Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1770 angry and happy

"People need money to raise them. They haven't started their careers yet, and they will only need to spend more money after they start their careers." Yang Houye said: "Your cousin is also a member of the Yang family. After all, Yang Rong is her own brother. How do you know that she is not willing to take the blame for Yang Rong? Yang Rong confesses his guilt, Yang's needs to pay too much..."

"Father," Yang Heshu burned the letter in his hand, suddenly raised his head and interrupted him, "Do you know what I want to do?"

Yang Houye was taken aback, "What?"

"The management of each family in Jiangnan is too much. You can rest assured that in the future, not only the Yang family will be expelled from the interests of Jiangnan, but other families will also be expelled, so you don't have to worry that the Yang family will be excluded because of this, and today Yang's early withdrawal is only good for us, not bad."

Yang Houye stared blankly at Yang Heshu, before he reacted after a while, pointed at him with shaking hands and asked, "You, are you crazy? Even the emperor would not dare to attack all the families together, you think that there are only us in the south of the Yangtze River. Aristocratic family? Then there are so many ministers in the court, even Zhao Guogong's family, it is not clean in Jiangnan."

Yang Heshu said: "Father, people's livelihood is taken from the people and used by the people. Everyone uses Jiangnan, and even spends most of the extravagant expenses of the Jin state. Where do the people and emperors of the world put?"

After a long time, he was talking to him about the development and future of the family, but he was talking to him about the future of the country and the people.

Yang Houye gasped in anger, got up and left.

He said one more word to him, and he spurted the blood out of his heart.

Yang Houye turned around and left the study, angrily went to the main courtyard, halfway there, he suddenly became angry, his chest was full of anger, but he felt relieved. daze.

There are so many thoughts in his heart, and he really wants to turn around and ask Yang Heshu again. To expel their respective powers from Jiangnan, to whom will the money be given?


It's all given to the royal family, do you know how dangerous this is?

But in his heart, he vaguely felt that the answer was not this, his son did not love the emperor as much as he showed.

When the entourage saw his master sitting on the edge of the flower bed in a daze, he couldn't help worrying, "Master, it's cold on the bricks..."

Only then did Yang Houye feel that his buttocks were cold, and he held his hand up.

The entourage asked cautiously, "The Dali Temple..."

Yang Houye closed his eyes, clenched his hand, and after a while he gritted his teeth: "No matter, let someone go to Jiangnan, you can get as much as you can get back, and some industries that can be hidden will also be withdrawn. They are all hidden, and if they can’t be hidden, they will be taken back…”

Save people first.

The entourage responded and sent Yang Houye back to the main courtyard first. Then he took Yang Houye's palm and hurried out, and took people to Jiangnan overnight.

As soon as he walked away, Qianmu went to report to Yang Heshu, "Second housekeeper brought a lot of dry food, he should be going far, look at the direction, he is going out of the East City Gate."

Yang Heshu nodded slightly and said, "They have at least ten days longer than the palace, and it depends on their ability how much they can hide."

Qianmu couldn't help but ask, "Young master, won't you help them?"

Yang Heshu shook his head slowly, "Let them go according to their abilities. Prepare yourself. After the winter solstice, you will leave for Xiazhou, and feel the situation inside and outside Xiazhou. We may not have a good time when we leave Beijing this time. ."

Qianmu responded, bowed and retreated.

Wanmu on the side asked: "Master, how much do we bring to Xiazhou this time?"

"You can bring as much as you can. This time, you may spend several years in the north," Yang Heshu laughed as he thought of the child, "Bring all the things and books I used when I was a child, and in the future, Brother Qi Enlightenment can also be used."


At this time, the emperor was meeting the prince, Yin Li and Wei Zhi in the small study.

He handed the stack of things in his hand to Yin Li and Wei Zhi, and said, "This is what the prince found out, let's take a look."

Yin Li and Wei Zhi separated in half, and began to scan them with one eye and ten lines. The more they looked, the more shocked they became.

Wei Zhi couldn't help but stand up from the seat and asked, "Your Majesty, who did the statistics?"

The emperor glanced at the prince and said, "Household."

Yin Li put the things in his hands together and looked at the emperor. Wei Zhi couldn't help but said angrily, "This is a scorpion!"

The emperor sighed and said: "Jiangnan is too far away, I can't reach it, and the Wang family, Cui family and other families traveled south and operated in the south of the Yangtze River for more than a hundred years.

Wei Zhi glanced at the thing in his hand and felt powerless.

There is no way to do this. The emperor and even the imperial court are more powerful in Longxi and the north, and the important towns in the south of the Yangtze River. Whether it is political power or military power, most of them are in the hands of each family.

Wei Zhi suddenly thought of the King of Yizhou. Back then, he wanted to rebel, but all the money and food came from the south of the Yangtze River. Even the Duke of Yuxian, who was at home, heard some news...

This shows the atmosphere of Jiangnan.

Wei Zhi simply raised his head and asked the emperor, "What is your majesty going to do?"

"Half of the world's salt tax comes from the south of the Yangtze River, not to mention that there are good trees and good fields there. If the richness of the south of the Yangtze River can be used for the people of the world, instead of only supporting a few families, the people of the world will be rich."

Wei Zhi and Yin Li looked at each other and knelt down, "But according to Your Majesty's orders."

The emperor pointed to the prince and said, "I have decided to hand over this matter to the prince and Wei Qing. This time, we will start with the Yang family. You will choose good talents and put people in. When the time comes, Jiangnan should be cleaned up. "

The prince also got up and knelt down, and responded together with Wei Zhi.

The emperor said to Yin Li: "Yin Aiqing is so tired, let's take care of the children of each family in the capital."

This is what makes Yin Li attract firepower.

Yin Li also bowed his head.

Wei Zhi still had a question, "Your Majesty, are the recovered fields, real estate, and saltworks returned to the state treasury or private treasury?"

If it is the national treasury, he is naturally willing to die, but if it is a private treasury...

The emperor originally planned to put half and half of things like fields and salt fields into the Ministry of Households, but there are other messy things in real estate, such as books, paintings, antiques, all kinds of precious wood, and medicinal herbs. The class is stuffed into the private library.

But seeing Wei Zhi raised his head and staring at him, the emperor could only change his mouth and say, "Of course it's back to the treasury."

Wei Zhi felt relieved when he got the emperor's promise, pretended not to see the emperor's grievances, and got up and retired after saluting and accepting orders.

The prince also wanted to go out and discuss with Wei Zhi what to do about this, so he also resigned.

When the people left, the emperor said to Yin Li aggrievedly: "Wei Zhi is so annoying, and I didn't say anything about competing with the people for profit. It's useless to put those things in the treasury..."

Yin Li pretended not to hear, but asked, "Your Majesty, when will the trial at Dali Temple end?"

They are also well-known teachers.

The emperor was distracted and said, "It will be almost the same when Xiu Mu returns."

see you at nine

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