Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1998 Drums

The officer Yi, who was about to speak, was stuck in his throat. He glanced at the young man and saw the copper coins in his clothes with a sharp gaze, and asked, "Bai Gongzi, is this little bastard looking for you? Trouble?"

Bai Shandao: "I asked him to do things, and you will evacuate the crowd with them in a while. First stop the people coming from three intersections and let them go to three places, but you can't go any further and evacuate all the people inside. "

While he was talking, the boy who went to buy the red cloth ran back out of breath with twenty pieces of red cloth in his hand. Bai Shan immediately asked them to untie the red belt and tie it to his wrist, and he tied it himself. One, and the rest will be handed over to Daji.

When they did this, two yamen came from two places. The place they were on duty was not very far from here, and they were a group of two, but they couldn't completely ignore their jurisdiction, so they left a colleague. Just come over to see the situation.

But three were enough. Bai Shan asked them to guard the intersection with each of them and Bai Dalang with three teenagers, while he and Sergeant B went to evacuate the crowd.

Bai Dalang knew Bai Shan's plan now, and naturally tried his best to cooperate, so the four teams dispersed.

When the three intersections are stopped, those who want to pass will either go directly to another street, or turn around and go in the direction of the imperial city, or they can only turn back, and no one is allowed to go to the inner city gate.

At the same time, Bai Shandaji and Officer Y stood on the congested section of the road, found one after another, and divided them directly to the three intersections. No one was allowed to walk around, so as not to cause further congestion.

However, although no one enters the three intersections here, and people continue to be separated, the chaos inside is still getting worse and worse. Bai Shan seems to hear people screaming and shouting, "Don't squeeze, someone fell." His expression changed, and he pointed at the roof after pulling over the officer and said, "Climb up and tell them that the traffickers have been caught and the children have been found, so everyone is not allowed to crowd."

The officer also heard the scream, and his forehead was covered in sweat, "But Mr. Bai, we didn't find the trafficker at all..."

"Why do you care about this at this time? Let's save the lives of these people first, go!"

The officer gritted his teeth, hung the gong on his waist, and ran directly to the store. After going up to the second floor, he opened the window and climbed up to the roof. quiet!"

There was only less noise on the chaotic and noisy streets. It was noisy for a long time, and people were screaming and crying everywhere.

Bai Shan dragged one and pushed them out, telling them to leave the place immediately, not to stay here, and all offenders would be fined.

If he said that all the offenders would be convicted, there might still be people standing and trying to join in the fun. As soon as he said he would be fined, the people who had just squeezed out of the crowd reluctantly left.

Seeing that the yamen on the roof couldn't call anyone, he could only walk along the roof and shout what Bai Shan asked him to shout, "The traffickers have already caught the child, and the child is now in the county yamen, and no one is allowed to walk around and crowd. Don't overhear, walk slowly towards both sides and the gaps... The traffickers have been caught, the child is now in the county office, and no one is allowed to make chaos..."

The officer stepped on the roof and stepped forward cautiously, while shouting loudly. At this time, someone in the distant place banged the drum sound...

A drum tower was passed on to a drum tower, and soon the drum beside the county government office was beaten. The officer translated the code and immediately rushed to the county government office.

Tang He, who was sitting in the county government office, stood up when the drum sounded. He got up and walked to the yard to listen to it. His face changed as soon as the drum sound stopped: "I'm afraid to go to Lanhe Street from the inner city gate. There are stampedes, people coming, and ink research."

He turned around and entered the room, writing while writing: "Go to prepare horses, leave half of the staff in the county office, and the others follow me to Lanhe Street, and let the people guarding at the 345 intersection immediately start heading towards the inner city gate on the main street. Evacuate people from places and try to persuade people not to go to Main Street."

When he said this, he gritted his teeth, "Every year, we have to set up a light shed in that area, and obviously I have been persuaded to spread it out, so I have to crowd it all together."

The master said: "It's lively, the lamp holder and the phoenix of the Ministry of Industry are there, and everyone wants to join in the fun."

Tang He said: "Next year, the county will force them to disperse."

Worrying about it every year, he felt that his hair was missing.

He wrote down all the precautions and handed it to the master, "Use the drum order, prepare the horse, let's go out."

"Riding now—"

"Let them get out of the way!" Is it better to let the horse run than to let him run across on two legs? And he can't necessarily let people give way, but horses can!

Tang He directly mounted the horse arrogantly, and directly hit the horse to run towards Lanhe Street... It's impossible, there are so many people on the street, even if the officers call for people to move away, the horse can only trot forward. But the trot is not slow.

In more than a quarter of an hour, Tang He went from the county office to Lanhe Street. There were too many people here. Many people came from the direction of the inner city gate. He knew at a glance that someone was evacuating, so he put the horse Throw it to the entourage, and take the clerk directly to run over there...

Bai Shanzheng pushed the people who still wanted to squeeze out, his face turned blue with a calm expression, and his voice was almost hoarse, "I can't go here for the time being, change the place!"

"You can't go if you say you can't go, my home is over there, I'm going home now!"

Bai Shan's eyes froze, and he shouted, "Da Ji!"

Daji stepped forward and pressed his chest with one hand, stared at him with piercing eyes and asked, "What did you say?"

The man stuttered when he looked at the tall and strong Daji, "I, my home is over there..."

Bai Shan has ignored him, stretched out his hand and grabbed the man with the disheveled hair squeezed out and pushed him directly behind him, "Walk down that street, don't look back..."

He grabbed the next person who was dizzy and pushed him to the other street, "You go over there..."

Bai Zhi also brought a few teenagers who were hoarse and forbid people to come here, and then continuously evacuated people passing through this intersection.

Tang He ran to the front and met Bai Shan's eyes. Without saying a word, he waved his hand behind him and ordered, "Evacuate, whoever dares to come this way, take it directly!"

The officers all pulled out the knives in half, and shouted "Yes!"

The voice shook the hearts of those who still wanted to go back this way, and then they silently turned around and slipped away.

While arranging someone to help, Tang He asked Bai Shan, "What happened?"

Bai Shan kept his hands on his hands, constantly diverting people from the inside to various intersections, and when he encountered an injured one, he let the boy on the side lead him to the shop on the side to sit and wait, and quickly reported: "Someone The child is lost and said to be caught by human traffickers, the crowd becomes chaotic, too many people come in at various intersections, you have made a mistake in limiting the flow."

Tang He did not shirk his responsibility.

See you at 6 pm

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