Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 209 Influence (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

On Tuesday, Lang's eyes were about to pop out, and Man Bao couldn't help but let out a cry. Finally, he couldn't pretend to be honest. He stuck his head out from behind the second brother and asked, "Has the price of beans increased?"

"Beans? It's gone up, but it's not so outrageous. Now it seems to be twelve pennies a bucket." The stall owner glanced at the crowd pouring in to buy things, and lowered his voice: "But I guess there will be more to come. If it goes up again, so if your family has grain, don’t sell it to grain merchants easily, and if you press it again, you might be able to sell it at a higher price.”

On Tuesday, the eyes were bright, and at the same time, they were distressed. After the autumn harvest last year, their family sold a batch of grain.

Man Bao's eyes lit up too, glanced at their tofu, grabbed the second brother's shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "Second brother, the price of our tofu has to go up."

On Tuesday, Lang also quickly recovered, glanced at their tofu, and then glanced at the street where the traffic was gradually increasing.

He carefully observed their faces, clothes and expressions, and soon found many raw faces.

In the same way, Luojiang County is so big and there are so many nearby villages. Most of the people who come to this street have seen Zhou Lang.

He remembers people very well, not as good as Man Bao's unforgettable memory, but he can remember it after seeing him a few times, at least he feels familiar.

And now there are quite a few of the guests who are picking things on the street that he doesn't know.

He coughed lightly, carried Man Bao to the booth and stood there, lowered his voice and said, "Don't move, Lao Liu, you take them here to watch the booth, and I'll go shopping."

Of course, the price increase cannot be said that it will go up, and you must first look at other people's market before saying it.

Inquiring about the price of the other party is something that Lang often does on Tuesday, he coughed lightly, and went shopping with Shi Shiran behind his back.

On Saturday, Lang squatted behind the booth and let Da Ya start wrapping the flowers around the small bamboo basket, while Man Bao took the sugar out of the cloth bag and put it in.

He stared at the figure of the second brother and asked Man Bao, "Why do you think the second brother is going?"

"Go and ask the price," Man Bao said as he was used to it. "I don't think you need to ask. Anyway, our family sells tofu on a street, and there will be no difference between high and low."

That being said, on Tuesday, Lang went to the street from the end of the street, asked the prices of most of the stalls, and observed the business situation of others by the way.

Then came back excited.

He said: "The price of bamboo weaving has not increased, but the price of all food has increased, and the price of vegetables has also increased. I think their business is not bad. I will sell it today and try it out. If it is good, I will not bring bamboo weaving tomorrow. Now, we're here to pick vegetables."

Man Bao said, "We don't have many vegetables in our house."

Although the vegetable garden was not flooded, many vegetables were rotten due to too much rain.

On Tuesday, Lang comforted her and said, "It's alright, when the time comes, let my sister-in-law take out the pickled vegetables at home."

Man Bao: ...I don't want to eat pickles, I want to eat fresh.

Both Saturday Lang and Datou Da Ya couldn't help looking at Tuesday Lang.

On Tuesday, Lang directly stretched out his hand to straighten their heads and said, "Don't look at me, the family is short of money, we have to seize the opportunity to save some more money."

Man Bao felt that the world was too big to eat, so he said, "Eldest sister is not in a hurry to ask for money."

"It's not to pay the elder sister, it's the autumn tax," said Tuesday Lang in a low voice, "Dad calculated it two days ago, even if the weather will be good until the autumn harvest, my family's food may not be enough for our rations. What about the tax?"

That is to say, Man Bao is a scholar, and he understands all these things. On Tuesday, Lang will explain it to her. If it is another child, he will not say more, and just suppress it by force.

Look, Da Tou and Da Ya were dumbfounded, obviously half understanding and half understanding, and Saturday Lang also understood, he sighed sadly and asked, "Then second brother, are you still going to the county office?"

Tuesday Lang hesitated.

Da Ya quietly stabbed Man Bao.

Man Bao immediately threw away the mess of Qiu Shui, and looked at Zhou Yi Lang with bright eyes, "Second brother, why don't you wait for us here, you can see that there are a lot of people on the street, but it's not messy. We Just go by yourself."

On Tuesday, Lang saw the light in her eyes, and his face was a little sad, "Man Bao, do you despise the second brother so much?"

"No, no, I don't dislike the second brother, I just don't think I can delay the second brother to make a lot of money."

Saturday Lang and Datou Da Ya nodded fiercely at the same time, and responded, "Yes!"

On Tuesday, Lang glanced at the guests on the street, hesitantly said: "Okay, Lao Liu, you are optimistic about them coming, holding hands, but don't get lost. Also, don't argue with people, if you accidentally If it’s troublesome, let it go if you can, bear with it for a while, don’t be ruthless, and call the yamen if you really can’t, understand?”


Saturday Lang immediately went to carry the basket with the small bamboo baskets on his back, the big head rushed to carry the basket with flowers, Da Ya carried the flower baskets she had just made, and Man Bao grabbed two too, and the four of them happily met Zhou. Erlang waved goodbye.

On Tuesday, Lang saw them like fish taken out of a fishing net and put into the river, wagging their tails cheerfully, and then disappearing after brushing twice.

He couldn't help shaking his head, the stall owner next door obviously saw it, and he was quite familiar with these children, and Saturday Lang, and smiled: "Your children are really smart enough. ."

On Tuesday, Lang humbly laughed and scolded, "What's smart, it's just fun, but now there are so many people in the county, how dare I let them go out and hang around, I won't bring them next time."

"They're fine if they don't have money on them," the stall owner said. "Nowadays, there are people who steal money and grab food in the city, but there are really no people who shoot children."

The stall owner said, "Children are worthless nowadays. I heard that outside, a bag of 60 kilograms of millet can buy a seven or eight-year-old girl, and even smaller ones can be bought for 20 kilograms."

Tuesday Lang was stunned, "Is this so serious?"

He looked left and right and whispered: "Isn't it true, I have an uncle who specializes in selling food on the official road, and I heard him say that the whole area of ​​Yizhou was washed away by water, not to mention food, even the house. There is no roof, many people were swept away by the water, and disappeared in an instant. If you think about it, there is no house, let alone food. Many people who escaped were only wearing clothes, and some people even had shoes. Gone."

Tuesday's face turned pale.

The stall owner sighed, "Look at this scene, doesn't it look like the great drought in the eleventh year of Dade? Fortunately, this flood is not particularly serious here. Although the crops in the fields are definitely not good, there are some harvests. In the eleventh year of Dade..."

On Tuesday, Lang's eyes darkened, and he felt that the stall owner's voice was getting more and more blurred, but he just heard it, "We were in misery at that time, my brother and my sister both starved to death at that time, and my family lived. I got one... Tuesday, what's wrong with you, why are you pale?"

On Tuesday, Lang stood up against the wall and forced a smile: "It's okay, it might be from the sun."

Today is Dragon Boat Festival. Have you eaten zongzi?

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