Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2103 Request

In spring, there are few vegetables and a lot of meat, but the price of meat has risen a bit recently.

As soon as the meat was pulled home, Xiao Qian's family asked Zhou Dalang's brothers to chop the meat, and then distributed some to the Bai family's side, and the rest was either steamed or marinated.

She also cut a few pieces of very good pork and hung it in the kitchen to smoke it. The family likes to eat bacon, and it is easy to bring it when going out.

Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang ate to their heart's content, and even Bai Dalang couldn't help but bring his daughter-in-law and son back to live, and after two days of eating, they moved back to Changqing Lane.

After Man Bao finished eating, she brought two pots into the palace and distributed them directly to the colleagues in the Tai Hospital. Then she took some in a bowl and sent them to Xiao Yuanzheng, and asked him with a smile, "Xiao Yuanzheng, about the pox vaccination. Have you spoken to Your Majesty?"

Xiao Yuan stretched out his hand to take the bowl, put it in front of him and opened his own food box for lunch, saying: "Speaking of which, His Majesty has approved it, we are lucky, there are three prisoners who have been beheaded by the Ministry of Punishment, and they are exempted. They all agreed to change from beheading to hanging."

He said, "However, it has not yet been decided where the person will be placed. It cannot be in the Heavenly Prison of the Punishment Department, or even in the capital."

Man Bao pondered: "It's better to be an independent little Zhuangzi, and empty the people inside. Except for us, everyone is only outside, and their lives are governed by their own self-discipline."

She said: "They have healthy limbs. If they are only infected with smallpox, they should be able to take care of each other when we stagger the time."

Xiao Yuan is nodding, "If you can find someone who has had acne, it would be best to take care of them."

He paused and then said: "Before the capital has statistics, there are records from the county government, but they are not willing to do so."

At that time, the situation in the capital was special. Many people were recruited forcibly, and then they were sent home after receiving the money. This time, it was an experiment at the Taiyuan Hospital, so it was obvious that they could no longer be recruited.

After thinking about it, Man Bao said, "I'll ask the magistrate Tang."

The next day, when Man Bao went to the Imperial Physician's Office for class, he wrote a letter to the magistrate of Tang, asking the officer from the Imperial Physician's Office to send it to the Chang'an County Yap.

In fact, she thought that the magistrate Tang would reply to her with a letter. Who knew that the magistrate Tang would personally find the Imperial Physician's Office at noon.

"Are you going to experiment with the vaccination method?"

Man Bao nodded, "Let's try human pox first. If it is as effective as the rumors say, then we will find a safer method for cow pox."

Tang county magistrate lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "Alright, I'll go find someone for you."

There were records of people who had acne before, as well as the people who were cured of smallpox this time, and no one could find them easier than him.

The magistrate Tang asked, "How much is the salary?"

This Man Bao really doesn't know.

She paused and said: "This is a dangerous thing, even if they have acne, they will not be able to go out to meet relatives and friends for a long time, and the psychological pressure is also great, I will tell Xiao Yuanzheng to give as much as possible. Some, what is the average salary now?"

Tang county magistrate said: "The people in the city are between 600 and 800 wen."

Man Bao pondered, "Then give them nine hundred wen a month, or a thousand wen?"

"Okay," Tang County Magistrate stood up and said, "Let's talk with Xiaoyuan, try to improve as much as possible. You also said that taking care of smallpox patients, especially death row inmates, they are definitely not willing, and I'd like to pay a higher price. Find someone for you."

Man Bao hurriedly warned: "It's best to be an adult man, honest and obedient, or a strong old woman."

Tang county magistrate said there was no problem, he took two steps outside before he remembered it, and turned to look at her, "Manbao, so is there really a way to inoculate acne in this world?"

Man Bao said: "Am I the kind of person who is liar? Of course there are."

The magistrate Tang couldn't help but sighed about her good luck, "It seems that God really loves you only. You want to go to the Western Regions to study, but there is a vaccine method."

Man Bao just smiled.

Tang magistrate went back to find someone, while Man Bao went back to Xiao Yuan to ask for money.

At this point, going to Xiao Yuanzheng is quite generous, he said: "I will ask the Ministry of Household for money when I look back. Since the Ministry of Punishment has agreed, then this matter will be done. I thought about it all night and finally found it. There are three places. One is Chang'an County or Wannian County, where a few houses are built to guard people; the other is the mountain temple outside the city. It will put people in the temple for the time being, it is spring now, and many prisoners will not be escorted into Beijing until the spring and autumn, so now the temple is empty, and the access control inside is still strict, I think it can be used."

"The other is to ask your Majesty for a few rooms in Huangzhuang," he said. "The first one costs money, and Chang'an County and Wannian County may not agree to it, but they are small officials and must be the Ministry of Punishment. Bully them with His Majesty; the second rule is the easiest and most convenient to hold now, but it is more difficult to clean up afterwards. You also know that smallpox survives for a long time, so I am afraid that they will miss it when they live in it, and then Xia Qiu will live in it. The prisoners will take the smallpox out, and the other two places, after the big deal is used up, the house will be demolished, and everything will be set on fire."

"The third rule is that it's convenient, saves money, and can be cleaned up afterwards. As I said, if it's hard to burn it, it's not hard to seal it up if you don't burn it."

Anyway, Huangzhuang is so big, as long as it is said that there is smallpox in it, he will not dare to enter even if he has ten courage.

Man Bao rubbed his chin and thought, thinking that what she lacked most at the moment was time, she had to finalize the decision to go to the Western Regions before Anxi's letter came back, so she said, "Let's choose Shanshen Temple or Huangzhuang, Please discuss with the Ministry of Punishment first, if not, I will go to His Majesty."

Xiao Yuanzheng raised his eyebrows, and responded with a smile after a while. When she left, she looked at her back and shook her head and laughed, "You're still young, and you're too motivated. How can you be impatient with such a thing?

That being said, Xiao Yuanzheng still went to the Ministry of Punishment to communicate.

Of course, the Ministry of Punishment did not agree. Just as Xiao Yuan was thinking about it, it would be nice to lend it out for a while, but what if the Ministry of Punishment used it to actually get smallpox?

Not to mention the patients, the yamen of their punishment department also cherished their lives, okay?

So they refused, no matter what Xiao Yuanzheng said.

So Man Bao went to ask the emperor for the Ping An pulse the next day. After getting the emperor's Ping An pulse, she also took the opportunity to ask the queen for a pulse. Finally, she happily returned to the Tai Hospital and said to Xiao Yuanzheng, "It's still the empress. Reasonable."

Xiao Yuanzheng knew that this matter was inseparable.

The emperor and the queen had dinner together in the evening, and when he heard the queen's words, he couldn't help blowing his nose and said, "I didn't say no, but I saw that she was so anxious to stop her, so as not to make mistakes, why did she find you here? ?"

see you at nine

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