Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1945 Alliance

The emperor's eyes fell on Zhou Man from a distance, and he wanted to unite the front with her, but unfortunately, he couldn't reach her small eyes.

The emperor was a little vague.

Wei Zhi had to define his superstitious behavior, because it would involve the education of the common people in the world.

What is good for the top and what is necessary for the bottom?

The emperor has repeatedly expressed his kindness to the Buddhist temple, which has made the development of the Buddhist temple very fast over the years. Some local officials have also taken the initiative to allocate land to the Buddhist temple to make farmland in order to please the emperor, which makes Wei Zhi very dissatisfied.

He didn't impeach less before, but the emperor pretended to be confused, admits mistakes quickly, turns around and does what he should do, and there are so many important things in the world, Wei Zhi really has no energy to hold on to this matter and attack the emperor.

He is still very measured, and if this one thing makes the emperor unhappy and delays other things, it will not be worth the loss.

It just happened that there was nothing major recently, he could have a good talk with the emperor about it, and the timing was the best.

Wei Zhi asked the emperor to express his position on the spot, and promised that he would not be obsessed with such illusory things as Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in the future.

The emperor didn't want to express his position, because he believed in Buddhism from the bottom of his heart, and he believed it. I would be embarrassed if I didn't give up something when I occasionally went to a Buddhist temple for a stroll.

Wei Zhi saw him fumbling around and talking about him, so he turned slightly to the rear, and asked loudly, "Zhoubian, you have the same faith as Your Majesty, why don't you come and talk to His Majesty about this letter and not be confused? ."

Man Bao:  …

Wei Zhi is now the prime minister and the head of the hundred officials. Man Bao did not dare to refuse.

She glanced up quietly, facing the emperor's gaze.

One king and one minister looked at each other silently for a moment, all a little pitiful.

The Tang county magistrate who looked up and saw it couldn't hold back, lowered his head and smiled.

The ministers also felt that Zhou Man's expression was a bit pitiful, mainly because she was still young, and she was a girl, about the same age as the daughter, granddaughter, and sister at home, so everyone turned their heads to look at Wei Zhi.

Wei Zhi was as hard-hearted as iron, but his tone was softer, and he asked, "Don't you know that Zhou Wenbian will give money every time he goes to the Taoist temple?"

Man Baodao: "I give it when I do things or when I ask for a peace talisman. I usually go up the mountain to visit and watch, and I don't give up money."

Man Bao paused. She also knew Wei Zhi's intentions. Just as she was worried that the Queen Mother was too obsessed with Buddhism, he was also worried that the emperor valued Buddhism too much.

So she still expressed her opinion with the eyes of the emperor. She is also a believer, and she has a mother who is obsessed with Tianzun. She knows the psychology of the believers very well. They do so much for the word of merit. It seems that merit can be exchanged with gods and Buddhas for something.

For example, the Qian family recites the scriptures, worships the Laozi statue with three incense sticks in the morning and evening, occasionally donates eggs and grain to the Taoist temple, and occasionally gives copper coins when he is generous.

The purpose is to accumulate merits and then to seek full health, a smooth life, and the safety and health of family members;

And the emperor gave Huguo Temple generous treatment from time to time, not only because there were monks who helped him settle down the world in his early years and made great contributions, but also because of what he wanted.

He will use the merits obtained from the donation to hope that the queen will be healthy and live a long life, and will make a wish for the peace and harmony of several children.

Man Bao first pointed this out, and the emperor on the seat nodded again and again, and couldn't help but agree: "It is this reason, and I am also for the sake of the country's prosperity and the safety of the people."

Naturally, he also asked the Li family's dynasty for generations to come, but he knew that such a big wish was difficult to achieve, so he chose the most important promises.

Wei Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth and glanced at Zhou Man. With what he knew about her, she would definitely not just keep up.

Sure enough, after Man Bao finished talking about the psychology of being a believer headed by her, he turned to deny it, "But all ministers know that it is wrong to place one's wishes on the appearance of Lao Jun."

The emperor's face froze.

Man Bao lowered his head and continued: "Since I was a child, I have heard from my mother that my father burned incense for the land master, but the ground still needs to be plowed, the grass still needs to be removed, and the water still needs to be poured. If this is the case, everyone will stop farming and see if the gods will let the ground grow out of thin air that we can eat."


The ministers nodded slightly, although the words were rough, the truth was true.

"Thus, those who take the entrance exam should still study hard, those who do business should also work hard to circulate, and those who farm the land should work harder, so that they can succeed. If so, it is unclear whether it is the gods and Buddhas that make people succeed. , or let yourself succeed." Man Bao said: "I think that gods and Buddhas only exist in people's hearts, Buddhism and morality are the understanding of sages in the world and life, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which we use today. There is not much difference between the Buddhist and the Legalists, except that these two families built Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, and they intercepted some of the scriptures and meanings to be offered by believers.”

Even Wei Zhi couldn't help looking at Zhou Man in astonishment, and asked in disbelief, "Is this your perception?"

Man Bao said: "My husband taught me."

Kong Jijiu immediately came out and said: "Your Majesty, Zhuang Xun is talented and should be used."

The emperor nodded again and again, just as he was about to change the subject, Wei Zhi pulled the subject back, "Zhuang Xun is for use, the words are clear, what does your majesty think?"

What could the emperor say? Naturally, he nodded, and continued to work hard to change the subject, "Okay, pass the order, Zhuang Xun will be the servant of the sixth-grade prince."

Very good, from Rank 9 to Rank 6, he was about to wait for Wei Zhi's objection before entangled in this matter to waste time, who knows if Wei Zhi will not take this stubble, turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "You continue."

The emperor's heart fell from mid-air to the ground. He silently lowered his head and stared at Zhou Man, but Zhou Man didn't look up, he only stared at his toes, so he only saw her black head.

"The minister believes that what Buddhism and Taoism seeks is to preach the teachings. In this case, as believers, it is the greatest merit to preach their good teachings. Money and other things are still trivial matters. It would be better to develop better doctrines, which is to believe and not be deceived."

Although Wei Zhi did not agree with Zhou Man's "continuously promoting the good side", but because they are now united front, they did not immediately question, but continued to aim upward at the emperor. Do in-depth analysis of the impact brought about by the country's favorable treatment.

He obviously did the preparatory work, starting from the number of monks registered ten years ago, comparing the number of new monks each year one by one, and also listed the percentage of increase.

Two of these massive increases were in the second year when the emperor twice prayed for the queen.

Wei Zhi spoke fiercely, demanding that the emperor take responsibility for this and promise to change his behavior in the future.

As for rectifying the Buddhist temple, Wei Zhi could only think in his heart, for the time being, he didn't want to force the emperor too much.

See you at 6 pm

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