Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1810 Eccentric

The Keke data in the audition are all active, and some words can't be expressed, but Mr. Mo can. Therefore, it is the most correct for the host to come to Teacher Mo.

Because the subsystem is the only bridge between their world and Zhou Man, and the main system is unwilling to release the authority of subsystem 0531, there are also people in the encyclopedia who object.

Therefore, they cannot have direct interests with Zhou Man. That is one of the principles specified when the subsystem was created and put into the world of each dimension.

It is not easy to change a principle.

Taking the path of Teacher Mo is the fastest, and it is also the best path that the researchers in the main system and the encyclopedia have found through research.

The alliance and the school came forward, and Mr. Mo was also very interested in meteorite research, so he agreed.

Whether it is meteorites, grains, or anything else, it can be sent to the classroom as a teaching material for circulation.

If Zhou Man had only established a fixed teacher-student relationship with Teacher Mo for so many years, they would actually have more choices.

This plan is actually an instruction from the encyclopedia that they submit to the main system, which in turn gives the subsystem 0531 an instruction.

Originally, they wanted to open more permissions for subsystem 0531 and its host Zhou Man in the forum section, so that Zhou Man could directly trade with the alliance in the forum, so that they could incentivize Zhou Man to collect with high reward points. these meteorites.

They only came up with this method after the main system rejected it with one vote.

Naturally, as long as Zhou Man is motivated to collect meteorites, she can directly ask for points or exchange them for other rewards.

Zhou Man's request, Teacher Mo, does not need to discuss with the alliance and the encyclopedia, and can directly answer her.

Because compared with the value of meteorites, her requirements are really not very high.

However, Teacher Mo still reminded, "You'd better not tell other people about the meteorite."

Man Bao said, "Poison Stone is no secret here."

"I'm not talking about people in your world, but people who can contact you through the system, especially people in our world," Teacher Mo looked at Zhou Man and said seriously: "This meteorite is a bit special, ours If the people of the world knew that it came from your hands, I think they would think of ways to impress you."

Man Bao asked, "Isn't that a good thing?"

Teacher Mo smiled and said bluntly: "Not everyone will be as honest as I am. Even though the encyclopedia has a lot of regulations, there are still many ways for someone to lie to you."

Man Bao said confidently, "I'm very smart."

Teacher Mo: "They're not stupid either."

Although Man Bao didn't agree, he nodded, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Mainly at that time, she couldn't record those stones and exchange them for points, so she could only give them to Teacher Mo, so she didn't tell anyone.

Teacher Mo nodded and began to ask her requirements for grain seeds in detail, "What specific requirements do you have for grain seeds? For example, its taste, planting time requirements, genetic stability, growth environment requirements... "

Man Bao was stunned for a moment, "I can still ask for these, I thought I only need to ask for the yield and the high-yield gene that can inherit it..."

Teacher Mo said: "You can't be so general, the laboratory will be deceiving, if you only ask for output, in case it grows in an extremely harsh environment, when you take one, the land will be dry or flooded and the harvest will be lost. How to do?"

Teacher Mo taught her little by little, "You have to have a requirement, such as how much output can be achieved in what range of environment..."

Man Bao was stunned for a moment, and when he regained his senses, he immediately took out a notebook to record.

Mr. Mo is not very familiar with this aspect, but he is a teacher, and many of his students open laboratories. He has also worked on many projects related to drug development, so he naturally knows how to require it in the contract.

He remembered a little and talked a little, but if he really couldn't remember it, he planned to find someone to get a template for Man Bao to refer to later.

Man Bao wrote these requirements on four pages. She looked at the detailed records in her hand and pondered, and said after a while, "Mr. Mo, you're right, this matter is too easy to be tricked, so you need to think about it carefully. ponder."

These requirements were things she hadn't even thought about, and it was only now that she saw how negligent she was.

It was only now that she admitted that Teacher Mo said that the person on the other side of the system was not stupid.

It's more than not stupid. She has a delicate mind that is many times more than hers, not to mention the tone of Keke and Mr. Mo. Standing behind Mr. Mo, the person who asked him to communicate with her should not be one, but group.

So she was a little disadvantaged against so many of them.

Man Bao received the notebook and decided to find foreign aid.

After saying hello to Teacher Mo, Man Bao took the notes out of the room. She looked at it carefully before putting it away, and decided to go to Bai Shan after she left the palace.

He is as smart as she is, and they are always better than her alone.

After seeing Zhou Man entering the house, Imperial Physician Liu would not come out, not even eating lunch, and as soon as he stayed until evening, he couldn't help knocking on her door, "Tian Physician Zhou, are you sleeping late, or are you sad? "

Man Bao immediately went to open the door and stuck his head out to look at him.

Meeting her bright eyes, Imperial Physician Liu withdrew the hand that knocked on the door, looked her up and down, and became curious, "You haven't slept, so what are you doing, and you don't eat lunch?"

Man Bao was surprised, "Lunch? No one called me."

Imperial Physician Liu: "... Imperial Physician Zhou, I asked someone to call you at noon, and you replied that I am not hungry."

Man Bao asked Keke in his head, "Do I have one?"

Keke said: "You have."

I also took out that paragraph and played it again for her. At that time, she was talking to Teacher Mo. After hearing Keke's reminder, she temporarily quit her consciousness, and then shouted "I'm not hungry". After returning to the system, she continued to talk to her. Teacher Mo speaks without a pause for more than ten seconds.

Man Bao doesn't remember at all.

She scratched her head, and the embarrassed Imperial Physician Liu said, "I was reading a book at noon, and I was fascinated by it, so I don't remember it."

Imperial Physician Liu looked at her suspiciously, reading books during the Chinese New Year?

Not watching in the brightly lit office, but running to the lounge to watch?

Man Bao felt hungry in her stomach. She covered her stomach and asked, "Doctor Liu, can we have dinner?"

Imperial Physician Liu turned around and left, "We'll have to wait a while."

If he hadn't watched her stay in the house for a long time, afraid that something would happen to her, he wouldn't even bother to call her.

Man Bao hurriedly went back to the house and put her basket on, catching up and saying, "I brought steamed meat and meatballs from my family, so I'll just wait for dinner while it's hot on the stove."

Imperial Physician Liu said without looking back: "Eat less meat and more vegetables. It's winter, so you should eat less meat and be careful of getting angry."

see you at ten pm

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