Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1850 Decompression

Man Bao looked at most of these forty-three books, and didn't know how many years it would take to read them.

Fortunately, this should be a popular science book, so it is not expensive.

But the forty-three books add up to a lot, and Man Bao deducted this part of the money and then paid the points for the encyclopedia to print them on paper.

There are some differences in the text on both sides. When she bought it, the encyclopedia took the initiative to convert it into the text of the host's world based on the civilization information collected by the system, and even the typesetting was on their side.

It's just that more punctuation marks are used, and the text should be more straightforward.

At least Zhou Man can easily understand the books in the encyclopedia, even Bai Erlang can easily read many books.

Although Man Bao bought the book, she didn't take it out to read, but put it in the space. Seeing that there were many books stacked in it, she simply went to the mall.

She looked at the bookshelves in the mall and found that the bookshelves above were much more beautiful than theirs, but they were also very expensive.

But she doesn't lack points now.

Man Bao glanced at the system space where books took up a lot of space, and simply bought a row of bookshelves, and then went back to the house to put these books on the bookshelves in different categories.

Once packed, not only does the system space look much larger, but the books are also easier to find.

Man Bao nodded with satisfaction, and looked at the various messy things that were piled aside. They were all things she bought, dug, and picked up from the mall or from outside.

Man Bao opened a box and saw a box of pebbles inside, which she picked up by the river when she was a child.

She scratched her head and simply went to buy another bookshelf, and put everything that could be put on the shelf in it.

It had been an hour since she had put everything that could be put on it.

Manbao pinched her waist and looked at it, and saw only her money and some valuable reward fabrics scattered around.

These things are kept by herself, and she is used to putting valuable things in her own space.

Man Bao took a look around, and simply went to the mall to buy a few nice big boxes, put the gold and silver in them, and put them on the shelves.

She also packed up the fabric and put it on the top of the bookshelf, looking at the tidy space, Man Bao nodded in satisfaction.

Depressed mood is all right.

Keke saw that the space he brought with him was much more spacious, and he was very satisfied.

The depression in Manbao's chest dissipated, she exited the space to wipe the sweat, and said to Keke: "Sure enough, when you are in a bad mood, you should work, move and sweat."

Man Bao changed into a suit and lay on the bed. The sleepiness soon came up, she yawned and fell asleep with her head tilted.

She didn't attend Teacher Mo's class tonight, but she fell asleep more than an hour later than usual.

Keke didn't expect that she could fall asleep when she said that she could fall asleep, so she couldn't help being silent for a while. In the end, she silently maintained the safe scanning range, and then went to the forum to handle all kinds of information for her.

As soon as it went to the forum, it found that there was blood and blood in the forum.

Man Bao has retired, but some battles can't be ended if she quits, and there are still battles in the forum.

Man Bao's previous posts, what he said on the forum, and what the 0561 host said, all the posts he made were turned out.

Even the other hosts who are caught in the battle are the same, everyone is attacking each other, and there is no intention to stop.

Keke watched silently, and other systems watched silently, too. There was a participating host, the system couldn't help but persuade and warned them, but they didn't care if the host didn't listen at all.

The systems think that these hosts are so naive, thinking that the forums in the encyclopedia are the same as their world, and they can talk casually without taking responsibility?

However, at present, only Keke Unity is uploading the report, but other researchers who have been in the forum see that the situation is not right, they will retreat, and those who report will report.

Soon, the abnormality here was discovered by the technology of the encyclopedia. They had to work overtime all night, and received a lot of complaints and reports as soon as they went to the backstage.

Technicians:  …

They can only look at it from the beginning. After seeing the report of 0531, they have to apply for the main system to intervene. They need to verify the situation of the 0531 binders, but the binders of each system are highly confidential in the alliance, and it is not easy to see arrived.

They thought it would take two or three days to respond to the report application. After all, although the main system does not need to sleep, there is a lot of data to be processed. Their matter is not very big, and they should be sorted normally, at least two Three working days to reply.

As a result, after a short while, the main system sent a letter asking them to issue the qualifications to be inquired, and also communicated with the owner of their encyclopedia overnight...

Technicians who don't know anything: ... I'm a little scared, is it really okay to disturb the owner at night?

As a result, the owner of the museum went online and dealt with these complaints and reports personally, and then asked them to investigate the cause and effect of the matter, and used the highest authority to query the conversation records between Host 0531 and D1567.

The technicians whispered, "D1567 in particular, or host 0531?"

"I took a look. D1567 is just an ordinary researcher, so there shouldn't be anything special about it, right? 0531's performance is very average. If it is special, only its binder is a minor."

"The league's protections for minors are getting stricter now."

"No matter how strict it is, you can't control that world, right? Although there is little information, from the analysis of the existing data, the civilization where the 0531 host is still in ancient times, the interests of children are not guaranteed."

Just as they were discussing, the instructions of the museum owner and the main system came down, "The forum has been revised, and 256 new items have been added to the forum system, all of which are handled in accordance with the network security regulations of the alliance. You work overtime to write out the data code, and put this Everyone who speaks and operates in violation of the regulations will be punished according to the regulations, and the researchers on the alliance side know the law and break the law, and the punishment will be doubled.”

The technicians were shocked and did not dare to discuss any more. They immediately went to the revised forum and made an announcement.

But they were not at all calm.

This forum has not changed in recent years, because there was a lot of controversy when the forum was established, and it was applied by some officials and researchers of the alliance in conjunction with some subsystems.

In the end, after a year-long discussion, everyone finally decided to establish this forum for the exchange and transaction of various worlds, in order to encourage the binders of various worlds to complete various collection tasks faster.

However, because it is difficult for users of the framework to interfere with each other, and they do not know each other, and it is impossible to reach reality, the forum hardly protects privacy.

You can post and sell all kinds of things you have collected, you can buy or barter with points, or you can exchange some collection experiences.

Interested parties can bid directly under the post, bid, and then the seller will select the trader and then complete the transaction.

So every transaction, as long as it is done by posting, can be searched in the forum, and it is not difficult to find at all.

see you at nine

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