Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2088 Origin

After the new year, there are only a few people who get sick every day. There are cured people going out every day in the medical shed. Yang and Shu have less people to read, and the other hospital is about to be emptied. All the patients were moved to other hospitals.

Man Bao stopped taking care of the other hospitals and concentrated on taking care of the remaining patients in the military camp. When they recovered one after another, New Year's Eve was approaching.

It is impossible to think about going back to Beijing for the New Year.

Man Bao held a hand stove, and was greeted by Yingyue before she got off the carriage. She said with a smile: "Bai Gongzi and the others are here, just wait for Miss Man."

Man Bao shrank his neck and said, "Xiazhou is really cold, much colder than the capital. Fortunately, there are many medicinal herbs sent to treat wind-cold, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble."

Sitting by the fire, Yang Heshu, who was somewhat drowsy, heard these words vaguely, raised his head just to see her coming in wearing a cloak, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I would like to thank you for thinking carefully, and preparing the herbs ahead of time. Prepare these."

This time it was a private banquet. Zhou Man just came out of the barracks, and it was a celebration for her, except for some unrecovered smallpox patients in the other hospital.

The yamen has been cleaning and checking the streets for the past two days, and no new smallpox patients have been found.

In addition to Zhou Man, he only invited Bai Shan, Bai Er and Yin Or, and General Gong Shao.

He said: "General Gong should be here soon. He said that he would like to thank you very well. The mortality rate of smallpox in the army is lower than outside. The hospital shed you are responsible for also has the lowest mortality rate."

Man Bao had been deprived of sleep for two months in a row, and she just wanted to sleep at this time. She sat by the fire with her hand in her arms, without even taking off her cloak, and asked, "Is the data out?"

"Not yet," answered Bai Shan, who said, "It's still in the statistics, but everyone we can find has been recorded, and it will take a few more days to know the exact number. But only Xiazhou City and its subordinates, the total number should not be less than 6,000, with more than 2,000 dead."

He paused and said, "In the beginning, the spread was too wide, the city was okay, and some villages were closed. When we looked for it, there were no one out of ten."

Man Bao was a little sad, and Yang Heshu felt even more pain in his heart. There are four counties in Xiazhou City, of which Guo County, under his jurisdiction, was the worst hit.

Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "But I found out that Shuofang County is not the one with the highest death rate. Of the six thousand infected people in Xiazhou, at least four thousand are in Xiazhou City, but the death toll in Xiazhou City is only 750. Eight people, I inspected the village, and the total number of deaths should not exceed two hundred."

Shuofang County is Guo County in Xiazhou City, and Yang Heshu is the magistrate of Shuofang County.

In other words, outside of Shuofang County, less than 2,000 patients died and more than 1,000 died.

This is more than 50% of the mortality rate. It was worth it at the beginning. Later, the prescription of the Taiyuan Hospital spread and the cure rate increased. It should not be like this.

Yang Heshu sat up straight.

The room was silent for a while, and Yin or faintly said: "Smallpox and clan annihilation are possible, but the death rate is only about 50%, the court should be satisfied, I think they will not be too sad, It's not that 80% or 90% of the people died."

Bai Erlang was so shocked that he was speechless, and it took a while to find his own voice, "Then, that's it?"

Bai Shan said rationally: "If you really want to ask the guilt, the first person to ask should be Brother Yang. Smallpox started in Shuofang County."

The fists in Yang Heshu's sleeves tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, and Mr. Cui, who had brought the ingredients, looked at him worriedly.

Bai Shan stretched out his hand to take the plate with the meat, and Man Bao also looked up at Mrs. Cui, squeezed out a smile and asked, "How's your sister-in-law doing recently?"

Cui said with a smile, "I'm fine, I'm very careful, so those pimples didn't leave any traces."

Man Bao nodded.

Bai Shan placed the price of the sliced ​​meat on the iron plate, the meat made a sizzling sound, and the smell of the meat pulled everyone's thoughts back. He asked Yang Heshu, "Did Xuexiong Yang write a confession?"

Yang Heshu nodded, "The portion from Shuofang County is already on the way, and it should arrive in the capital in two days, but the portion from Xiazhou City will have to wait for you to figure out the numbers."

Bai Shan said: "My classmates and I will speed up the pace, but it is impossible to complete it before the year before."

"Yeah, this year is destined to be an uneven year." Yang Heshu glanced out and said, "The house arrest has been lifted from the governor's house, and after the New Year, I will go back to Beijing to fight with him, and you should go back to Beijing together. ?"

He put the prefect under house arrest, which obviously can't be counted as such;

And Niu Shishi won't do that either. They must have a lawsuit to fight in front of the imperial court. In addition to the situation in Xiazhou City, they also need to do the right thing in front of the imperial court.

Bai Shan looked at Man Bao.

After thinking about it, Man Bao nodded, "There are not many patients in the other hospital now, and they should have results in a few days. As long as there are no new patients, we can go back."

Yin He has always been a little puzzled, "Why did Brother Yang put Niu Shishi under house arrest?"

Yang Heshu had an indescribable look on his face, saying that people are right and wrong behind his back is not the true character of a gentleman.

"Because he's stupid!" Major General Gong strode in from the outside, took off his cloak and threw it to his servants, waved to the people who were about to stand up and salute, sat down on the stool by the fire, and said to Yang Heshu, "You Just go back to Beijing, my father has promised that he will speak for you in a book when the time comes. Hmph, what if Niu Feng is placed under house arrest? It is for the sake of his being an official of the imperial court that he is not accused of his family."

Not only Yin Or, but Bai Shan and the others couldn't help but become curious.

They came early and were busy on weekdays. They only occasionally learned from the discussions of officials when investigating the origin of smallpox that smallpox seemed to have come from the governor's mansion, but no one was willing to say the specifics.

Other officials were concerned about the prefect's face, but General Gong did not. He said, "Niufeng has a young son named Niu Kang. When there was a conflict, he took advantage of the crowd and robbed an orchid."

"He took people back to the mansion and hung out with the orchid all day long. I don't know why, the orchid became hot and vomited. The doctor who invited her thought she was not acclimatized at first, so he gave her a prescription. Fangzi, it turned out that within two days, people developed a dozen pimples, high fever, and the condition was menacing, and it took less than a day from the discovery of pimples to the death of the person."

General Gong said: "The doctor who saw the doctor thought it was wrong, and said that she might have smallpox, and the Niu family was called out. Niu Kang didn't know whether to live or die, and he liked that Orchid in his heart, not only hugging people and crying There was a big funeral, and all his friends and friends went to join in the fun."

"Within two days, he himself developed acne, and people who had been in contact with Orchid also developed red acne one after another. Only then did the Niu family remember what the doctor said, so they asked for the doctor and blocked the news at the same time. General Gong Shao said bitterly: "But that Niu Kang didn't know what it was, knowing that his condition was different, he went to the Spring Breeze Tower for a banquet that day. Not only that, but the Niu family didn't stop him. Caimai, the girl and the servant, Whether it is time to go out or go out, in less than five days, they turned around half of Xiazhou City, and some doctors still felt bad and quietly reported to Chang Bo, and Chang Bo knew about it."

See you at 6 pm

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