think much about it, they just feel that Niu Shishi is not worthy of being an official.

But what the gentry and wealthy businessmen thought was that if the Niu family stayed in Xiazhou City, they didn't know how many disasters would happen in the future.

Moreover, this time they not only hated Yang and Shu, but also resented the Niu family. After the outbreak, they also robbed the doctors, medicinal materials, and food that were to be sent to the Niu family.

There was even a landlord who, after the death of his only son, couldn't hold back his people and poured dung on the door of the cattle house. It can be said that he offended people to the death.

The Niu family is still an official in Xiazhou City, are they still alive?

So when the capital had not yet been judged, Xiazhou was in full swing.

Later, Niu Shishi was exiled, and so many assets were confiscated from his family, so there was a reason for the anger of the common people.

Otherwise, Niu Shishi would be dereliction of duty at most. According to the laws of the Great Jin Dynasty, he would be dismissed from office at most and go home.

Court laws have always been more lenient towards officials.

Yang Heshu deliberately stayed in the capital for a while longer, not only to ask for assistance from the imperial court, but also to calm the people of Xiazhou and finish these follow-ups.

When he was in Xiazhou, the conflict would only focus on him.

When he wasn't there, Mrs. Cui moved to Zhuangzi outside the city and stayed out of the house, showing people that they were weak, not to mention that they were still manned, but they didn't do it. With the world's sympathy for the weak, they will eventually be turned away from hatred. .

Yang Heshu didn't leave until Dali Temple made a judgment, and Niu Kang set off from the capital to go back to Xiazhou.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned to Xiazhou, he heard that Niu Kang was beaten with a sack after returning to Xiazhou, and within three days, the Niu family moved out of Xiazhou City.

Because after they moved out of the governor's mansion, they lived in a different courtyard of their own, that is, the other courtyard was thrown into it all day long.

Not only did some people splash feces and smear dirty things on the walls, but some people also threw some old clothes into the yard and smeared some yellow juice on them.

Of course, the county government finally checked that it was not smallpox pox. All the clothes and quilts during the smallpox period were thoroughly cleaned or burned. Except for Manbao who collected a lot of things, how many other people were there? How far to hide, how can you stay?

Anyway, when Yang Heshu returned to Xiazhou, the most intense emotions of the local people had passed. Not only ordinary people, but even those gentry felt that if they really wanted to hand over the city of Xiazhou to Niu Shishi, it would be better to leave it to Yang Heshu.

At least Yang Heshu won't avenge his personal revenge publicly, and with him taking care of Xiazhou, Xiazhou City should slowly improve in the next two years, right?

But all things are left to be done, and now Yang Heshu is also very busy.

"No matter what they think in their hearts now, we are still very friendly on the face, and my words are still effective," Yang Heshu and Manbao Bai Shan said: "However, for the current interests, we will definitely not have too much affection, so if you go to Go up the grassland and try to avoid accidents, otherwise the only person I can ask for is General Gong."

Man Bao said: "It's enough to have General Gong, the military power is in hand, it is equivalent to the entire Xiazhou under your control, what are you afraid of?"

The kid is as direct as ever.

Yang Heshu smiled and asked, "Which patients do you want to examine?"

"Let's make three batches. Sister-in-law and the others, the common people, the group that uses the medicines that are not very good, and the people in the military camp. I want to give them a consultation."

Cui's and the others are easy to say, just post a few posts, and the patients who were treated by Manbao in other hospitals will come to the door on their own initiative.

Yang Heshu thought for a while and said, "I'll transfer the list from the county government office, and directly ask Li Zheng to notify someone to go to the county government office to see a doctor, otherwise it will spread out, and I'm afraid too many people will come."

Man Bao nodded, "The family is a little better, the family is average, and the family is poor."

Yang Heshu expressed his understanding.

Discharged this morning, so late, the next chapter is around 6 pm

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