Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1869 special fate

Man Bao pointed to the still hot meat patty and said, "This is also made by my sister-in-law, can you try it?"

Chang Yu sniffed, without thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and took one, took a bite, it was soft but firm, and she just bit into a little bit of minced meat, her eyes lit up, and she nodded to Mingda, "Very good. It's delicious, try it now."

Mingda also took one, took a small bite, smiled, nodded and said, "It's not bad, it's not the same as the taste in the palace."

"Of course, this meat filling is mixed with the sauce made by my sister-in-law, and it's very delicious."

The guards couldn't help but slanted their gazes. They didn't respond when the princesses were eating the wild vegetables, but when they were eating the meat pie, the aroma kept getting in front of their noses, and they couldn't control their eyes. .

The two guards who stood closest to the two princesses swallowed involuntarily, and then forced themselves to look away to look at the young masters who were running towards them.

Zhao Liulang and the others ran closer to confirm that they were right. The ones standing in front of the palace gate were indeed Princess Changyu and Princess Mingda.

Zhao Liulang jumped off the horse first, stepped forward and saluted, "I have seen two princesses."

Ming Da and Chang Yu returned half salute and called their cousin.

Zhao Liulang looked at the meatloaf in their hands, then looked at the plate in Zhou Man's hand and the basket in Bai Shan's hand, and couldn't help but blink, "This is..."

Mingda said embarrassedly, "This is our breakfast."

Zhao Liulang: When will the princesses' breakfast be served at the gate of the palace? And what was that ugly dish?

It doesn't look delicious.

But Chang Yu was very happy to eat, one bite of meat pie and one bite of wild vegetables, she had a big appetite, and taught Mingda to eat like this, "It's not greasy at all, and it's very appetizing."

Zhao Liulang could only turn his head to look at Bai Shan, hoping he could give an explanation.

Bai Shan looked at Zhao Liulang and calmly moved away, ignoring him.

Zhao Liulang: ...

He was about to ask something else, when Liu Huan's carriage arrived, and before his carriage stopped, he jumped out of the carriage and shouted, "I smell meat patties, are you eating meat patties?"

He jumped out of the carriage and realized that it wasn't Bai Shan and Zhou Man that he had imagined eating the meat pie, but the two princesses. He stopped immediately, daring not to be rude.

Because he had enough, Man Bao took a patty from the basket and handed it to him.

Liu Huan smiled and said, "It's not good..."

That being said, he still took it.

When Chang Yu saw it, she was unhappy. She used to protect food, and she and Liu Huan were not familiar with each other. This cake was brought to her and Ming Da by Man Bao.

So after taking a bite of the meat pie, she kept eating wild vegetables, and called Mingda, "Eat this first, and we will enter the palace after eating."

Wild vegetables cannot be brought into the palace, but meat patties are fine.

Growing up together since childhood, Mingda could not know what she was thinking, smiled and nodded, and went to eat wild vegetables.

Liu Huan was also greedy for wild vegetables, but after looking at Ming Da and Chang Yu, he did not dare to speak.

There were more and more students coming to the gate of the palace. Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang also arrived. The two and other students first bowed to Princess Mingda, Princess Changyu, and then they had to pass the inspection while watching. go to the palace.

That's why Zhao Liulang and Liu Huan stayed, but one stayed to watch the two princess cousins, and the other stayed to eat meatloaf.

Lu Yue was the last two to arrive. After watching for a while, he couldn't help but say to Zhao Liulang, "You just look at it like this? You don't know if the food outside the palace is clean, so you dare to eat it for the princess?"

Bai Shan just lifted his eyelids slightly, Zhao Liulang said angrily, "Zhou Man is an imperial physician, what is there that she dares to bring?"

Chang Yu, who was struggling to eat, nodded again and again, swallowed what was in his mouth, and then said, "Who are you, and what does what we eat have nothing to do with you?"

Just as Lu Yue was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, and he lowered his head and whispered, "I am also worried about His Highness, after all, there are many diseases in spring..."

Chang Yu snorted and was about to reply, but Man Bao tugged at her sleeve. She turned to look at her, and saw that she was bowing her head, holding a plate in her hand, and then bent over to salute, "Meet Your Royal Highness."

Except for the silent guards at the gate of the palace, everyone bowed and saluted.

The crown prince frowned, and then looked at Ming Da and Chang Yu, his eyes gliding over the chopsticks and meat patties in their hands, his brows furrowed even tighter, "Aunt Fan said that you won't listen to the persuasion to go out of the palace and make a fool of yourself? You have tokens. Are you going to leave the palace?"

Chang Yu lowered his head and didn't dare to speak, Ming Da smiled and said, "Brother Prince, we didn't go out of the palace, we just had something to eat at the entrance of the palace."

"What is the style of dining in a large audience?" the prince asked, "Can't it be used in the palace?"

Mingda complained, "The guards will not let this dish in."

The guards didn't change their faces, and they didn't hesitate at all.

The prince took a look at the wild vegetables in Zhou Man's hand, but he didn't blame the guards. The plate of vegetables looked dark and a little red, which was different from the vegetables he had seen before, so he wouldn't give it to him. .

He took a step forward, looked at it, frowned and asked Zhou Man, "What kind of dish is this?"

Man Bao: "Wild vegetables?"

"Wild vegetables are wild vegetables, why are you still so uncertain?"

"There are several kinds. The name I called Your Highness may not have been heard before."

The prince turned his head and asked Ming Da and Chang Yu, "Is it delicious?"

The voice didn't fluctuate much. Chang Yu wasn't sure whether he was angry or not, and he wasn't even sure if he was asking them literally or in another way, so he hesitated and didn't dare to answer.

Mingda has already nodded affirmatively and said, "It's delicious, brother, try it?"

After saying that, she gave him the chopsticks in her hand.

The prince didn't mind that it was used by his younger sister. He took it and ate a pair of chopsticks directly. The taste was slightly sour and slightly sweet. The prince raised his eyebrows slightly, and it was quite crisp.

Crowd: ...

Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang raised their hearts slightly, watching the prince take the plate in her hand and eat directly.

With chopsticks in his hand, Chang Yu felt infinite sadness in his heart, and he couldn't grab the wild vegetables from the crown prince.

She could only take a sullen bite of the meatloaf.

The prince raised his head to look at her when he heard the voice, his eyes turned to the food box in Bai Shan's hand... the meatloaf in it.

Chang Yu's intuition is not good. The prince has already poured all the wild vegetables on the plate into his mouth. After chewing slowly, he wiped his mouth, and then put the plate and chopsticks into the food box. Before putting them in, he took out the vegetables. The little bamboo basket said to Changyu and Mingda, "Okay, you can enter the palace."

He pointed to Aunt Fan who was standing inside the palace gate and said, "If it wasn't for the solitary encounter, it would be Aunt Shang or the queen mother who came to the palace gate now. Don't stay outside the gate for so long if you don't want to be punished."

Chang Yu stared at the bamboo basket in his hand and couldn't help pulling Laminda's sleeve.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Mingda reached out and took a meat pie from the bamboo basket in the prince's hands, nodded and said, "I see, goodbye eldest brother."

She and Man Bao blinked, then dragged Chang Yu away, and only after entering the palace gate did she give her the meat pie in her hand.

Only then was Chang Yu satisfied. While eating the meat pie from the other hand, he said, "By the way, Man Bao seems to have mentioned that she brought us soy milk."

Mingda said: "Two meat patties are enough, you just ate a lot of wild vegetables, don't eat too much in the morning."

see you at nine

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