Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1826 Chicken Soup

Bai Shan didn't bring Man Bao to see his two brothers, let alone her, he didn't know each other very well, and he was the kind of person who wouldn't recognize him face to face on the street.

They didn't make Bai Shan very happy either. He didn't like the people of his family very much, so he went directly with Man Bao to the West First Hospital to eat the late lunch prepared by Xiao Qian's family for Man Bao.

Everyone in the family had eaten lunch, only Man Bao and Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru didn't eat it. She wanted to set up a small table for them in the kitchen.

Seeing that Bai Shan Bai Erlang was also coming, he simply let them sit in the dining room to eat.

She led Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru to serve the cooked food. Seeing that Bai Shan and Bai Erlang were both sitting down, she pulled Man Bao out and asked in a low voice, "Are you making your Shangguan angry?"

Man Bao was surprised, "How did the sister-in-law know?"

Xiao Qian nodded her forehead and said, "Can't you think of others as fools? How can anyone come to pay New Year's greetings and not leave guests for dinner?"

When Man Bao heard the reason, he immediately argued: "Sister-in-law, you don't know, this is the rule of the officialdom, subordinates can visit Shangguan's house for New Year's greetings, but whether Shangguan stays or not depends on fate."

Little Qian expressed doubts, "How can anyone bring a gift to the door without leaving a meal?"

Man Bao said: "There are also people who come to the door with gifts and haven't even seen the owner's face. If we don't talk about it, we will say that Ji Xiang's family is the prime minister. Except for another prime minister, everyone in Manchu Wenwu is with him. Next, if you come with a gift, you can see him and have a meal with him, you can see if the threshold of his house is about to be trampled."

Man Bao said confidently: "So, not everyone will stay for food, but don't worry, tomorrow I go to see another Shangguan, and he will definitely leave food for me."

"Is it Master Yang?"


Xiao Qian said, "I remember that Mr. Yang likes to eat our chicken soup. Why don't I make a pot tomorrow and bring it to him?"

How can anyone bring a pot of chicken soup for New Year's greetings?

But Man Bao swallowed his saliva and nodded again and again, "Okay, okay."

Anyway, Brother Yang and Xuexiong Tang are not outsiders, so it's okay to bring a pot of soup to the door.

Xiao Qian said with a smile: "Then I will kill the chicken tonight and stew it tomorrow morning."

Man Bao felt so hungry, so she wanted to turn around and go back to eat, but was caught by Xiao Qian and pulled back, and continued with the original question, "So you still offended Shangguan?"

Man Bao: "...Sister-in-law, Xiao Yuanzheng is getting old and forgetful, so don't worry, it will be fine in two days. If you don't believe me, ask Lijun if she and Liru are in the Xiao family today. A lot of red envelopes?"

Little Qian: "..."

She didn't tell Man Bao that the fact that she offended Xiao Yuanzheng was just guessed by Lijun, and then she accidentally leaked her mouth when she cooked food for her just now.

Xiao Qian looked at Man Bao carefully, and when she saw that there was no trace of sadness on her face, she knew that this matter should not be very important, and she felt relieved.

But he still warned him, "Don't argue with Shangguan, you know?"

Man Bao nodded again and again, touched his stomach and asked, "Sister-in-law, I'm hungry."

Only then did Xiao Qian let her go to dinner.

The chicken soup stewed by Xiao Qian's was very delicious. Although it was packed in a jar and the lid was tightly covered, the three of Man Bao, who had carried them into the car in a basket, still felt the aroma coming from their nostrils.

The three swallowed their saliva at the same time, and then Bai Erlang touched the stomach that had just eaten the breakfast, and whispered: "It seems that I am hungry again."

Man Bao stretched out his hand and held down the bamboo basket, Bai Shan said, "Wait a little longer, you can eat it at Xuexiong Tang's house."

The Yang family is now deserted, and the family atmosphere is not very good. Yang Heshu didn't want his friends to go to his house to feel the badness, so he made an appointment with them early to meet at the Tang family.

When they arrived at the gate of Tang's house, it happened that Yang Heshu's carriage also arrived at the side door.

Daji pulled the carriage and let the Yang family in first, and then he drove the carriage to keep up.

The servants of the Tang family had long known that Yang Heshu and Bai Shan were coming to visit, so when they saw the carriages of the two families, they removed the threshold to let them in, and at the same time asked someone to notify the uncle.

Yang Heshu got off the carriage in the side yard, turned around and helped Mrs Cui, suddenly smelled something, and looked back at Bai Shan and their carriage.

Bai Erlang and Bai Shan had already jumped out of the car one after the other, one turned around to take a big bamboo basket, and the other turned to support Zhou Man.

Yang Heshu's eyes fell on the bamboo basket that Bai Erlang was carrying, and he couldn't help but grinned, and supported Mrs Cui, "Is this a gift you brought?"

Cui shi glanced at Yang Heshu in surprise, how could he ask someone for a gift in person?

Bai Erlang has already nodded, covered his mouth and whispered: "It's the chicken soup that Mrs. Zhou made and gave us to drink it for lunch."

Man Bao said: "Obviously, it was specially cooked for Yang Xuexiong."

Yang Heshu laughed out loud and said to Man Bao, "I didn't expect Sister-in-law Zhou to remember this, let's go in."

Daji and the guards who followed the car took down several boxes from the car, which were New Year's gifts for the Tang family, and one in the car for Yang Heshu, but they had to wait until they came out as guests.

No, it should be another exchange, because Yang and Shu also prepared a New Year's gift for them.

The nurse carried the child up, and a maid opened her cloak to shield him from the wind.

Man Bao curiously leaned up and took a look, and met his dripping black eyes.

Man Bao gave a "Yeah" and said, "It's only been a hundred days, it looks so smart."

Cui Shi was happy, and nodded immediately: "I also think he is smarter than other children, and it seems that he can recognize people now."

A few people went inside while talking, and after walking for a while, they came up to meet Tang He and Mrs. Tang.

Everyone smiled and greeted them and went to the backyard. After walking a few steps, Tang He couldn't help but sniffed, turned his head and asked Mrs. Tang, "Where is the soup being boiled, and the fragrance has spread to the front?"

Of course Madam Tang didn't know either, so she replied casually, "Is it the kitchen?"

But Tang He stopped, frowned and said, "No, why do I think the smell hasn't changed much? Can the smell of the big kitchen drift to the front here?"

Man Bao simply ran behind Bai Erlang, pulled the cloak behind him and fanned at the basket, and asked Tang He, "Brother Tang, do you feel more fragrant now?"

Tang He's eyes fell on the basket that Bai Erlang was carrying, he: "..."

The others looked at Man Bao and were speechless.

Mrs. Tang was the first to react and asked with a smile, "Why do you still bring soup when you come to the door? Why, I'm afraid I won't give you some soup?"

Tang He was also fortunate enough to drink the chicken soup made by Xiao Qian's. He smelled it and asked, "Did your sister-in-law make it?"

Man Bao nodded proudly.

Tang He smiled and said with a laugh, "I'm here, why are you so polite?"

Yang Heshu smiled lightly: "Probably because Sister-in-law Zhou knows that I like to drink her stewed chicken soup."

Man Bao nodded and whispered, "My sister-in-law has always remembered it."

Tang He:  …

He also praised that Sister Zhou's soup was well cooked, why did he remember Yang Heshu and not him?

Let's make up for it tomorrow, I'm too tired today

So see you tomorrow.

It's a pity to think about it. It has been updated for 505 days before, but it was broken yesterday.

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