Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1807 Method

Keke asked her, "What can you exchange with Dr. D?"

Recently, Zhou Mandu was obsessed with medicine and the construction of the Imperial Physician's Office. He didn't include anything at all, and the stock was already sold out.

Man Bao pondered.

Keke continued to attack her, "And what you are looking for is the original grain seeds that can be kept, if they can't find them, they will have to re-cultivate them for you, which takes a long time and costs a lot, and only depends on the one or two you dug. One plant is probably not enough."

Man Bao asked dumbly: "Then I'll put another post on the forum to see if other worlds can help me find it, include it in and trade with me?"

Keke said: "Host, it is very difficult for you to encounter a system that can record grain seeds. If you touch this probability, it is better to spend points and let Dr. D and the others cultivate it for you."

"How much will that cost?"

"This is a reverse push of genes. With the current technology, it will cost between 8 million and 20 million to set up such a new laboratory?"

Man Bao stopped talking.

Keke continued: "And the post at the top also requires points. Now the encyclopedia just has a package, 444 points per year, do you want the host to buy one?"

Man Baofeng was in a mess and asked, "Why do you want to take such a number? Four, it's very unlucky."

Three more to come.

Keke said: "In our world, there is an intelligent creature who thinks four is a very auspicious number, and this year is their race year, so in order to attract them to understand."

Man Bao understands.

She compared the cost of the usual topping, and looked at the current package. Although there was little hope, she still waved her hand: "I bought it!"

Keke happily deducted her points, then took her own commission, and then helped her send a post asking for grain seeds, which was directly pinned to the top.

Man Bao glanced at the fire-like posts on the forum and nodded with satisfaction.

Then continue to chat with Keke secretly, "If I can't ask for it on the forum, I don't want to spend money to let Dr. D cultivate it. What do you think I can use to get people in your world to help me cultivate?"

Keke said: "Judging from the things that the host has come into contact with now, the only meteorites that can cost people tens of millions and manpower to cultivate grain seeds for you."

Man Bao widened his eyes in surprise and jumped up from the chair.

The medical assistants sitting on the side startled her and turned to look at her.

Man Bao met their eyes, sat back slowly, and waved to them perfunctorily: "It's okay, I just remembered something sad."

Liu Taiyi, who came out to make tea, almost spit out saliva when he heard the words, and was overjoyed, "How old are you, what's so sad for a small person?"

Man Bao was about to cry with sadness, she said, "Who said no? It's big!"

After all, she simply got up and went back to her small office. Her office was with Imperial Physician Zheng's, but today Imperial Physician Zheng was not here, and the whole room belonged to her.

Man Bao sat in his seat, and before he had time to be sad, he just said, "But I gave everything to Teacher Mo, you didn't say it earlier..."

Keke added the next sentence slowly, "I said earlier that you can't give it to Dr. D, that stone is not your subject, you can't include it, so you can only store it in the space and communicate with your teacher, but Can't trade on forums."

Even the encyclopedia can't give her bonus points to collect stones, let alone Dr. D.

Man Bao was stunned, and after regaining his senses, he said: "Yes, I can only give the stone to Teacher Mo, and the Encyclopedia can't even give me points."

Keke's data became active, and he said secretly: Originally, the encyclopedia was already researching and developing its functions, or giving it some privileges so that it could record the meteorite, and then give her points through the forum.

But the main system has a final vote against it.

Keke vaguely knew that the main system should have noticed something. Although there was no evidence, it stared at it more frequently than other subsystems.

It is reluctant to give it more permissions.

So after negotiating for a long time, the meeting did not know how many times it opened. After seeing that its host was addicted to medicine and couldn't extricate himself from it, he came up with a new method.

As early as a month ago, the main system gave it an order to "do whatever you want and let the host collect meteorites".

But Keke has not done anything, and the main system asked it to reply on the grounds that there was no chance and no meteorite was detected.

This is a very mechanical reply, but it is in line with the procedure. Not only the researchers in the encyclopedia, but also the main system have no doubts.

It was not until today that Keke officially implemented this directive.

Before Keke could throw out his ultimate means, Man Bao said happily: "I know, let Dr. D be my teacher too, so that I can give her the stone in the classroom, I don't know if Teacher Mo still has a meteorite in his hand, but I gave him a big one, a lot."

It was actually planned to ask Mr. Mo for another part and then transfer it to Dr. D.

Keke was silent for a while, and was conquered by the host's little cleverness. He didn't know how the main system and the encyclopedia researchers would feel when they found out.

Keke simply said, "How about you go and ask Mr. Mo?"

Man Bao was also eager to try it out. Although it was a bit embarrassing to bring back the gift she gave, but she only needed a small piece of her cheek.

Keke saw that Man Bao really went to send an email to Mr. Mo.

After her email was sent out, Keke went to inquire about Dr. D's qualifications, and then told her regretfully, "Dr. D is not qualified to teach in the encyclopedia. Only after the observation period can the formal teaching be taught, and it is estimated that it will take eight months, if she is willing to test and can pass the test in one go."

Man Bao: "...Do you still need a certificate?"

Of course, otherwise what do you think?

Man Bao was very disappointed, and felt even more difficult to walk this road.

Keke reminded her: "The host can cooperate with Mr. Mo. You give the other party meteorites, and Mr. Mo and Dr. D will place an order to cultivate grain seeds. Even if Dr. D does not accept the order, there are many laboratories in the encyclopedia that can accept the order; The host can also hand over the meteorite to Dr. D through Teacher Mo, there will always be a way."

Manbao rolled his eyes and said thoughtfully, "Keke, is this the loophole you mentioned before?"

Keke: ... It's good to understand it in your heart, why do you say it?

"It turns out that the loophole is used like this," Man Bao pondered, and had already weighed up when Keke was silent, "Mr. Mo and Dr. D, of course I believe in Teacher Mo more, hehe, I will discuss with him later. ."

"Does the host have a chance to collect meteorites?"

Man Bao held his chin and thought, wondering if the emperor planned to set up a medical office in Gaochang. After all, it was his own territory, and they were all the people of Dajin. Shouldn't everyone treat them equally?

see you at ten pm

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