Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1858 Let's dig

Chang Yu let out a "huh" and asked curiously, "Is that so?"

"That's it, let's not talk about it from a distance, do you see that among the big families in the capital, the old lady often has it, but the old lady does not often?"

Chang Yu and Ming Da's eyes widened together, only to realize this.

The most important thing is that there are ready-made examples in their palaces. How many years have passed since the emperor's death, the emperor's grandmother is still alive and well.

Mingda couldn't help but coughed lightly, cleared his throat a little uncomfortably, and drove the thoughts out of his mind, then nodded and said, "What you said makes some sense."

Chang Yu thought about it, "In this way, I will definitely live longer than him in the future, when he dies..."

She was infinitely happy. When the concubine died, wouldn't she do whatever she wanted?

Ming Da and Man Bao seemed to know what she was thinking. They lifted their eyelids and glanced at her before saying, "If you are widowed too early, not only your majesty, but also the prince will find a new concubine for you, right?"

Chang Yu slumped his shoulders and said, "Forget it, one is troublesome enough. If you want to find another, I think I've lived too long?"

Man Bao asked: "Don't you like Wei Yu? It's not bad to change to a concubine."

Chang Yu twisted and said, "I don't like him, but among the children of the appropriate age in the capital, who else is more suitable than him?"

Seeing that she was actually speaking for Wei Yu, Mingda couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Don't you like playing polo? Go directly to the Western Suburb Racecourse and see whoever plays the best polo game will be the concubine. ."

Chang Yu pursed his lips and said, "I don't want it. Among the people of the same age, Pang Er is the last to play polo. He and Cousin Zhao played well. He can not only play polo, but also go to the casino. "

Man Bao asked, "Is Zhao Liulang?"

"That's right," Chang Yu said, "Now, who else in Uncle Guo's family has nothing to do besides him?"

Several of Zhao Liulang's older brothers have either gone out of office, or they have been assigned errands at home, and now he is the only one still living in front of his father and mother.

The three of them sat on the couch and talked some gossip. The people around Wei Yu checked Wei Yu over. Man Bao and Ming Da tried their best to say bad things about him, and the kind words of others, so that Chang Yu even protected him a few times. .

Mingda was surprised, "This method actually works."

Chang Yu was silent for a while and then said, "It's been so long, I forgot what he looked like."

Not to mention Manbao, even Mingda didn't believe it, "How long has it been since you got married? You didn't go for more than 20 days, right? Why did you forget?"

"My father and mother are both here, how can I have the nerve to see him?" Chang Yu said, "Speaking of which, the only time I saw him seriously was the first time I met him. here I am."

Man Bao said: "It's alright, you wait for me, I'll take Bai Shan to paint him when Xiu Mu leaves the palace tomorrow, and then I'll bring his small painting into the palace to show you."

Chang Yu opened his mouth wide, "This, how embarrassing this is."

"If you want to feel embarrassed, give him a small portrait of yourself?"

Mingda volunteered, "I'll paint."

Chang Yu: "It's even more embarrassing."

Man Bao encouraged her: "You are all engaged, what's there to be embarrassed about? That's it, apart from the little statue, do you have anything to entrust me to give him?"

Chang Yu never thought of sending something to Wei Yu, okay?

Hearing that, he shook his head again and again, "No, the queen mother and husband have taught me that girls should be more reserved."

"Then draw a small portrait," Mingda decisively instructed the maids to prepare things for painting. "Prepare more paint, I want to paint my sister more beautifully."

Man Bao was about to leave, but upon seeing this, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'm here to help."

So one person sat on the chair while pressing Chang Yu, Man Bao glanced at Chang Yu and shook his head, "No, I have to dress up again and change into brighter clothes."

Chang Yu's palace maid also took the initiative to say, "I'll give the princess a hair bun again."

Obviously, they are also looking forward to the princess and the concubine being able to sympathize with each other.

So everyone cheered, Chang Yu dressed up and was pressed on a chair to make a portrait of Ming Da.

Man Bao also found a pair of fans that best suited her and stuffed it into her hand, "Hiding it, half covering it is the most shy and beautiful."

Changyu:  …

Unfortunately, it takes a long time to draw such a small statue. When Man Bao left, Ming Da had only drawn the outline and had to color it, which would take a long time.

So she said to Chang Yu, who was sitting stiffly, "Send it to me after the painting is finished. If it is too late tonight, I will send it directly to the gate of the palace tomorrow morning."

Chang Yu was only hot for a moment, and now he already regretted agreeing to paint them a small portrait, and nodded perfunctorily: "I see."

Thinking of something, she quickly said: "When you enter the palace, remember to bring me the wild vegetables made by your sister-in-law."

Man Bao replied, "Don't worry, you won't forget anything if you forget anything."

Because she also wants to eat wild vegetables, sour and crunchy, very refreshing.

Man Bao not only wanted to eat it himself, but also said that Bai Shan and Bai Erlang wanted to eat it too. Even Yin or Liu Huan, who had never eaten it, couldn't help but get excited and asked, "Is it really so delicious?"

Bai Shan, Bai Erlang and Man Bao nodded together.

Yin He just said, "Then we will visit your house tomorrow after leaving the palace?"

Man Bao said there was no problem.

But the next day, Man Bao took the small statue sent by the maid and stuffed it in the basket. When he ran home, he was told that there were no wild vegetables.

Xiao Qian said with a smile: "This is in the capital, not in our village, where did the wild vegetables come from?"

Man Bao asked: "Is it not sold in the market?"

"Who would buy wild vegetables at the market," Xiao Qian said with a smile: "Apart from edible mushrooms, who would spend money to buy those bitter wild vegetables? Isn't the vegetables grown in the ground more delicious?"

Man Bao said: "But the cold dishes made by my sister-in-law are the most delicious when they are mixed with wild vegetables."

Fang Shi and Lu Shi who have eaten it also think so, "You can eat wild vegetables for a period of time every year in the spring, but I think I can't eat it during this time."

Zhou Lijun, who was passing by, floated by the side without raising his head, and replied indifferently, "Isn't this simple, we will go to work on Zhuangzi in a few days, and then we will go to the field to find it, then Just dig the wild vegetables in the field."

After saying that, he floated away.

Mr. Fang felt that this was a good idea, but Man Bao said, "No, you can go to Zhuangzi, but we can't go. We can't eat right now, and if we want to eat again, we'll have to wait until the end of the decade."

"The most important thing is that I promised that Princess Changyu would bring some for her."

After agreeing to the princess, it was hard to regret it, and Xiao Qian became sad, "What should I do? At this time, where can I find wild vegetables at home?"

Bai Shan said, "Let's go digging."

see you at nine

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