Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1949 Will

After sending the queen mother back to the palace, Man Bao gave the queen mother two sets of acupuncture, and Xiao Yuanzheng also changed a pair of medicines.

Xiao Yuanzheng let out a long breath and said, "Fortunately, there is no danger."

Man Bao: "...It's just a short walk from the palace to Xuanduguan, and I haven't even left the city."

It's still either carrying it or riding a carriage all the way, what can happen.

Xiao Yuanzheng gave her a sideways look and said, "What do you know, the queen mother doesn't move for a long time, this is so many times, if you are frightened or accidentally fall, the hats on our heads will not only be taken off. , I'm afraid even the head will be picked off."

Before Man Bao could speak, a waiter who was waiting outside had already trotted up and whispered, "Lord Zhou Xiao, Your Majesty announces you."

Xiao Yuanzheng closed his mouth and stopped discussing this matter. He nodded to Zhou Man and said, "Go ahead."

Man Bao and his servants went to see the emperor.

The emperor went out for a trip. When he came back, he had to do some work. He was burying his head in critiquing the book. When he heard Zhou Man salute, he raised his head to look at her and said, "Come here? Sit down."

Man Bao found a seat on the right and sat down, but she was a little nervous. It was the first time she entered the emperor's study, and she was given a seat without saying a word.

The emperor put down the pen, took the bill from the side and handed it to Gu Zhong, who took it down and showed it to Zhou Man.

Zhou Man was confused with the bill, and suddenly a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart. The emperor would not let her pay the money, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, the emperor asked, "Which three wishes did the queen mother make?"

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and without any hesitation, said the three wishes of the Queen Mother.

The emperor was also stunned for a moment, but he soon understood. After thinking about it, he still said to Gu Zhong, "Let the chief of the internal library go and pay the money."

It is impossible to use the money from the treasury, and it was only a few days ago that there was an argument in the court because of Buddhism.

Gu Zhong hesitated for a while, but took the bill and went down, and Man Bao took the opportunity to retire.

The emperor said quietly: "Zhou Man, since you don't agree with the use of large sums of money for Buddhism, why don't you stop the queen mother today?"

Man Bao froze for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, this minister does not agree, but if the queen mother uses her own private room, what qualifications does the minister have to persuade? Besides, the queen mother is not in good health, so it is better to follow her at this time. "

Man Bao paused for a while. She also felt that the sesame oil for the past 100 years was a bit expensive. The main reason is that after a hundred years, the spectators of Xuandu Temple will not know how many to change, and it is completely unnecessary.

She had the same idea as the emperor before, "Your Majesty can pay for one or two years first. After two years, if you still want to continue the queen mother's wish, then pay it."

The emperor said righteously: "This is the last wish of the queen mother, how dare you fool the queen mother?"

Man Bao said: "Isn't this afraid that you will spend money?"

"But the Queen Mother's wishes are all good."

"Yeah, whose wishes can still be evil?" Man Bao said speechlessly: "But Jiangshan Sheji looks at the moral ability of the rulers; secondly, if the rulers are devoted to their duties, the remaining two wishes are even more important. Needless to say, the wish is very beautiful, but whether it is realized or not depends not on the gods, but on the parties involved. So the minister thinks there is no need to waste that money."

The emperor remained silent.

A few years ago, no, even last year, he still had the idea of ​​donating money to buy the queen's life, but now, not only Wei Zhi and others have told him that gods and Buddhas are not credible, but even Zhou Man's believers say they should believe them. Not crazy, and what she believes in is not gods and Buddhas, but the classics left by the sages.

When the emperor looked back on his half-life, he had to believe what Zhou Man had said, that gods and Buddhas are just human comforts.

The emperor rubbed his forehead and waved: "Go down."

He decided to do some filial piety. Although the sesame oil was a lot of money, it wasn't that he couldn't afford it, so he thought it was to make the queen mother happy.

Man Bao exited, and after walking a few steps, he saw the head of the internal library hurried over, seeing Zhou Man just nodding slightly, while Zhou Man saluted and stepped aside, waiting for him to walk over before walking again.

However, she couldn't help looking back at the hurried manager, and lowered her head to hold back her laughter, feeling that the emperor couldn't come up with the money.

The emperor really couldn't come up with the money, and the head of the inner treasury lowered his head and reported: "...this year, the funds for the Imperial Physician's Office have been allocated. In addition to the expenses of the fifth prince's marriage, now there is only 768,000 in the inner treasury. Six hundred..."

The blue veins on the emperor's forehead slightly protruded, "You can tell me directly that there are still seven hundred and sixty-eight taels, you don't need to change it to copper coins and tell me."

The head of the internal library lowered his head and said: "But it is not silver, but copper..."

In other words, the emperor did not even have money.

He looked sad.

"However," the head of the internal library raised his head and said, "Xia Mai is already being collected, and it will be dried and put into the warehouse in a short time. When you sell a batch, you will have money."

Only then did the emperor remember that the summer and autumn harvests were coming soon, and Huangzhuang's income should be a lot, so his mood was better.

The eyes of the emperor and the head of the internal library fell on the bill together.

The emperor sighed and said, "Let's go and pay for the sesame oil last year, next year, next year."

In fact, what Zhou Man said was right. Whether the country and the country are stable or not depends on the rulers and officials, gods and Buddhas... that can only comfort himself.

The queen mother naturally didn't know these things. She was getting worse and worse now. The emperor turned around and told her that the three lanterns were all lit. The Taoist temple had already started to do things for her. , Aijia has one more thing."

The emperor held her hand and asked, "Mother, what do you say?"

The queen mother said: "Aijia knows that Yunfeng is not obedient and sensible enough, and always makes the emperor and queen angry."

The emperor smiled generously and said: "She is still a child, the queen will not care about her, Ming Da and Chang Yu are also very friendly sisters."

"Aijia naturally knows, Mingda is a very reasonable child."

The emperor nodded in agreement.

"So Aijia thought that they should take good care of each other as sisters in the future. You found a good marriage for Changyu, and she will stay in the capital in the future, so she can meet her sisters from time to time, but Yunfeng is married to Ludi. , I'm very worried."

The emperor listened carefully to her next sentence.

"That's why Aijia thought that since Junma is also studying in Beijing, it's better to keep Yunfeng in the capital, and they will take care of their sisters in the future."

The emperor smiled and said, "Empress mother, isn't Yunfeng staying in the capital now?"

The queen mother understood what he meant and nodded with a smile: "I also ask the emperor to take care of her more in the future."

The emperor complied.

The queen mother said: "Is Xiao Wu going to join the vassal?"

The emperor nodded with a smile, "Yes, it will be a good day in three days."

"It's no wonder that the palace has been so lively recently," the queen mother said softly: "Aijia has been unable to sleep more and more recently, and she can't eat much food. I will endure it again. I see that Mingda is also grown, and her face has grown a little in the past half a year. Meat, poured a lot."

The emperor held the Queen Mother's hand and said nothing.

The queen mother continued: "find her a concubine while I'm still awake, otherwise, if I stay for a year or two, all good men will tell them to leave."

The emperor was suddenly a little sad, holding the Queen Mother's hand and said: "The mother must live a hundred years, and the son still wants you to hug Xiao Wu's great grandson."

see you at ten pm

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