Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1750 no move

Xu An went out of the palace, Xu Yu's body was still parked in the palace, everyone in the palace was busy, but Man Bao and Bai Shan seemed to have returned to the past, reading books every day, repairing books, or Going out of the palace to teach, I have a lot of time.

Even when Princess Mingda and Princess Changyu came over, Man Bao still had time to sit on the rockery with them and chat with their legs dangling.

It's just that they themselves know that each of them is still a little different. Even Mr. Zhuang said, "You have become more stable."

The words contained some relief and sighs.

Princess Changyu was mostly unhappy. She pulled a small pebble from the rockery and threw it down. She shook her legs and said, "Are you in a bad mood?"

Man Bao turned his head curiously and asked her, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

Chang Yu complained, "It's not even the prince's brother. He said it was the Eastern Palace who wanted to investigate the emperor's grandson, but they all went to my palace."

She said: "A lot of people have been taken from my palace. I wanted hot water to wash my face this morning, but the water I brought was not very hot."

Mingda said: "It's not just your palace. I, my father, and my mother's harem have taken many people away. And it's not just because of the eagle slave. There are such vicious people in the palace, of course, we have to find out. "

After pondering for eight or nine months, the crown prince and the crown princess still hadn't decided on the child's nickname. The emperor couldn't see it, and finally set a nickname for the child himself after the third washing, called Yingnu.

Because this child seems to be quite strong at present, the emperor hopes that he will be as strong as an eagle and soar in the sky in the future.

Although the prince was a little reluctant to use the nickname given by the emperor, but after thinking about it, he found that the name was not bad, so he recognized it.

Man Bao shook his legs and said nothing.

Seeing her silence, Chang Yu bumped his body against her, and asked curiously, "You live in Chongwen Hall, and it started with you, you haven't heard of it?"

She said: "There are too many people arrested in the palace now. I heard that even the emperor's grandmother has arrested several people."

Man Bao smiled and said: "It was just that Master Tang asked him a few times. Although the needle bag that was replaced was mine, it wasn't me who harmed anyone. Xu Yu, the only one who had something to do with me, also committed suicide. This matter has nothing to do with me anymore.”

"Yes," Chang Yu thought for a while and said, "At this moment, they should be investigating Xu Yu's accomplices. But there are so many of her accomplices?"

Man Bao didn't speak, and Ming Da didn't speak either. Now, it's not their turn to take care of these matters, but there are indeed some doubts in their hearts.

There were a lot of people on Xu Yu's list. There were not many people who she knew for sure were her accomplices. There were only twelve people in total.

Three of them had studied together. Although they hadn't seen each other for a few years, and she was young at the time, she had always had a good memory, so she remembered it.

In fact, she knew a total of eight people, but only three survived in the end, and one of them was infected after being purified and did not live for two years.

The remaining four were lost due to illness or other reasons.

After she entered the palace, she had been taking her with Aunt Mao. She was a steward aunt of Ye Ting Palace, but she was in poor health and was about to die.

And Xu Yu was the person she wanted to train to take over, and it was because of this that Xu Yu had been in contact with many people in the past two years.

These people are of course the same group.

There are other people who are different from each other. Xu Yu can know them. First, because she was young when she entered the palace, many people did not guard against her.

But she is also smart, and she is very sensitive to her kind, so she feels the meticulous work of many other people in the palace.

The second is because of Aunt Mao.

Aunt Mao has been operating in the palace for many years, and of course she has discovered other fine works. She doesn't care who is behind those people, she only asks Xu Yu to write it down.

It's just that Aunt Mao calculated everything, and she pushed her out before Xu Yu would die before her.

Aunt Mao was dragged onto the chair, and there was a lot of blood on her body.

Yin Li walked in from outside and asked Tang He, "Are you still unwilling to speak?"

Master Tang nodded, "The family members in her book are also fake."

Yin Li glanced down at her and said with a blank face, "If you don't want to say it, forget it, her real family may not still be there, Xu Yu has only been in the palace for a few years, isn't the news you received all fake?"

Aunt Mao, who had been quiet all the time, moved and raised her head slightly.

Tang He said: "Xu Yu's aunt, Aunt Xu was arrested. I think she should know more about the people behind the scenes than you do?"

Aunt Mao looked at him weakly and did not speak.

Master Tang said slowly: "Xu Yu has a younger brother, you should know?"

"The situation of her brother outside the palace was passed on to you first, and then you told her?" Master Tang asked: "Let me think about it, how did they lie to her in the first place? Saying that her brother is living well Very good, to be a book boy for a young son, can you marry a wife and have children in the future, or redeem yourself?"

Aunt Mao said in a hoarse voice, "Her brother has been sent to the palace."

"When did you know?"

Aunt Mao said, "The first two years."

She said: "Every month outside the palace will send news to the palace, including news of her brother, but I found out again that she is making underwear for people, and it is still a man. I thought she liked it somehow. Which bodyguard or housekeeper was there, and then I quietly saw that she didn't send out the underwear, but detoured to the Anfu gate more than once."

"I saw Xu An, and the father-in-law Ren who brought Xu An and I together, found that they were a bit similar. We guessed that they were sisters and brothers, and the news sent from outside the palace was false."

Master Tang asked, "Have you never thought about it, the news from your family is also fake?"

Aunt Mao, who had been reluctant to speak, shook her head and smiled: "I have no family, we are different from Xu Yu Xu'an, when we came to the palace, we had no family, but if we didn't obey, we would die very quickly. , and later, we have done so much that we can't look back."

She lowered her head and said, "Sir, I was about to die, so kill me if you want."

Master Tang frowned, "Since you are about to die, why have you refused to admit who was behind the scenes?"

Aunt Mao shook her head and said, "They are sorry for Xu Yu and Xu An, but they are not sorry for me. I cannot betray the Lord."

Tang Da was not very popular.

Yin Li had already turned around and went out. Master Tang glanced at Aunt Mao, then turned and followed out.

Yin Li said: "Focus on the Xu family outside the palace. These people in the palace are either fake or no one in the family, but are there no people outside the palace?"

The list of Xu Yuji is very complicated. Although Yin Li is looking down all the way, the focus is on the master behind Xu Yu. Only by drawing a line can the entire net be pulled out.

see you at four pm

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