Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 174 Hey, are you saying kiss?

Man Bao was thinking about eating all kinds of soy products, but she almost forgot about it, but when Shizuo Lang reminded her, she thought about it seriously.

Since tofu is the same as meat, wouldn't she be able to save a lot of money for meat in the future?

As for what to do with the saved money, Man Bao thought: Whatever it is, there will always be a place for it.

Thinking about it this way, wouldn't your money box be full soon?

Just thinking about it, Man Bao burst out laughing happily, shaking Thursday, and said, "Fourth brother, you are right, we will buy less meat and make more tofu to eat in the future."

Thursuro: "...When did I say...I clearly don't think tofu is the same as meat."

But Man Bao ignored him at all, and went to discuss with Xiao Qian, "Sister-in-law, let's try to make tofu tomorrow."

Qian Shi also smiled and said, "Just do it. Try it first to see if you can make it. If you can make it, do a little better another day and send some to the Bai family."

Mr. Qian responded.

It happens that the day after tomorrow is the winter solstice, and now under the big winter, everyone has nothing to do, and there is time.

The next day, Man Bao still went to school, while Xiao Qian soaked the beans as Man Bao said and took them to the mill to grind soy milk.

There is only one mill in the village, and there are two mills in it. They are both in a thatched pavilion not far from the Zhou family ancestral hall. It is said to be a pavilion. In fact, it was a house a long time ago. There was no money for repairs, so the walls were dismantled, and a pavilion was built again with wood and thatch.

People usually grind flour and soy flour here.

Of course, it was impossible for the little Qian family to do such work alone, so he called Zhou Dalang, and Zhou Shilang led a group of young people to join in the fun.

While joining in the fun, he said sarcastic words, "Sister-in-law, why do you believe what Manbao says? These are beans, a bucket of eight pennies, how much does a pound of meat cost? How does this beans compare to meat?"

Zhou Dalang disliked him for talking too much, so he simply grabbed his strong man, "If you are so idle, come and grind with me."

Thursday Lang wanted to run, but Wu and Saturday Lang jumped up and hugged his neck, wailing loudly and not allowing him to go.

In the end, Thursday was still arrested as a strong man.

Because the winter solstice is approaching, a lot of people gathered in the mill, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon after the winter solstice, so many people used the wheat at home to grind flour, or they were grinding rice flour, planning to eat better, and also give it to their children Let's make some snacks.

Seeing that the Zhou Dalang brothers were grinding soaked beans, they asked one more question out of curiosity, "What is this for?"

"Make tofu."

"What is tofu?"

Before Zhou Dalang could answer, the village chief who was smoking cigarettes said, "Tofu, it's white and tender, it's delicious."

So everyone went to the village chief, "Village chief, you have eaten, what kind of rare thing is that?"

The village chief smiled and said: "It's not a rare thing, we rarely eat it here, but there are outside, not to mention far away, there are in the prefecture city, this thing is not expensive, a penny or two, cheaper than eggs , but the taste is good, the key is that there are few dishes that can be eaten in winter, and many people in the prefecture eat it."

"Does the village chief know what to do?"

"That's people's craftsmanship. How can I know that? I just went to the state city with people to eat when I was young." At that time, they went at the wrong time. It was winter, and food was expensive, meat was expensive, and vegetables were expensive. It took a long time to discover tofu.

You can buy two pieces for a penny a day, cut them into pieces and cook them, and you can eat one meal with multigrain rice, which is cheap!

The village chief looked back at Zhou Dalang and asked, "Can your family do this?"

Zhou Dalang was very honest and said with a smile: "How can this be in my family? Man Bao went to Bai Xiaogongzi's house for dinner and got it. When we came back, we thought about it, and made it and added a dish to the house, and also explained the children's feelings. greedy,"

Someone laughed and said, "This method is good. Your family will do it first. If you do it, you can teach us later."

Both Zhou Dalang and Xiao Qian said there was no problem.

While trying to push the stone mill on Thursday, Shirou said with a smile: "My younger sister also said that this tofu is as nutritious as meat, village chief, did you feel fat when you ate tofu at the time?"

The village chief glanced at him, waved him away and said, "I'm running on me, fourth child, is your marriage finalized yet?"

The surrounding villagers were instantly refreshed, and immediately shouted: "Yeah, on Thursday, I saw the matchmaker go to your house three times in the past few days. Has it been decided yet, which girl is it from?"

"Have you seen each other, handsome or not?"

"What's the use of looking at Jun? It depends on whether you can do it or not. On Thursday, you can't hang out with the children anymore. When these girls look, who would be willing to marry you."

"That is, that is, let's not mention anything else. Tomorrow, I will go down to the ground with a hoe and let the girls take a look and keep it."

"You can pull it down. In the big winter, he carried a hoe to the ground. Is this a fool to be a girl? On Thursday, don't listen to his bad ideas. My sister-in-law told you, you have to go to the county town to rip a piece of cloth, and turn your body over first. With your face and body, Yixin can attract even handsome girls."

The villagers burst into laughter, and Chuu Lang blushed, pushing the stone mill without saying a word.

Zhou Dalang couldn't help but be amused when he saw it, and then said to everyone, "Don't make fun of him, he's young and thin."

"He's still thin..."

Xiao Qian was listening with a smile, but when he heard this, he was unhappy, and cut off the other party's words loudly, saying, "Why are you shameless, our fourth child is only eighteen, and we haven't even held a little girl's hand. , Can you be ashamed when it comes to getting married? Everyone who co-authors is like you, sweet words don’t require money.”

"That's right, I saw the fourth child go down to the ground with a group of children to touch the loach. They are so grown up, how can they still be the king of children? Can they get married?"

Xiao Qian said indifferently: "It's because he is a little childish that he started a family, and my mother-in-law wanted to find someone better to come back to take care of him. With his daughter-in-law with him, he will stand up later."

Xiao Qian took the opportunity to point out the Zhou family's request to choose relatives. She smiled and said: "My mother-in-law has already said that in the future, the fourth daughter-in-law will be the best for the family, but no, our family is not to harass other girls. People, as long as they are capable, they can control our fourth child."

Zhou Dalang also hurriedly took the opportunity to promote his younger brother, "The fourth is just a little bit off, but the work in the field is not bad, not worse than our brothers, and there is a daughter-in-law who can control him, and this family is established. "

Don't say it, this one point, many people are moved.

Some older women even looked at Shirou directly. Although they were all from the same village, there were not many opportunities to see people from head to toe in this way.

Don't tell me, Thursday Lang is really good looking.

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