Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2003 Pull away

Chang Yu moved her tongue and realized the sweet taste. Basically, she couldn't eat the bitterness before, so she almost forgot the bitterness, so she stretched out her hand and said, "Then give me another pill."

Man Bao gave her the purse.

Chang Yu poured one out, put it in her mouth and narrowed her eyes with bitterness, she said dissatisfiedly, "Can't we get rid of this bitter taste and leave only the sweet and cold taste?

Man Bao also took one and said, "Okay, but I don't want to do it. It's all sweet, and you want to sleep if you eat it."

"You are so scary, I don't even want to be friends with you."

The two of them leaned on the carriage to talk. Later, when they got tired of standing, they jumped into the carriage and sat down, with their legs swaying. The horse holding the carriage snorted, and after moving their legs, they could only stand bored.

Chang Yu asked, "When will they wake up, or I'll be here to guard you, and you go to the street to find the yamen?"

"That won't work," Man Bao said vaguely with a pill in his mouth: "What if you run into bad guys again after I leave, you are much more important than these bad guys."

"Then what should I do, waiting for someone to come?"

Man Bao looked at the time and said, "Wait a little longer, they will all wake up in a quarter of an hour, and then we will drive all three carriages to the street."

"Then what will they do?" Chang Yu pointed to the people lying on the road.

After thinking about it, Man Bao said, "Throw it in the car and take it away together?"

Chang Yu said with a look of disgust: "No, they are so dirty, smelly, and disgusting, I don't want to ride with them."

So Man Bao turned to look behind the car.

Chang Yu followed and looked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Man Bao took out the handkerchief from her sleeve again. This time, she did not fold it, but unfolded it and tied it behind her head, so that she could cover her mouth and nose without using her hands.

She rolled up her sleeves and said, "Don't you want to ride with them?"

Man Bao stepped forward and untied the man's belt directly. She took a look at it, it was not very long, and then took off the coat. Because it was too dirty, she left it alone with a look of disgust.

Chang Yu watched with the whip, and followed with a look of disgust.

Man Bao took off the belts and coats of the six people, and the people in the car also woke up one after another. The eldest woke up first. When they saw the people in the car, they looked horrified and waited to lift the curtain of the car. Seeing Chang Yu and Zhou Man outside, especially seeing the six people lying on the ground with bloodstained skin and flesh, they screamed "Aah-".

Chang Yu was taken aback by them, and she slapped her whip on the carriage. She said angrily, "What's the name? I'm scared of this princess. Since I wake up, I'll come down and help."

The girls huddled together and shivered, and no one dared to get out of the car or scream, but a few were young and timid and cried.

Man Bao straightened up and said, "Why are you scaring them? They are still stunned after being kidnapped."

So she turned her head and looked at the girls who woke up kindly and said, "Don't be afraid, do you know that you have been abducted and sold?"

The girls half shook their heads and half nodded. Those who nodded were aware that they were hugged by someone covering their mouths and noses in the wrong eye. People around them didn’t believe them when they cried, and they were dragged away by the tough guy. , so they know that they have been photographed by Hanako;

I don’t know, and I don’t know why they followed people away in a daze. Now I think about it, I’m still in a daze, but I subconsciously feel that it was a relative at home who took them away...

Man Bao sighed and said with a sad face: "We were all photographed by Paihuazi. They are going to sell us to the mountains, then goug out our eyes and chop off our brothers and feet for stewed meat."

This is what all adults like to scare children, and everyone has grown up listening to it, so their faces are even paler.

Man Bao waved and said, "But it doesn't matter, now we've beat them all down, come on, help me and tie them all up, or it won't be good for them to wake up soon."

Because Zhou Man was kind and hated Pai Hanako, the girls climbed out of the car even though they were afraid, and went to help tie the belt and coat.

Then the twelve little girls dragged the seven people behind each of the three cars, tied their hands, and tied the other end to the car.

Chang Yu walked back and forth with a whip, like a princess who was patrolling her own territory. Well, she was originally a princess.

Two people were tied to the back of a carriage, and Man Bao checked the knot and felt it was strong, so everyone stood in front of the carriage.

Man Bao asked them, "Who among you will drive the carriage?"

The girls shook their heads together.

Most people do not have a horse-drawn carriage at home, and a few have a horse-drawn carriage but only ride in a car.

No way, Man Bao could only order the eldest little girl and said: "Then I will drive a car in front, and you will sit in the back of the carriage, don't be afraid, just let the carriage follow the car in front of me.

It's just that the directions of the three carriages and the direction they are going are still opposite. Man Bao, the only one who can drive a carriage, can only turn the carriage around herself, but she is not very skilled in business. The people who were watching, not to mention the eleven little girls, even Princess Changyu was terrified.

When all three carriages were turned around, she dispatched people to get on the carriage. She drove the first carriage, and the second carriage was a nine-year-old girl. She was the only one who had led the cow, and the latter one was Princess Changyu.

Although she has not learned to drive a carriage, she can ride a horse.

But as soon as she hit the road, she realized that driving a carriage was not the same as riding a horse.

After a while, the girls' screams came from the alley, "Stopping, stepping, going to step on..."

"Aiya, the car in front is too slow, I want to step on people..."

"The car went crooked..."

Then there was an exclamation of "Ahhhh...", and the people who were dragged away by the carriage felt the burning pain in their backs and the pulling force on their hands, and finally most of them woke up, and then there was a scream.

But after a while, there was a scream that resounded for a long time, because a horse in the middle car really stepped on a person's foot, but soon he lifted his foot forward, and Man Bao threw the scream when he heard the scream. After flicking the whip, the carriage quickly ran forward a little, and then there were three screams.

Man Bao couldn't help but shouted behind him, "You guys slow down..."

When Chang Yu heard this, he shouted from the air, "Slow, slow, my car is about to catch up, hurry up."

Everyone was noisily moving forward, walking half a street, and finally met someone who was at home. When they heard this tragic voice, some people couldn't help but quietly poked their heads out to look.

As soon as Man Bao saw the person, he called, "Hey, uncle, come and help me, we caught the trafficker."

No one dared to go out for a while, who knows if it is true or false, what if it is false, and after deceiving them out of the city, they rob them instead?

But usually there are guards patrolling in the square. What about the guards tonight?

see you at nine

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