Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1846 Bargaining

She replied: "Famous, but famous, but his most famous is not in the field of paleontology and ancient medicine, but his achievements in the genetic variation of intelligent organisms, but he likes ancient medicine, and I heard that it has been published in recent years. He has read a lot of papers on ancient medicine, and I don’t know where he got so many cases, and he has also been certified by schools and encyclopedias.”

"But I probably know now that you gave him those cases?"

Man Bao responded, expressing his affirmation of her guess.

Dr. D knew this and asked, "How did you get him and the Encyclopedia to stand up for you? Do you know how much your initial investment in this project is?"

Man Bao didn't know, she directly signed the result agreement with the encyclopedia, they finally gave her qualified grain seeds, and she gave them meteorites.

Dr. D said: "There are 8 million points in the account now, but even if you have the original grain seeds as a reference, if you want to cultivate stable and developable grain seeds in our environment, you still have to meet these requirements for you. The requirements also take a lot of time and effort. The later investment will only be more.”

Man Bao asked: "Is there not enough money? Why do you still need to cultivate flower seeds to make the shortfall money?"

"No, I'm short of money for another experimental project." Dr. D didn't say it in detail, but Man Bao also guessed from her words why she would take Teacher Mo's list because she was short of money.

Man Bao thought thoughtfully, "So in fact, my project is not difficult, is it a project that you can quickly realize?"

Dr. D responded and said, "Although it is difficult, it is not difficult to overcome what can be seen."

She still wanted to find out what Zhou Man was trading with the Encyclopedia Museum. The main thing was that Zhou Man's collection direction and her research direction mostly overlapped. Many of her experiments could find the original genes from Zhou Man's time. Therefore, very interested.

Man Bao felt that they were friends after all, so he didn't hide her, and said directly: "I can't tell you, because I signed a non-disclosure agreement."

Dr. D: " whispered, I don't tell anyone."

Man Bao: "...Keke is the system of the Encyclopedia. I am using it to communicate with you now. If you don't tell others, the Encyclopedia will know."

Dr. D actively explained to Man Bao: "It's not like this. Although it can be viewed, the entire alliance is so large that it won't specifically stare at you."

She sighed and said: "I also have some research in information technology, so if you send me an email, I will clear it immediately. What should I do if the encyclopedia cannot find any traces?"

Keke couldn't bear it anymore, and reminded Man Baodao: "Don't listen to her, no matter how you clear the traces on the Internet, they still exist. As long as the code is generated, it can be traced back. It may be a little difficult for others, but the main system wants to find it. Code thing."

No one pays attention to their speech now, but don't forget, they are the key observation objects of the main system. Once the main system thinks about checking it, it is difficult for even Keke to deceive it perfectly.

It doesn't want to take risks for this kind of thing.

Man Bao was naturally not stupid, he declined Dr. D, and asked her in turn, "But since you have guessed it, there will be new progress in the experiment in the future, can you send me a copy too? may be faster.”

Dr. D was counter-killed, and in order to test the process, she still had no objection.

Dr. D said: "It's unimaginable that I would be at a disadvantage in negotiating with you."

Man Bao searched for a long time in the mailbox, and finally found a grinning emoji package for her to go back to the past. Keke said that in the communication of the future world, the rational application of emoji packages can promote the development of interpersonal relationships.

When Dr. D received this expression pack, he could only reply with a helpless expression, and then he bargained with her, "Since it is your order, I still need some test specimens here, can you provide me with it?"

Man Bao asked enthusiastically, "What specimen do you need?"

"Collect more kinds of grain seeds. Grain seeds grown in various regions are needed. If possible, I hope to provide rice for survival in the wild. I remember that the history of civilization in your place is not very long. There should be a lot of these things in the wild, right? "

Man Bao thought hard, "I haven't seen wild rice seeds in the wild. Does it count if I scatter the rice seeds into the wild and let them grow freely?"

Dr. D: "...It doesn't count!"

She was annoyed by the child, and then asked, "Aren't you Professor Mo's student? Why don't you even understand this?"

Man Bao said: "Mr. Mo only teaches me medicine, and I don't need to learn botany from him."

Dr. D remembered something, and immediately asked: "I'm very good at botany, and you are recording this, why do you have to learn it? Your ancient medicine is also closely related to botany, isn't it? Do you want it? Take a class with me?"

Man Bao asked, "Are you qualified to start a class?"

This sentence hits the red heart, making Dr. D silent for a long time. After a while, she replied: "Not yet, but I will apply."

Man Bao smiled and said, "When you have a certificate, I will cheer for you as long as you start the class."

Dr. D: I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't figure out what is wrong.

If you can't think of it, Dr. D doesn't want it anymore. Recently, the poor Dr. D directly clicked on the groups of peony branches and asked, "This is very useful for studying your plant genes, even if you provide it to me."

Man Bao, who had made a lot of money recently but didn't spend much, responded directly, "Okay, take it, do you want it, I still have ordinary varieties, I'll give you tomorrow?"

Dr. D refuses to come, "Okay, you will put it on the forum tomorrow, and I will set up transaction points when I am online. Don't set it in advance, or you will be careful to be taken."

Man Bao responded, then smiled and said, "If you cultivate a new peony flower, or a genetically stable variety, don't forget to give me a copy."

Dr. D: "...I cultivated this thing for flower companies. What are you doing here? Don't you already have the original variety?"

"No, these peonies belong to others, so I'll prune the branches or something."

Dr. D: The co-author is the white wolf with empty gloves.

Man Bao urged: "Is it okay? My family has a large garden, and there are still a few species in it, but the flowers from your side look good when you just brought them in, but there are all kinds of flowers that have grown over the years. There is one plant. Even the knives can't stop slashing, but it's terrifying."

Dr. D said: "Then you must buy the cheapest variety. Basically, it only blooms in one year, and the genes are extremely unstable. After a wave of flowers, the genes will be out of order. You should buy the more expensive ones, and they are better now. The peony flowers can maintain their genetic stability for about five years. It seems that they were researched after you collected them in the early years. However, the varieties are still relatively simple, and due to the influence of the original genes, some of the petals are not as good as the existing ones."

Of course, the first time she included peony flowers, she bought the cheapest pot on Yizhou City Street.

see you at nine

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