Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1853 fire

It said: "You can choose freely within the prescribed program. When I accidentally put it here, the energy is about to run out. If I can't bind the host, then I will scrap it. Within the range I could scan at that time, you The brain fluctuations of his are the most suitable for me, and he is also the person with the highest intelligence that I have seen in my range, so after comprehensive consideration, I decided to choose you."

In fact, Zhou Man also had disadvantages at that time. He was young and weak, but Keke always believed that the human body can be changed, but intelligence is the foundation, so it chose intelligence between the two.

Man Bao happily concluded, "This is fate."

Keke took it seriously, if it wasn't for fate, how could it choose her?

Man Bao strolled around the forum, got a general understanding of the changes in the forum, and then logged out of the system, then lay on the bed and glanced out at the already dim sky.

After thinking for a while, she got up and found a pair of scissors to go out, and found the peony flower outside the yard by the light that was not completely dark.

She made a gesture and cut off two branches without any flowers, so she didn't see much change.

Man Bao happily took the branch and ran back to the house. The female officer who lived in the same yard saw it and was speechless.

Keke had to remind her, "I was seen."

Man Bao glanced at it and said, "Don't worry, she won't sue."

She is not afraid to complain.

She has been in the palace for so long and knows what mistakes can and cannot be made.

Man Bao cut the branches into sections, then wrapped it with biofilm bought in the mall to preserve its activity, and then contacted Dr. D and asked her to buy it.

She wanted to try the forum's new private transaction model.

As a result, she received a warning email before the email was sent. She clicked it and found that it was sent by the encyclopedia.

The Encyclopedia said that D1567, who she is contacting now, is being banned from the Internet because she was involved in a risk to lure minors to reveal the interests of the alliance. Transactions in the forum are also risky, and I hope both parties to the transaction can deal with caution.

The time limit for Dr. D to be lifted from the Internet is also attached below.

Man Bao widened his eyes, "Dr. D wasn't on the list I saw this morning."

Keke said: "The list given to you is to cause Internet violence to you. Dr. D is not included. She was punished for inquiring about your cooperation agreement with the alliance."

Man Bao smacked his tongue, "Dr. D is so pitiful."

Keke didn't think she was pitiful, but he didn't say anything to refute her, "Host, what about these branches?"

Man Bao looked at the already wrapped branches, "I went to cut it despite the frost, and I was seen, so I can't just waste it like this. Let's put it on the forum, in case anyone else is interested?"

So Keke put the branches on the forum for sale, and found their information directly from the entries in the encyclopedia to introduce them.

It thought that it would have to wait several days for the results this time. If it couldn't sell it, it would have to barter with people in other worlds. Maybe it could exchange the worthless branches for some worthless things from the other party. .

Man Bao once traded unsellable flowers and plants for some worthless pottery.

As a result, Keke put things on the front foot, and they received an inquiry on the back foot.

Man Bao, who was about to leave the forum and go to the classroom, couldn't help but stop for a while. She hurried to look at it and found that in just a short while, there were already many quotations under her post, some of whom wanted to barter, and some Purchased with points.

After a while, a group of branches soared to 1,300 points. You know, her psychological price is only 400 points for a group of branches.

Because this is a very ordinary peony branch, not the same as the famous branch she gave to Dr. D yesterday.

Man Bao was stunned for a while and then asked Keke, "Didn't I cut ordinary peony branches? Did I cut it wrong?"

Keke also checked it and said, "That's right, it's a peony branch."

It also quickly went through everyone's messages and said to Zhou Man: "Host, you are popular, so everyone's bid is so high."

For the first time, Manbao experienced the benefits of "fire", that is, the price of things sold is much higher than before.

Man Bao carefully compared, and finally selected three people to sell three sets of branches. All three of them earned points. After all, she was still young, her knowledge was limited, and she didn't know enough about the price of bartering objects, so it was better to choose directly based on money.

Man Bao has earned so many points in a short period of time. He was so happy that he even sent a post to thank everyone for their support.

Someone took the opportunity to ask, "Little Zhou Man, how old are you this year?"

Man Bao was reluctant to answer, "Can't you ask the girl's age if you don't know?"

"Hahaha, other girls don't ask because they are old, you are still a cub, what are you afraid of?"

Man Baodao: "I'm actually not too young. I'm working now. I have no problem with my body or my IQ. Don't treat me like a child."

"Understood, just like adults want to become smaller, children are also extremely eager to grow up, thinking that when they grow up, they will be free and independent, so only children can say this."

"Anyway, there is no sixteen, right? Is that fifteen, or a younger age?"

Everyone fell into the enthusiasm of guessing her age, Man Bao lucked out, and simply quit the forum and went to Mr. Mo to take a class.

In fact, Mr. Mo can also go to the forum. After all, he is also a researcher of the alliance, but he has always only participated in projects, and seldom took the initiative to pursue any research projects, so he just wandered and didn't talk.

Seeing Zhou Man finally appearing in the classroom, he connected with her and directly videoed her: "Why, Ken came back from the forum?"

Man Bao was embarrassed to admit his mistake, then cared about Dr. D, and asked sadly, "Will she be in danger?"

"No," Mr. Mo said, "it's common for research institutes and researchers to inquire about each other's research projects. I want to say that this time the alliance has overreacted. Maybe it will make Dr. D guess something. But that is The alliance and the encyclopedia are none of our business, we just need to abide by the confidentiality agreement."

"She's banned from the Internet now, and she won't be able to access the Internet for 50 days. What about the first generation of rice seeds she cultivated? I heard that it has already headed, so it will be harvested in a month or so?"

"Isn't there me and the Encyclopedia?" He laughed: "You forgot, her process and results were originally handed over by me, and they can give it to me offline."

Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief, and then smiled: "Then I'll let my eldest brother prepare the test field, and I also split a field in my hometown for the test."

Mr. Mo nodded, clicked on the entry next to him and said, "Let's have a new class today. Although grain seeds are important, your medical skills are also very important. The case you gave me last time, I looked up the ancient recipe, but I didn't read it. I got a good prescription, but I still found three treatment plans, I think the success rate is 60%, we can come and learn."

Man Bao left these things behind and took out his notebook to listen carefully to Teacher Mo's lecture.

See you at 6 pm

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