Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1819 New Year's Day

Xiao Yuanzheng also came, everyone stood according to the official grade, and he stood not far in front of Zhou Man.

Because the court meeting was solemn, and it was the first day of the new year, although the emperor and the third prince did not arrive, everyone did not dare to talk together as usual, but stood solemnly in their respective positions.

Man Bao stared at Xiao Yuanzheng, Xiao Yuanzheng noticed her gaze and turned to look at her.

Man Bao gave him a wink, indicating that he would stay after the meeting, and she had something to say to him.

The wink Xiao Yuanzheng barely understood, so he nodded slightly, then turned back and stood up.

Civil and military officials stood in the square and there was only one hour before the emperor and the prince led the three ministers back from the altar.

Therefore, everyone shouted and wished the emperor a long life, wished the society long-term peace, and the world was happy.

The emperor happily accepted their blessings and expressed his reflections on governing the country. He also encouraged the civil and military officials to make persistent efforts in the new year, be loyal to the country and the monarch, jointly manage the world well, and create peace for all generations.

At the end, he continued to say that this year's year will remain unchanged, and it will still be the year of Dazhen.

Civil and military officials should kneel down again, and said that the emperor is very wise, and they will follow the emperor to let the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment.

The emperor was very happy, raised his hand and said, "All Aiqings are flat, come here and give a feast."

So there were waiters who carried the low tables and seats forward, placing them in front of each official, and the maids at the back served meals.

Man Bao knelt down on the seat and opened the lid of her food tray against the cold wind of the first day of the first lunar month. Inside was a plate of Sheji Fushou Noodles. She reached out to touch it, and breathed a sigh of relief. There was still a hint of warmth. It's not cold at all.

Next to it are other small steamed buns and snacks made from other four grains. Man Bao reached out and touched it, but it was still warm.

She smiled and looked at the distant emperor on the high steps, waiting for him to move his chopsticks.

In front of the emperor was the same food made of five grains as the civil and military officials.

The Great Court started early, and ancestor worship was also early. Everyone was sitting here hungry, and it was time to eat early.

The emperor motioned for everyone to eat, and then stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a chopsticks noodle. The emperor ate it, the prince moved the chopsticks, the third prince moved the chopsticks, and the civil and military officials moved the chopsticks.

Because today, whether it is a real or a vacant position, I have to go to the palace to celebrate, so many people have been added in front. Man Bao is farther away from the emperor, and he can't see whether he eats or not. He can only stare at the colleagues in front and see them take it. Pick up chopsticks to eat, then pick up chopsticks to eat noodles.

I heard that the five grains given by the emperor were blessed by the heavens, so every year on the first day of the new year, everyone would eat all the food.

Although it was the first time for Man Bao to participate, he had already inquired clearly.

She also wanted God's blessing, so she ate everything carefully. After eating, she touched her stomach and found that she was not full, so she put down her chopsticks regretfully.

After everyone finished eating, the emperor helped the case and all the ministers sighed about the difficulties of last year and the achievements they had made in the difficult environment, and then happily announced to retire and leave.

The prince and the third prince left with the emperor. These big guys have other things to do, and the other civil and military can leave.

Man Bao got up from the seat and was about to find Xiao Yuanzheng. The editors who stood not far from her prayed with her for the New Year, "Lord Zhou Xiao, have a happy New Year."

Man Bao hurriedly bowed in return, "Master Fang has a happy New Year..."

The people next to her also paid her New Year's greetings, Man Bao returned the salute again and again, bent his waist five or six times, and when he straightened up to look for Xiao Yuanzheng, he found that Xiao Yuanzheng was missing.

She stood on tiptoe and looked forward, seeing that everyone was paying New Year's greetings in groups, and if she only looked at the back, she couldn't tell who was coming.

She scratched her head, and simply bowed her hands and went forward to find Xiao Yuanzheng.

After walking a few steps, she was grabbed by the back collar.

She turned around and saw Yang Heshu slapped Tang He's hand that was dragging her.

Seeing her turn around, Tang He folded his hands and bowed in salute, with a smile on his face: "Lord Zhou Xiao, have a happy New Year."

Man Bao was speechless for a moment, then bent down to greet him, "Master Tang, have a happy New Year."

Yang Heshu also greeted her with a smile and solemnly paid her respects for a year. After receiving her return, he asked with a smile, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Xiao Yuanzheng."

Yang Heshu is going to help her find it.

Tang He smiled and said, "He's your Shangguan. It's still a long time since the end of the year. There's always time to pay homage. What's the hurry?"

Man Bao said: "I have something to tell him."

Tang He remembered that she was on duty at the Imperial Hospital on New Year's Eve yesterday, his smile paused, and he pointed to the harem and said, "I just saw someone come to invite Xiao Yuanzheng, and they have already gone to the back."

Man Bao opened her mouth wide in surprise, turned her head to look, and passed the crowd, she barely saw three backs, and they disappeared when she turned.

Tang He asked in a low voice, "Is it important?"

Man Bao hesitated for a moment and said, "No, I just want to communicate with him."

Imperial Physician Liu also passed over many officials and looked for him all the way to pay New Year's greetings. Seeing that Zhou Man was the only one here, he asked, "Where is the hospital?"

Man Bao pointed in the direction of the harem and said, "Let's go."

Imperial Physician Liu was also startled, and quickly asked, "Did you tell him?"

Man Bao shook his head, "I don't have time."

Imperial Physician Liu was also dumbfounded. He looked at the direction of the harem together with her, and said after a while, "I remembered, Imperial Physician Lu is on duty today, can we leave the palace?"

Man Bao had a stronger conscience, and hesitantly said, "Isn't that bad, don't wait for Xiao Yuanzheng to come out and breathe with him?"

"It's all recorded in the medical records, and it's good for us to explain to Imperial Physician Lu. We hardly slept all night last night, and we were very tired."

When Man Bao heard this, his conscience softened a little, so he nodded, "Okay, then let's go back to hand over."

So the old and the young were not in the mood to say New Year's greetings to everyone. They only greeted the people they saw along the way, and then quickly slipped back to the Tai Hospital.

Yang Heshu and Tang He looked at the audience, couldn't help but looked at each other, smiled, and then went to pay New Year's greetings to other elders and colleagues.

Imperial Physician Liu and Man Bao hurried back to the Imperial Hospital, and as soon as they collected their belongings, they waited for Imperial Physician Lu and Imperial Physician Zheng to return.

When the two imperial physicians returned from their New Year's greetings, they immediately handed over to them.

The relationship between Imperial Physician Lu and Zhou Man was not very good, so he only talked to Imperial Physician Liu. Imperial Physician Zheng always thought it was strange that they were in such a hurry to hand over, so he pulled Man Bao aside and asked, "Is it safe last night?"

Zheng Taiyi was his own man after all, so Man Bao whispered to him: "Last night it was safe, Prince Gong's stomach broke, and several princes got drunk and almost got into a fight, one fell down. , The little princes caught two colds there, but they were all sent out of the palace, the problem is not very big."

It seems that last night was very lively, Zheng Taiyi thought, "Then..."

Man Bao lowered his voice and said: "But yesterday was not very peaceful, Yunfeng County Master is pregnant, and the fetal image is not very good, Xiao Yuanzheng should be in the Queen Mother's Palace by now."

Imperial Physician Zheng pondered for a while, and then said, "Aren't you backing up with the hospital?"

See you at 6 pm

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