Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2048 Current Affairs Policy

When he got the answer, Bai Erlang was stunned, "Although I came here to gain knowledge, it's too bad."

Bai Shan frowned and said, "This year's questions are too difficult."

He has done the jinshi subjects five times before, and none of the problems he has given are so difficult or so biased.

Bai Dalang also found it difficult. The two cousins ​​looked at each other and felt that this time I was afraid it was really an experience.

Because of this idea, Bai Shan and the others were completely relaxed when they entered the examination room on the last day. Even Bai Dalang, who had always cared about the examination, waved to them with a relaxed expression, "See you in the afternoon."

"See you in the afternoon."

The tables of the three were far apart, and I don't know how they were divided. Anyway, they were not in the same place. Bai Shan's was in the second row, very close to the position of the examiner in front.

Today's exam is about current affairs, and as soon as the papers are handed out, Bai Shan has only two words in his heart, "Sure enough."

He stared blankly at the title on the scroll, and after a while, he raised his hand and poured a little water into the inkstone, then took the grinding rod to polish the ink.

Grinding his hands slowly and slowly, his mind turned quickly, he felt that he should have no hope for this exam.

Not only him, but also the big brother and Bai Er. No matter how famous he is, Bai Er is still the future concubine of the princess, and the examiner can't ignore the content of the paper and give them high marks.

But since it's here, the paper still has to be done well. Do it as if it were the homework assigned by Mr.

Bai Shan pondered, how to start?

The candidates in the same examination room also collapsed. Some people have already begun to wander the sky, not to mention writing essays.

Although Bai Shan didn't feel that his ideas were mature or that his ideas could be recognized, he still wrote two large pieces of paper.

Bai Dalang and Bai Erlang also filled a piece of paper after being sluggish.

You especially remember that when they first started to write policy theories, they would not start, and Mr. Zhuang taught them that whether or not they would start the thesis, you must first understand the topic, and then have your own ideas.

After you can think, you will write. Even if you can’t start, the dictionaries and literary style are average, but as long as you write down what you have thought about, you can count some points. Sir, you will not think that you have no ink in your stomach.

The three of them have always kept this in mind, so even if they feel guilty, they have written a lot, biting their pens to the left and right and worrying about it. In the eyes of the candidates who had to hold back for a long time before they could produce two lines of words, these people are very powerful. ah.

But these are all appearances. The three of them were stunned until the afternoon. After eating lunch, they carefully revised and added them. After confirming that there was no increase, they began to copy the contents of the manuscript onto the paper, and finally packed their things in frustration and went out Walk.

The gong sounded, and everyone handed in the papers and went out.

When they arrived at the gate, Feng Zongping and a few others also walked over, everyone looked at each other, and finally determined that everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Feng Zongping said: "My father said, I will take the test again next year. If I still fail the test, I will go to the Mingjing test. Do you want to join us?"

Bai Shan refused, "I'm going to study abroad first, and come back in two years to take the test again. If I don't pass, I'll think about whether to take the Jinshi or Mingjing."

Feng Zongping looked at his face, nodded and said: "Yes, you are still young, even if you study the Ming Jing again in three or four years, you will still be young."

He can't do it anymore. After a few more years of jinshi exams, he will go to the Mingjing. Even if he is admitted to the Mingjing, he will be considered old.

Yi Ziyang also sighed, "I knew that Jinshi was difficult to pass, but I didn't know it was so difficult."

Bai Dalang nodded in agreement, it was really too difficult.

The few of them were not too young, after all, they were still young, and there were village tributes from all over the world.

I don't know who cried out first, so everyone couldn't hold back and started crying at the entrance of the examination room.

When Man Bao ran to pick them up, he saw many people standing, squatting, or sitting beside them crying, ranging from gray-bearded 50-60-year-old grandfathers to young people in their thirties.

She didn't know what happened, so she couldn't help looking at Bai Shan.

Seeing that Bai Shan also had a worried look on his face, his eyes seemed to be a little red.

Man Bao immediately ran forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Shan sighed, "This year's questions are too difficult."

Man Bao: ...So it's hard to cry?

The family members of some candidates stepped forward to pick them up and comforted them: "It's alright, I didn't pass the exam this year, and I will take the exam next year."

"I didn't pass the test this year, and I won't pass the test next year." A gray-bearded candidate wiped his tears and said, "Forget it, I'm not going to take the test. I'll go home and teach my grandson."

"...Father, why don't you take the Mingjing exam, your eldest grandson will take the Mingjing exam next year."

"I'm in my fifties, and it's too embarrassing to go to the Ming Jing."

Bai Zhi and Feng Zongping, who are planning to change the Mingjing scriptures:  …

Everyone quickly turned around and left, deciding to leave here first.

Most of the people who cried were the village tributes. To qualify for the exam, they had to pass the exam in the county seat, then the exam in the prefecture, and finally they had to go to the capital to take the review exam of the Ministry of Officials before they got the exam.

Therefore, the age of Xianggong is generally not young, at least twenty.

Unlike these students, they are still very young because they are students in Fuxue, Guozijian, and Chongwen Museum. To get the qualification for the examination, they only need to pass the examination first in the school.

The Chongwen Hall has a lot of places for students, and Zhao Liulang and his group have no idea of ​​taking the exam at all, so Bai Shan and the others didn't even take the exam. Those who want to take the Jinshi exam directly report their names, and Kong Jijiu will give them the quota. They are.

As for Bai Dalang, he had taken the exam once in the Imperial Academy. At that time, he felt that he was still very good, so he was full of confidence.

After all, the entrance examination for students in the Imperial College is equivalent to the pre-examination for the jinshi examination, and his ranking is not low, so he should be very hopeful.

But as soon as the papers on Classics and Current Affairs were released, he knew that he had thought too much before.

However, even if they don't do well in the exam, they can't lose their momentum, so when a classmate from Guozijian came up to ask them how they did in the exam, including Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, all three said that they did well in the exam, anyway They are writing a lot.

As for whether the examiners will give points or not, that is not necessarily the case.

After sending off these unfamiliar classmates, Feng Zongping turned his head and asked Bai Shan and the others, "You really did well in the exam?"

Bai Shan said: "Do you believe it? We have the same class."

Feng Zongping breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought Mr. Zhuang and Kong Jijiu had opened a small kitchen for you. This time, the current affairs policy is asking about Juntian's policy. I wonder if he will ask about the important military town next year. Who came up with this topic?"

see you at nine

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