Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1904 surging

Man Bao let out a breath, took her hand and said, "Mingda, thank you so much."

Mingda shook her arm and took Manbao's hand. She smiled and said, "No need to thank me, I feel much better recently, the bracelet you gave me is very useful, I don't need to take medicine anymore. ."

Ming Da paused for a while, but still couldn't help but leaned into Man Bao's ear and asked in a low voice, "For my mother..."

Man Bao hurriedly said: "I have people doing it, and I should be able to get it in two days."

There seems to be some big event in their alliance recently. The store is very busy, and her customizations are in the back, but after so long, it should be her turn soon.

Minda breathed a sigh of relief.

She dragged Man Bao into the inner room, dragged a box out of the cabinet, and opened it to her.

Man Bao saw the yellow gold inside, and for a moment only gold remained in his eyes.

She reached out and touched, "You have a lot of money."

Mingda smiled: "This is 200 taels of gold, didn't you say that a string of crystals cost at least 1,800 taels, so I'll find someone to exchange 200 taels of gold for you, so that it's easier to get, I'll have someone give it to you when I turn around. Take it home."

Man Bao couldn't carry such a heavy amount of gold back, right?

As soon as Man Bao heard that the gold was his own, he instantly felt no more distressed about the more than 1,800 points he had spent on customizing the queen.

Man Bao smiled and hugged the box: "What excuse do you use for me?"

Mingda said with a smile: "There is no reason, I reward you. If the adults really ask, they will say that I am in good shape. If I am happy, I will reward you."

Man Bao did not refuse, and said, "Wait until I have a rest before sending it back."

When she sent it home, she received it in the system space and played with it by herself.

Minda nodded.

After getting this fortune, Man Bao was very happy, and he couldn't help but worry, "Are you in a hurry for the quarrel between Your Majesty and the Empress?"

Mingda shook his head, "Although I don't know what the father and mother said, the father finally fined the third brother, and the punishment was so severe, which means that the father still listened to the mother's words. Enough."

Mingda has more experience living with her parents than her two older brothers. Both of her older brothers were taken by her grandma when they were still breastfeeding, but she still slept with her parents until she was three or four years old. .

When they were young, the emperor and the empress also quarreled in front of her, but it was not as serious as this time. In the past, the father and the emperor would go out for a walk and come back by themselves.

Or the queen mother will send soup and snacks to the father, and then the father will come back.

But this time, the queen didn't send soup and snacks, and the emperor came back without turning around. Mingda felt that this was because he didn't have enough time to turn around. After enough time, he would come back naturally.

She said: "The father's bedroom has always been the mother's middle palace. He can't live in the front study all his life, and he can't hang around with the harem's concubines all the time. He will always come back."

And this time, he didn't even go to the harem.

When Man Bao heard this, she was no longer worried. She thought that the emperor would go back soon, but the emperor still lived in the small study until she went to bed.

Man Bao received the gift sent by Mingda early in the morning, and asked the inner servant to carry it outside and put it on the car, and then rode home with Bai Shan and Bai Erlang.

On the way, Man Bao couldn't help but complain, "It's not good if there are too many rooms at home. If there is no study and no harem, we will see if he can't go back."

Bai Erlang urged her, "Don't prepare a study room for Shanbao in the future."

Bai Shan:  …

He glanced at Bai Erlang, then changed the subject and said, "My grandmother and mother are going back to Longzhou for their birthday wishes. They won't be back until late next month. What specialties do you want from Longzhou?"

After thinking about it, Man Bao shook his head, "No."

Bai Erlang also shook his head. They were unfamiliar with Longzhou and didn't know there were any local specialties that they would miss.

Man Bao said nervously, "We are going to Shangzhou next month."

Bai Shan glanced at her sideways and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of, this time Uncle Zhou is going with us. With adults around, we don't need to come forward for many things."

That being said, I was still a little apprehensive.

Back at home, Man Bao asked people to carry the box back to her room. At this time, there was a lot of fertilization in the field, so there were only the fourth and fifth sisters in the house, and the old Zhoutou was still in the village with the big house.

So no one asked what was in the full treasure chest.

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang went to her room to feel the wealth in the box, and left after touching for a while.

It's just that Bai Shan knew why Princess Mingda sent the treasure chest of gold, but Bai Erlang didn't know the reason, and just kept sighing, "Princess is really rich."

Man Baodao: "It's not that rich either. The money Mingda exchanged with the Crown Princess, and all her New Year's money has been exchanged."

She has a lot of precious things, and it is worth the money if she takes out a few, but the cash is not much.

She lives in the palace, and the emperor and queen don't give her anything but money, but all kinds of other valuables.

Bai Erlang felt strange now, "Since there is no cash, why should I reward you with money?"

Man Bao paused and said, "Because I like money."

Shiro:  …

Bai Erlang looked at the gold in the box, then raised his head to look at Man Bao, and couldn't help but ask, "Senior sister, how can I make people like you so much that I will do everything possible to give you the things you love?"

For the sake of his calling senior sister, Man Bao thought about it seriously and answered him, "First of all, you have to be cute."

Bai Shan couldn't help laughing softly, Bai Erlang heard that she was mocking him perfunctorily, turned around and left, too lazy to talk to her.

Bai Shan is also leaving, "You can collect the money."

Man Bao responded with a smile, sent them away with a smile, and then put the box into the system space, then took out the gold inside, placed it on the bookshelf one by one, and stacked it up. It was golden and very beautiful.

Seeing this, Keke asked, "Isn't it in a box?"

Man Bao said: "I don't have any good-looking big boxes anymore. I'll see if I have something next time someone gives me something. If I have it, I'll pack it up. It's pretty good looking like this now."

Koko:  …

Man Bao said: "It feels good to exchange points for money."

Man Bao admired it for a while before quitting, and the depressed mood of the past few days dissipated under the stimulation of money.

The three of them played happily for two days and then entered the palace. The atmosphere was still weird, but it was much more relaxed.

Man Bao swayed to visit the two Fengyi at the Crown Princess's place, and inquired about the news by the way, Bai Shan went to Zhao Liulang and Feng Zongping to play with a few pieces of snacks he brought into the palace.

By noon, both of them knew why.

I heard that the emperor went back to the middle palace. The emperor and the queen didn't quarrel, but they didn't seem to reconcile either, which is strange.

But in any case, the emperor was willing to go back, and things were improving. Even the front hall was much more lively. When Man Bao went to the great court meeting the next day, he found that his colleagues were talking a little louder than last time.

Man Bao nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the emperor sitting on the top, and lowered his head to hold back his laughter. The county magistrate Guo glanced at her, and began to think about whether to speak to the magistrate Tang and simply change positions with him.

See you tomorrow

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