Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1988 Mid-Autumn Festival

Thursday Lang has been very busy recently. He sold the medicinal herbs and half of the cows in his hands. Then he started to sell the good furs and pearls while the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and made a fortune.

He also promised that when Man Bao returned to his hometown, he would detour to Shangzhou to see the land and see if he could sell it at a good price.

In fact, Shizulang and Lao Zhoutou have the same idea. They feel that their family is not short of money now, and things like fields can be bought but not sold.

But Man Bao said that the land over there is surrounded by the Xia clan.

So recently, when he was doing business, he also specifically inquired about the situation in Shangzhou. Since he wanted to sell the land, he had to find a buyer, especially Zutian from a family without a man. Find someone with access and power to sell it, otherwise there will always be problems.

Because today is Mid-Autumn Festival, he rarely played with his wife and children half a day early. He was playing with his son on his neck. When he looked up and saw his father come in, he felt a little soft and almost didn't support his son.

He hurriedly lowered his head and asked his daughter-in-law to carry his son down. Mrs. Fang laughed and called out "Father" and carried the child aside to play.

Old Zhou nodded and spoke to Thursday, "Fourth, where is the money your mother asked you to exchange?"

Chuu Lang was stunned for a moment and reacted, and immediately said, "It's in the house."

He hurriedly turned around and went back to the house to get it, and after a while he took out a few silver ingots, "Father, last time I just moved the money and forgot to ask, where did you and your mother get so many copper coins?"

Old Zhou Tou said: "Your sister's, not Gongzhong's."

Thursuro: ...he didn't say he was from the public school.

Eight heads ran over and hugged his father's leg, raised his head and said, "Dad, go play, go play."

Thursday Lang picked him up, patted his fat buttocks and said happily: "Okay, let's go play, can I take you to see the lanterns later?"

Eight heads clapped their palms happily.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is the first Mid-Autumn Festival everyone has ever had in Beijing. They didn't have it in Beijing last year, so not only Thursday's father and son, but also Man Bao and Bai Shan were very excited.

The two spent half a day at home, and followed Mr. Zhuang to paste a few lanterns out. They didn't care whether they looked good or not. When the sun set, they ran out after dinner.

If it wasn't for the adults in the family, in fact, they didn't even want to eat dinner. There are so many delicious food outside, why do they have to eat at home?

No matter how delicious the food cooked by my sister-in-law is, the snacks outside are still very attractive at this time.

Because they thought there were a lot of people in the Mid-Autumn Festival, they didn't ride horses, but took a carriage to Suzaku Street.

Because there are many people going out tonight, many elderly and children, Mrs. Liu did not let many people follow them, but only assigned Daji and a guard, "If you don't care, just keep an eye on them."

Master Bai also sent a guard to follow, so the three of them ran first with three guards.

Zhou Lixue and the others also wanted to run away, but their parents, uncles and aunts didn't go out, so they were not allowed to run around. His father even frightened him, "Be careful to shoot Hanazi and shoot you, and we will never see us again."

Zhou Lixue: "...Dad, I'm fifteen!"

"What's wrong with Fifteen," Zhou Dalang said, "I heard that there are people who specialize in photographing adults in their twenties and thirties, and sell them in the mountains for mining. How can you be better than them?"

Zhou Lixue lost his temper immediately.

Man Bao and Yin Or made an appointment to meet at the Zhuangyuan Building. At this time, there were already many pedestrians on the street, but it was not crowded.

As soon as they reached the door of the restaurant, the three jumped down, and as soon as they entered the door, they heard someone shout, "Hey, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, Bai Shan, Mr. Kang has a question, come and write a poem."

Bai Shan replied without raising his head, "You guys do it first, I'll visit my friends first, and see you later."

The Zhuangyuan Building in the Mid-Autumn Festival is the world of literati and writers. The Zhuangyuan Building also intends to create such a culture, so it was announced early that there will be a literary meeting in the Zhuangyuan Building on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Not only the second floor and the third floor have been reserved, but also the place in the lobby. Book a lot.

Zhao Liulang is rich and powerful, no, he has prestige. When they were still in the palace, they jumped up and down to express that they would book a large private room in the Zhuangyuan Building and use it as a venue for their Chongwen Pavilion.

Of course, he worked so hard because he lacked money. As the son of his uncle and the cousin of the crown prince, it was not difficult to book a room, but it required money to book a room, and even more money for food and drink.

Zhuangyuan Building has launched a special Mid-Autumn Festival menu. The premium is too high. Even a cold okra can take the name of Jasper in the pool, and then sell it for 500 yuan a plate.

During the festival, Zhao Liulang not only wanted to give gifts to his daughter-in-law and son, but also to his mother, so he felt a little shy in his pocket.

But not going to the Zhuangyuan Building on the Mid-Autumn Festival was too bad. In order not to eat dirt in the next few months, he accepted Bai Shan's proposal and directly asked everyone to join forces to reserve a large private room in the Zhuangyuan Building.

Thanks to Zhao Liulang, they directly booked a private room on the top third floor. The location is very good. There are eight windows in a row. There are two large round tables in it, and there is a wooden couch on the other side of the screen. big.

It was the first time for Bai Shan and the others to go up to the third floor of the Zhuangyuan Building after being in the capital for so long.

Feng Zongping immediately laughed when he saw them from the open door: "Bai Shan and the others are here, where did you buy such ugly lamps?"

The people who had already come to the private room looked over and couldn't help laughing, "Is it so ugly, or is it the simplest round lantern, how much did it cost?"

Seeing that the three of them didn't speak, Feng Zongping had a flash of inspiration and asked incredulously, "You didn't do it yourself, did you?"

Bai Shan hung the lantern well and snorted: "Why can't we do it? Isn't it normal to make lanterns in the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Man Bao and Bai Erlang nodded together, and hummed, "That's right, we used to do it when we were kids."

Zhao Liulang looked disgusted, "Can you do this often?"

The three of them looked slightly stiff and forced to excuse themselves: "I haven't done it for two years, so I just gave birth, and it will be fine after another two years."

Everyone couldn't understand, "A lantern is not expensive, why do you have to make it yourself?"

Can they say that if they can't go to the county seat to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival when they are young, they can only spend it in the dark village, so it is a very happy thing to make a lantern by yourself?

Bai Shan said seriously: "This is the Tao. Our husband said that the customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival are lanterns, moon cakes and moon worship. Only by doing everything in person can you experience the Tao."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. Man Bao and Bai Erlang on the side tried their best to hold their faces and nodded seriously.

Feng Zongping said thoughtfully: "It's true, Mr. Zhuang is amazing."

Zhao Liulang asked, "So you still make moon cakes?"

"Yes." Bai Shan glanced at him, he could do it, but would you dare to eat it?

Anyway, over the years, he has eaten a bite.

See you tomorrow

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