Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2124 sneak away

She immediately turned to look at her mother.

Qian looked at her tenderly, reached out and touched her head and said, "Just take what your father gave you, you can go at ease, and leave the family affairs to your brothers. Don't worry if your dad is watching it himself."

Man Bao smiled and said, "I'm not worried."

She looked at Zhou Lizhong, who was on the side, and urged, "The seeds I give you should be planted well, and the data of the experimental field should be memorized. If you lose, you will lose. Don't feel bad."

Zhou Li replied, "You can rest assured, little aunt. This year, we will free up five acres from the working field to use as a test field, so we won't fool the past."

Listening to their endless chattering, Chuu Lang couldn't help but say, "Let's go, the sun is about to hit the top of your head."

Xiao Qian was also afraid that they would not be able to catch up with the hostel, so he quickly pulled Man Bao and said, "Let's go, and let someone write a letter to the house when you get there."

"Sister-in-law, that place is far away. It will take two or three months for the light letter to be sent back. If you really arrive at the place, you might as well find a way to get back by yourself. Maybe it will be faster than sending the letter."

Xiao Qian couldn't help but mutter: "This is too far."

Man Bao was surrounded by the crowd and got into the car. He lifted the curtain and said to Zhou Lijun, "I can't attend your wedding. I'll make up a gift for you later."

Zhou Lijun nodded, but was talking to Zhou Liru behind Man Bao, "Take care of my aunt."

Zhou Liru nodded with excitement on his face, "Second sister, don't worry."

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also got into the carriage and said goodbye to everyone.

When the six sisters of the Yin family saw it, they couldn't help crying while holding Yin Or's hand.

Yin Or did not smoke after several times, so he might as well turn his head to look at his father.

Yin Li said with a sullen face: "Okay, let him get in the car."

The Yin sisters were reluctant to part, but they had to let go under their father's gaze, and could only look at Yin or get into the car with tears in their eyes.

The convoy finally set off, everyone in the convoy breathed a sigh of relief, and when the carriage was far away, Man Bao lifted the curtain and looked back, making sure that he couldn’t see the person who was seeing off, and immediately opened the curtain and went out, “Daji, I Ride a horse!"

Bai Shan shouted in another car: "I want too!"

Bai Erlang: "Together, together."

So the three of them changed their horses, and after a while they ran to the front of Yin Or's car, "Yin Or, do you want to learn to ride a horse?"

Yin He lifted the curtain of the car and glanced at the dust blowing in the wind, then shook his head and refused, "You can ride, I'll just watch it."

Man Bao: "Then let's go to the front first, and-"

Yin Or smiled and lowered the curtain, hugged the stove in his arms, and closed his eyes with his hands in his sleeves.

Changshou waited in the car and started to make tea with the stove, "Master, can Master Liu come out?"

Yin He said: "He didn't come to see him off this morning, he should have run out."

Man Bao and the others ran for a while, and when they felt in a good mood, they got off the horse and got out of the carriage. The three of them sat in a car. They were also discussing, "Did Liu Huan escape?"

Bai Shan said: "I saw him this morning, and I squeezed our eyes and ran away. I don't know if he ran out."

Man Bao said: "There are so many people, they have no intentions, they must have run away, I don't know if the Liu family will come after them. After all, they are going to the Western Regions."

Moreover, they didn't hurry this time, they walked slowly, and stopped to rest when they met the inn.

Bai Shan smiled and said, "I'll know in two days."

When the convoy stopped at Yongzhou Station, Liu Huan came out with a message from his servant, and laughed loudly: "I ran out!"

Bai Shan couldn't help laughing and said, "It's too early to say this, let's see if someone comes after you the day after tomorrow."

Liu Huan shuddered and said quickly, "Can't you hide from me? With so many people in the convoy, it's not difficult to hide one of me."

Bai Shan glanced at him and said, "Zang? Are you trying to kill your family?"

Yin Or helped Chang Changshou's hand to get out of the car and said to him, "Not only will he not hide you, I think the person who sent the letter to your home is already in your home now."

Liu Huan was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Bai Shandao: "It means literally, you can run away from home for half a day or a day, but you can't stay overnight, otherwise good people will be rushed into bad people. I left a letter to my family and said that at noon It was delivered to your home."

Bai Shan looked up at the sun and said to him, "Well, I guess I just went out to your house now. Your grandparents should know about it soon."

Liu Huan couldn't help shouting, "You, you, you bad guy!"

Man Baoyu patted his shoulder earnestly and said: "This is all for your own good, Liu Shangshu has only two attitudes towards this matter, either agree with you to go, send someone to bring you additional things, and scold you by the way; or Send someone to take you back and beat you up."

"But beating people is also important. We will take the initiative to send a letter to your grandfather and take the initiative to confess. Then Liu Shangshu's anger is only so small," Man Bao pinched a little finger, and then drew a circle: "But, you I didn't leave a word, I said to see you off, but I didn't come back at night. Your grandparents searched the capital all night and couldn't find it. Finally, I guessed that you ran away with us by virtue of your own ingenuity. Is your grandfather so angry? ?"

Liu Huan glanced at the circle she gestured, and said with a trembling, "It will only be bigger."

Man Bao: "We're not marching in a hurry. If he wants to arrest him, he will be arrested if you go to the ends of the earth. Do we want to know for your sake?"

Liu Huan was actually persuaded by her and nodded, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. After a while, he asked, "Then why don't you persuade me to stay at home?"

Man Bao said, "We persuaded us."

Liu Huan: "When did you persuade?"

Bai Erlang said: "Why didn't we persuade us? We all said that it is very hard to go to the Western Regions, you may not be able to eat white rice, you may encounter sandstorms, and you may encounter horse bandits and so on. Don't you insist on following us? together?"

Liu Huan: "...Is this your advice?"

The three Bai Shan nodded together.

Yin He smiled and said, "The food is ready at the inn, let's go in and eat."

The four of them remembered that they had been standing at the door talking, Mr. Zhuang and the two pedestrians from Honglu Temple had already entered and sat down.

Seeing Zhou Man coming in, the two immediately got up and saluted, and they were about to make room for them. Mr. Zhuang smiled at the two of them: "You two don't need to be polite to them, let them sit together, we will not interfere with the children's affairs. ."

The two passersby felt that this gentleman and this gentleman were also very unique. His apprentices were clearly abducting Liu Shangshu's grandson on purpose. Regardless of whether he said it, he still had the tendency to add fuel to the flames.

The five Man Bao entered and saluted Mr. Zhuang before they sat down for lunch.

Most of these people travel with public funds, not the kind that pay first and then reimburse, but the kind that directly stay at the inn for free and eat for free.

I'll be here tonight. I won't be so busy tomorrow. I should be able to update the last chapter at noon. Good night

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