Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2094 Transaction

The winter in Xiazhou is too cold, and it is a big New Year's Eve, and there are no adults watching, so they naturally won't keep watch all night, so after talking, everyone goes back to their rooms after the fire is finished.

The three of Bai Shan and the others lived in the county office early, so not only was the house near, but the yard was also near. When they were far away, the three of them muttered in a low voice, "I knew you were not at ease. Is that kind of acne method reliable?"

Man Bao said: "I'm researching, it will definitely be reliable." And Teacher Mo, he has recently found a lot of smallpox prescriptions for her, although they are not very useful.

Bai Shan said in a low voice, "Don't talk too much, just leak some of it with Imperial Physician Lu. After returning to the capital, find someone to try the pox method. By the way, have you collected the pox scabs?"

"Don't worry, I'm sealing it up, so it won't leak." She kept a lot of it in the space, and she could just go back to the capital and take out a small bottle.

Man Bao planned what to say when facing Imperial Doctor Lu. The next day, he slept in and went to the next yard to find Imperial Doctor Lu with confidence.

Imperial Physician Zheng had just taken a shower, and when he saw Zhou Man, he said hello without hesitation, "Why is Imperial Physician Zhou so early?"

Man Bao looked up at the position of the sun. It was the first day of the new year. The sun was shining brightly. She thought she was late enough, but were they later than her?

Man Bao looked puzzled. In the old Zhou family, only children would sleep in late. In her memory, from her parents to the second and third brothers, they all got up early.

Well, her fourth brother and below are not included.

Man Bao looked around and asked, "Where's Imperial Physician Lu?"

Imperial Physician Zheng pointed to the room next to him and said, "I haven't woken up yet. What are you looking for? Isn't the other hospital already on duty?"

"It's not about the other hospital," Man Bao hesitated for a while, not bothering Imperial Doctor Lu to sleep late, "When Imperial Doctor Lu wakes up, tell him that I have something to do with him, and I'll go to the study in front of the county government to do some work. ."

Imperial Physician Zheng: "... Imperial Physician Zhou, today is the first day of the new year."

Man Bao: "So what?"

Doctor Zheng: "Aren't you going to take a break?"

Man Bao said: "This is neither at home nor in the capital, there is not even a shop outside, neither family members nor going out to play, how can you rest?"

Doctor Zheng: ...isn't it fragrant to sleep?

But to Zhou Man's gaze, he still swallowed this sentence, forget it, he can't teach young people bad, he should be a little more aggressive at such an age.

He was already awake, but Imperial Physician Lu, who just didn't want to get up, still couldn't sleep for long. As soon as Zhou Man walked away, Imperial Physician Zheng knocked on his door.

You can't even pretend to be awake.

Imperial Physician Lu murmured and got up, "On the first day of the new year, even if it's an external business, you can't be so tossing people, right? Is there anything I can't talk about in the afternoon?"

Imperial Physician Zheng smiled and said, "I heard that Imperial Physician Zhou and Young Master Bai are collating data, probably for the sake of writing a book."

Not only did Yang Heshu want to report the number of deaths and the number of cures from the epidemic, but they also asked the Taiyuan Hospital to submit a report, and even only focused on this aspect, focusing on prevention and treatment.

Imperial Physician Lu was the chief officer of the foreign mission this time, and he should have written this book, but...

He doesn't have much experience in writing essays. In the past, Xiao Yuanzheng and Imperial Physician Liu, and even Zhou Manshang had more essays than him.

So Imperial Physician Lu thought about it, and went to the front to find Zhou Man.

Zhou Man was looking for him, but it wasn't about the zhezi, but about the acne.

Imperial Physician Lu frowned, "Vaccination? The risk is too great. What if it can't be controlled and it becomes another epidemic?"

Man Bao nodded and said, "That's why I want to study in the Western Regions. If I can learn this technique, and all the people of Dajin have acne when they are young, how many people can survive the smallpox disease in the future?"

Imperial Physician Lu pondered and asked after a while, "So you are going to the Western Regions?"

Man Bao nodded, "Doctor Lu, do you think this method is feasible?"

Imperial Physician Lu pondered, "It's not impossible, but you really have to go to the Western Regions for this?"

Man Bao looked at the sky outside the door forty-five degrees and said, "If you can learn this method, it will be a matter of merit."

Imperial Physician Lu nodded, "Indeed."

Seeing that he didn't seem to object, Man Bao said, "Then I wrote the book?"

It was only then that Imperial Physician Lu remembered, and asked: "By the way, it's time for our Imperial Hospital to write a book, ahem, I heard that you have already calculated all the data?"

Man Bao nodded, "Do you want Imperial Physician Lu? I'll ask Bai Shan a copy for you later."

Imperial Physician Lu sighed and said, "I have been running around for the past two months, and this old man feels that his eyes are becoming more and more difficult to use. Now let alone writing, even reading his own pulse case is exhausting."

is that so?

Man Bao looked at Imperial Physician Lu suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then I wrote it for you?"

Imperial Physician Lu smiled and nodded: "Then I will trouble Imperial Physician Zhou. You can do more work if you are able. When you write your own essay, help me write it along the way, and I will just copy it when I come back."

Man Bao counted the time and found that she had nothing to do recently, so she nodded.

It's just that she also put forward conditions, "Then I will also mention the method of vaccinating pox in the booklet. When the time comes, Imperial Physician Lu remember to help me and His Majesty make a guarantee."

This method, which has not yet been determined to be effective, did not want to be praised by Taiyi Lu, but Zhou Mangang agreed to help him write a book, and Taiyi Lu could only reluctantly nodded and agreed.

So the two sides negotiated the terms and dispersed.

Man Bao went to the office next door to find Bai Shan.

Feng Zongping and most of the students in the Imperial College are here. They are still sorting documents and files. As Zhou Man said, this is neither a home nor a lively market outside. It is not interesting to go out, so it is better to stay in the office. work.

Seeing her coming, Bai Shan gave her a copy of the data and said, "What you want."

Feng Zongping, who was on the side, smiled and said, "Lord Zhou Xiao, I still have the expenditure data of each county after the epidemic prevention, do you want it?"

Zhou Man immediately said: "Yes, bring it."

Feng Zongping didn't expect that she really wanted it, so he was stunned for a while, and then he found a document in a pile of official documents, and asked with a smile, "What do you want this for?"

After Man Bao took it, he said, "Take it back to the Imperial Physician's Office and keep it there. Maybe it will be useful for teaching students in the future."

The student of the Imperial College on the side touched his chin and said, "In terms of epidemic prevention, it is justifiable for the Taiyuan Hospital and the Taiyuan Medical Office to do it."

Bai Shandao: "There are few people in the imperial hospital, and the Imperial Physician Office has not been set up yet. Even if it is set up, there will not be too many people in the local area, so in the future epidemic prevention will still have to come from the county government, but the Imperial Physician Office should take care of it. responsibility."

The others nodded and asked Zhou Man, "Does the Imperial Physician's Office have this rule?"

Man Bao said: "Of course, there is this rule in the Imperial Hospital. The Imperial Medical Office follows it, and everything will come from the Imperial Hospital."

Everyone will understand, so this data is really useful for Zhou Man.

Others also found it, "We also have some data here..."

See you tomorrow?

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