Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1862 There are four kinds of people

Man Bao was startled, "Pearl? Does our family have this capital?"

On Thursday, Lang smiled and said, "Of course there is. Last year, those cattle and medicinal materials made a lot of money. I have always been with Lijun."

Man Bao frowned, "Why did you think of starting a pearl business?"

This precious thing is not easy to touch.

Thursday Lang said: "Bai Wu proposed, he wanted the two to work together, but I refused."

He smiled and said, "I know what they think, but I just want to use your momentum to catch up with other people in the palace, so that this business can be done more solidly."

Man Bao looked at him suspiciously, "You don't want to take them with you?"

Thursday Lang shook his head, "No, I don't think their family is very authentic. It's okay for everyone to drink, drink, eat, and occasionally help each other a little. This kind of deep financial exchange is unnecessary."

Zhou Lijun drifted by, and after hearing the words, he paused and said, "Not to mention that our family is weak, it's too unsafe for this kind of business to be involved with them."

Thursday Lang nodded, "That's right, I'd rather suffer a little bit myself than give so much money to others."

Zhou Lijun simply stopped and said to Zhou Man, "Sister-in-law, I won't allow Fourth Uncle to do the pearl business now. Pearls are too expensive and the risks are too high."

Zhou Chulang hurriedly said: "Do you know how much a bunch of pearls are worth? If the quality is better, it is almost comparable to our ten carts of goods, the cost of escorting ten carts back and forth, and the cost of bringing only one bunch of pearls. The cost of..."

"But if you encounter danger on the road, ten cars may return one, and none of the pearls you want to bring may be returned."

Thursday Lang smiled and said, "You have never traveled far after hearing this. If you encounter a horse thief, will they let you get away from a carriage?"

"On the contrary, pearls are easy to carry. If you take them, you can run. Even if you can't run with a bunch of them, you can take pearls with good quality close to your body. As long as you run back, you won't lose a lot."

Zhou Man lifted his eyelids and glanced at Thursday Lang and asked, "Fourth brother, how much do you plan to spend to buy pearls, and how much do you plan to use for medicinal materials, fur, cattle and sheep?"

Shirou touched his nose and said, "You know, our family doesn't have a lot of money. The reason why I want to change to pearls is that pearls are easy to carry, and secondly, pearls can make a lot of money, so I think I can buy 80% of them. Pearl, the remaining 20% ​​will be replaced with medicinal herbs."

Man Bao refused directly, "I don't agree, you have to do it the other way around."

Thursday Lang: "...It's said that this pearl earns a lot of money..."

"Fourth brother, in terms of making money, is there any business in this world that is more profitable than gold and copper mines?" Man Bao interrupted him, "However, do you dare to do it?"

Thursday choked.

Man Bao said with a solemn face: "In addition to gold mines and copper mines, there are also salt, iron and grain transportation. Do you dare to earn this money?"

Thursday Lang said: "What dare you not?"

Man Bao said to Zhou Lijun, "Have you read the book "The Richest Man in Daming" that I showed you last time?"

Zhou Lijun immediately regained his energy and nodded again and again, "I've read it early, auntie, I have made a lot of annotations. Would you like to help me check what I'm thinking wrong?"

Man Bao agreed, "I'll show it to you when I look back. You give the book to the fourth brother first, and let him read it."

Thursday Lang shrank, swallowed and asked, "Me, I read?"

He can recognize some characters well, and can write some simple basic characters, but he can read books...

If he can read books, does he need to carry a Zhou Lijun or Zhou Lizhong and Zhou Liwei everywhere?

Zhou Lijun had already run back to the house and pulled out a book, which she very preciously carried to Shirou, and warned, "Fourth Uncle, you have to be careful, a book is very expensive."

Shirou hugged the book in his arms, neither pushing it, nor accepting it.

Man Bao said: "When you finish reading this book, you will know why I didn't agree."

She sighed like Mr. Zhuang, then raised her head and said earnestly, "Fourth brother, I am here for your own good."

Thurou:  …

Although Zhou Lijun, who had already read the book, agreed, but seeing her aunt so inscrutable, she couldn't help but stay silent for a while with her fourth uncle.

She didn't have the patience of my sister-in-law, so she solved the mystery directly, "Fourth uncle, sister-in-law, this is to save the lives of you and our whole family."

Thursday Lang hugged the book tightly and said, "I, I just want to try the pearl business, do I need to scare me like this?"

Bai Shan, who had been reading silently on the side, suddenly said meaningfully: "Brother Thursday, people's desires cannot be filled, so people need to be satisfied."

Man Bao nodded and said, "In the beginning, because you were poor in our family, the reason why we went to the county to sell things was to pay your debts."

Thursday Lang was so tired, he didn't deny the latter point, but the former point, how could he tell Man Bao that their family was not rich before.

Why did she always think their family was rich before he lost the bet?

"When my family started growing vegetables and making tofu, I didn't even think about buying a shop in the county town, and I didn't even think about going to Yizhou City and other counties and towns," Man Bao said, "You started reselling wheat seeds. , have you ever thought about coming to the capital to do the business of medicinal materials in the future?"

"When you brought the medicinal materials to the capital, did you ever think that you would do a fur business in the future, and would you also go to the grassland to sell cattle and buy medicinal materials?"

Thursday was silent.

Man Bao said: "Just like last year, have you thought that you will be in the pearl business this year? So you can't think of what business you will do in the future today."

Thursday Lang couldn't help but muttered: "Naturally, do whatever business makes money."

Seeing Man Bao staring, afraid that she would mention gold, copper and salt and iron again, he hurriedly said, "Of course I'll do the business that I can come across. If I have the ability to do the salt and iron business in the future, you say I'll make money from it. Is your business pushed out?"

Bai Shan frowned. They discussed business affairs not long ago. He glanced at Zhou Man who was choked, put down the book in his hand, got up from the stone bench and walked over, "Fourth brother, I think in this world There are four kinds of people, one is only able to see between square inches, only his feet are in front of him, and one day is one day, and they have the most simple wishes."

"The second type is to be able to see inside a room, to think and think, to think about the future for yourself and your family, but they don't know much, so the consideration is not deep."

"The third type is to be able to see between a county and a prefecture, and to think about the country and the livelihood of the people."

"And the fourth type is the saints from ancient times to the present. What they think and think is the whole world. A word today may be able to bless people a thousand years from now."

After thinking about it for a while, Chuu Lang thought he was right, so he asked enthusiastically, "Then who do you think I am?"

"Thursday brother is the first."

Thurou:  …

see you at nine

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