Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1867 Everyone Knows (February Monthly Pass Plus 10)

I said earlier, I said earlier that there are not many things like this today.

However, Man Bao could sense that Bai Shan seemed to be in a much better mood. She glanced at him strangely, wondering why he had gotten better again.

She sighed in her heart, and for the first time couldn't help but talk to Keke about her relationship with Bai Shan, "As expected, the book is right, the heart of a man, the needle at the bottom of the sea, is really too hard to figure out. "

Koko:  …

Man Bao didn't get a response, but she didn't care, and Bai Shan sent her back to the room in a good mood.

Because the "misunderstanding" between the two was resolved, they were both in a good mood. After washing up, they fell asleep quickly without any worries.

Tomorrow they will get up early and enter the palace.

Originally, they got up early enough, but Thursday and Zhou Dalang got up even earlier.

The two woke up Wuwu Lang, who was unwilling to get up, and dragged him out of the city together.

Hearing the movement in the next room, Saturday Lang turned over and said happily, "Thanks I have to go to the restaurant after dawn, otherwise I have to go too."

They arrived at the gate of the square by the time, and when the curfew was over, the gate of the square would open, then the inner city gate, and then the outer city gate.

The three brothers drove a carriage out of the inner city gate. When they arrived at the outer city gate, the city gate had not yet opened, but there were already a lot of people waiting in and out of the city.

Those who go out of the city want to leave the capital to do business, most of which are business trips; while those who enter the city are mostly villagers living near the capital except for business trips.

When the time was up, an official shouted loudly, and everyone held their breaths and waited for the guards to come down from the city gate tower, and then lined up to slowly open the city gate.

Hearing the sound of the city gates opening, Wu Wulang's drowsiness disappeared at once, and he climbed out of the carriage with wide eyes to see.

After a while, the city gate opened, and people in line began to enter and exit the city gate in an orderly manner.

He couldn't help sighing: "Big brother, fourth brother, did you see it, I said the city gate looks good when it opens, right?"

The shock on Thursday Lang's face disappeared, and he nodded: "It's very majestic, as expected of the capital, even more magnificent than outside the gate."

Zhou Dalang patted the horse's butt and said, "Okay, let's get out of the city quickly, it's time for Manbao and the others to get up."

There are quite a lot of people entering and leaving the city gate, but it is estimated that the three of them are the brothers who went out of the city to dig wild vegetables this morning.

After driving out of the city, they didn't go very far. After walking for a while, they turned to a small road. In my memory, there are fields on both sides of this road. Yesterday, Lang went out of the city to see it. There are a lot of wild vegetables nearby.

If it wasn't for the princess's food, Shirou would have gone back yesterday.

Thursday Lang stared at him, but it was so dark that he couldn't see anything, so he could only roughly estimate the distance, and then said: "Okay, okay, just stop here."

So Zhou Dalang pulled the horse, and the three got out of the car. Wuwulang took the lantern out of the car and lit it for Thursday.

Thurs Lang said while nodding: "There is no shortage of oil at home now, I said go early, you are not willing..."

When Chuu Lang lit the fire, he slapped the back of his hand with a snap, and looked at the blood on the back of his hand by the light of the fire box, and shouted, "Did you see it, did you see it, I was bitten by a mosquito while I was lighting the lamp. I don’t know how much oil the blood is worth, and all this blood is eaten by meat.”

Zhou Dalang snatched the fire book and lantern in his hand, quickly lit two lanterns with the help of Wuwulang, and stuffed a lantern into Shiroulang's hand and said, "You can be content, it's not like it was before. Smeared and worked."

Wu Wulang was already looking around with a lantern, and soon found the wild vegetable he was looking for. He called Zhou Dalang, and Zhou Dalang stepped forward to dig and pick.

Thursul Lang also held up the lantern and looked around. He basically didn't dig it, and he just picked it or pulled it when he saw it.

Seeing that he was so serious, Wu Wulang said to Zhou Dalang: "Big brother, fourth brother must have a plan, otherwise why would he be so concerned about the princess?"

"I know that the fourth child wants to do business with the princess."

Not to mention Wuwulang, Thursday Lang was stunned, and quickly turned around and asked, "How did Big Brother know?"

Zhou Dalang said calmly: "Your sister-in-law told me."

"What's wrong with sister-in-law..." Chuu Lang remembered something and shouted, "It must be Man Bao, right? I knew that, if I told her not to tell others, she would be able to spread the word to everyone."

Zhou Dalang spoke for Man Bao, "Not everyone knows it, it's just your sister-in-law and your parents."

He thought about it and then said: "Oh, it seems that Lizhong and Liwei also know about it. I don't know if they told Lixue and Ligu, but Lijun must know, so Liru also knows..."

Thurou:  …

Friday Lang: "...Is it just me and Lao Liu who don't know?"

Zhou Dalang reassured him, "You and Lao Liu have been in the restaurant all day. It's normal not to know, but your wife and Lao Liu's wife should have heard of it. Maybe they didn't have time to tell you?"

Thursday Lang swayed, "This is still 'only'? The whole family knows it, right?"

He couldn't help but mutter: "I'll give one less warning, just one less warning..."

Thursday Lang remembered something, lowered his voice and asked, "Then my daughter-in-law..."

"I must have known it," Zhou Dalang said firmly: "I just don't mention it."

Thursday Lang was a little dissatisfied again, "Why didn't you mention it?"

Zhou Dalang said as a matter of course: "Manbao and Lijun didn't agree, the money is in their hands, so what's the point of not mentioning it?"

This is to make sure that Shirou's arm can't twist Manbao and Lijun's thighs. Zhou Dalang said: "Now my parents can listen to Lijun's words, let alone Manbao's words."

Shirou slumped his shoulders, "Then you still follow me out to dig wild vegetables?"

Zhou Dalang said with a smile: "In the end, it was the little sister who promised others. That's the princess. It's not good for them to eat the food for the night. They are satisfied with the food, and they can take care of the little sister in the palace in the future."

He said: "The palace is their home, and we can rest assured that my little sister has more friends in it."

Okay, Thursullang has been hit hard now and doesn't have much hope for his pearl business.

With a sigh, he held up the lantern and pulled all the other wild vegetables he could see.

At this time, the wild vegetables are the tenderest, almost none of them are old, and there are many more. As long as you find one, you can find a piece along the way.

The three quickly picked a lot, and they probably left quickly after they had two baskets. It was already a little bright now, but the morning light had not yet been seen.

When they drove the carriage back home, Mrs. Qian had already boiled the water. She and her two sisters-in-law picked up the wild vegetables together. Mrs. Qian also helped, and quickly selected the wild vegetables and washed them.

After the water boiled, Mr. Qian poured it directly into it...

The speed was very fast, and only then did Man Bao get up from the bed in a daze. While she got up and put on clothes with her eyes half closed, she secretly said: In fact, living in the palace in spring is not bad, at least you don't need to get up early to enter the palace.

It was only at this time that Man Bao felt that there was a benefit to taking a bath without interruption.

In the last half hour, ask for the remaining monthly passes, as well as book friends who have monthly passes, they will be cleared if you keep them.

Finally, good night everyone

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