Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1873 Gift

"No," Keke said: "If you buy the advanced version, not only the price is high, but the technology tax is also high. Now you mainly want to avoid the technology tax, so you can pay some manual fees. Some shops in the mall will provide You re-processed some basic versions to make them more beautiful, and there are posts I found that have modified the third and fourth versions."

As for the third and fourth editions, one needs 1300 yuan and the other needs 1500 yuan, both of which are much smaller, and the technology tax is not high. It is 20% like the basic version, which is 100% higher than the 80,000 version. The 85/8 tech tax is way too cheap.

Man Bao feels distressed whenever she thinks about the tax. Except for the medicine she bought for her mother, she has never paid such a high tax. Oh, and the thing she bought for her and Bai Shan that can breathe underwater... …

Man Bao calculated the tax to be paid, and finally didn't feel distressed at this moment. She rested her eyes before going in and looking for it. She muttered, "That's why I don't like shopping malls."

Keke thinks it's not good for the host to be too stingy. She rarely spends points once a month now. What's the use of accumulating that thing?

And they can't invest and manage money like the human beings in the world.

Man Bao doesn't care, since she and Bai Shan were stabbed in the water, she knew the importance of points, and she felt that this thing had to be prepared from time to time, and it was very useful when saving her life.

Save as usual.

Because of Keke's suggestion, Man Bao finally found a shop that could be customized. After chatting with the other party, she realized that this kind of shop exists not to save money, but to spend money.

There are always some customers who don't like the genuine styles, so they will take out the components after buying the goods, and design various styles by themselves.

For example, some people will disassemble the bracelet and make it into a chain to hang on the chest or trousers for decoration, and some people will also disassemble it and make earrings to wear, there are all kinds.

So after listening to Man Bao's request, the customer service first asked whether she had drawings or whether she needed them to design. If they did, they would have to add a design fee.

Man Bao thought about it for a while, then refused, then directly exited the mall, took out a large box from the bookshelf in the space, opened it and rummaged, "Keke, which jewelry do you think is suitable for Mingda?"

Keke does not give subjective answers, so there is no answer.

Man Bao didn't seem to need its answer, and kept taking out a piece of jewelry to look at, and put it aside, "This is not good, it's too complicated, it's not worthy of our children at all, it seems to be a gift from the Queen Mother, everything she rewards is It doesn't look good...this one doesn't work too well, the color is a bit dark...Well, this looks good, I wonder who sent it?"

Man Bao thought hard and then said, "It seems that it was given by the Crown Princess, and the color is also good-looking."

So Man Bao took it out, stuffed the other things back, put the box back on the bookshelf, and asked Keke to take a photo and send it to the customer service, saying, "Just turn the crystal on it pink."

The customer service felt that this was not difficult and asked, "What kind of material do you want?"

He sent out all the materials they had, and Man Bao's eyes were straight. She didn't know any of the names written on it.

Man Bao asked Keke stunnedly, "My jewelry seems to be quite expensive. I remember it was given to me by the Crown Princess shortly after she gave birth to her grandson. Isn't that saying that crystals are rare? Why doesn't it look expensive here? ?"

"Crystal is not expensive over there."

In this case, Man Bao unceremoniously chose the one with the second cheapest price. She compared it carefully. From the picture, the pink crystal was even better than the one the Crown Princess gave her.

When Man Bao finally paid, he stared at the material fee, processing fee and all the taxes and fees for a long time, and thoughtfully said: "It turns out that, in addition to the taxes and fees for the components of the energy shield, these material fees and processing fees No tax deduction?"

Keke explained: "Because the civilization of this world can also achieve such processing, and there are similar crystal products, it is judged to be in line with the technology of this world."

Even if the precision is beyond a little, the alliance will not charge fees, because it is within the controllable range.

Man Bao turned his fingers and pondered: "No wonder they all say in the forum that as long as you have points, you can be rich and powerful. If nothing else, if there are no taxes and fees for crystals and pearls, the host can completely buy from the mall. Getting resources and selling them in this world will make a lot of money.”

Coco agrees.

Man Bao said: "I have no power or power, I am young, and there are many people around me, so I can't explain the source of a lot of materials, but hosts in other worlds can do it."

Koko responded with a "yes".

"However," Man Bao looked puzzled, "Won't the influx of such large resources that do not belong to this world cause currency chaos?"

Koko:  …

Man Bao frowned and asked, "This year, we will produce more grain and less tea, and money will go up and down. They have used so many resources from other worlds, especially this kind of luxury resources, and they don't even need to pay for it. The labor of the world, will not make the currency unbalanced?"

It doesn't quite match the books she's read.

Keke was silent for a while and then said: "So there will be a balance mechanism, but the consumption of the host is very low, and there is no chance to bottom out yet."

It felt like she would never touch the balance mechanism in her life. Judging by her stinginess and cautiousness, they would not attract the watchdogs of the Alliance.

It is a pity that the main system has been brought in.

Manbao paid, and then waited for the goods to be made. The other party said that they needed at least three days to make the goods, so they would give her the goods within three to five days.

Only then did Man Bao recover from the things he didn't understand, and after he exited the system happily, he remembered one thing later, "How do I give this gift to Mingda?"

Koko didn't answer.

Man Bao became distressed, "When is Ming Da's birthday?"

Koko:  …

Man Bao said with an "Oops": "It seems to have passed."

Children don’t have their birthdays. In order not to lose their blessings, they basically eat a bowl of longevity noodles with their family, kowtow to their parents, and accept gifts from their siblings. Basically, they rarely die before they reach adulthood.

Especially frail children can not live.

Chang Yu's birthday Manbao also knew, after all, she had passed it to her, but Mingda, she really didn't know.

Man Bao could only ask Chang Yu.

Chang Yu said: "I haven't, it's the eighth day of April, and there are more than ten days left. Why do you want to give Mingda a gift?"

Man Bao nodded again and again and became happy, "I have a very powerful gift for her."

"It's a pity that she can't relax in April, otherwise we can go to the imperial garden or go to the prince's brother to get together." Chang Yu sighed: "She was born at a bad time, otherwise she would be born in autumn and winter. Aren't you afraid of those things?"

"Is it related to when you were born?"

"What the people in the palace said, I think it should be," she said. "The mother's birthday is in February, and she also has qi ailments, but you don't see the prince's brother and the third brother, because they are both born in Xia Qiu."

Man Bao:  …

See you tomorrow

Man Bao: ... Chang Yu, feudal superstition is a must.

Lord Tianzun looked at Man Bao silently

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