Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1712 Appreciation

When the prince turned the corner, Xiao Yuanzheng walked more slowly, directly reaching out to cover his lower back.

Man Bao was amazed to see it, "Aren't you tense and weak? Did you hurt your waist?"

"It's not because of you, the prince and the adults are still kneeling. What are you doing when you get up? You are still so energetic, I accidentally twisted to stop you."

Man Bao immediately put down the thing and wanted to press it for him. Xiao Yuanzheng looked left and right, and seeing no one, he leaned on the railing and pressed it for her, hissing: "It's just that you don't have a cramp, it's not very serious. You press a button, yes, just this position, use a little force..."

Man Bao pressed the button and asked, "I think Wang Ji is really angry, the hospital is right, should we send an imperial physician to his house?"

Xiao Yuanzheng felt that the child was too worried, and said: "Send the imperial doctor over, he will be out of anger even if he is not sick, and he will not be able to tell at that time. If he is not feeling well, he will go to the doctor."

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "But I'm afraid he won't hire a doctor."

She said: "Although we are courtiers, we do have to fight against wicked people like Wang Ji, but we are also doctors. Since we know that he is ill, he is not unable to pay for the diagnosis anyway, so let someone see him. Let's heal people."

Xiao Yuanzheng understood a little, and turned around to look at her in surprise. Seeing her serious face, he asked curiously, "Don't you hate Wang Ji?"

Man Bao was inexplicable: "What do I hate him for?"

"He impeached you..."

"I've also impeached him," Man Bao said indifferently, "I'm an official, don't you want to impeach something you don't like? But I really don't like him, I think he's too narrow-minded. , and he values ​​self-interest, but that's a human problem, I've already said that he's not fit to be an official, and I've shown my attitude."

Xiao Yuanzheng: "...So you're arguing with people so that you don't hate people?"

Man Bao wondered, "Why should I hate him? There are no good words in the quarrel, and he attacked me first, otherwise I would just think about those words in my mind, but I wouldn't say them. He insulted me like this, and I naturally wanted to fight back. , and he is really not suitable to be an official, and in the position of the censor, he can only eat corpses, and he doesn't know how many people he will kill."

Xiao Yuanzheng was helpless: "...he will lose his position because of you, but you don't hate him, but I think he must hate you to death."

Man Bao sighed and said, "It's also him who is sad. Anger hurts the liver, sadness hurts the lungs, and fear hurts the kidneys..."

Having said that, Man Bao looked at Xiao Yuanzheng, and thought to comfort him in a subtle way: "Xiao Yuanzheng, your waist is not very good, don't be too afraid when you encounter this kind of thing in the future. Just resign and go back. We have the ability, are we afraid that we will not be able to conquer the world?"

Xiao Yuan was angry, "Nonsense, who said my kidneys are not good?"

Man Bao pressed his waist and said nothing.

Xiao Yuan was about to speak, but he was afraid that he would make more mistakes, so he could only hold his breath and not speak. After a while, his waist eased, and he patted Zhou Man's hand and said, "Okay."

Seeing him unloading the mill and killing the donkey, Man Bao could only sigh. She picked up the documents again and followed Xiao Yuanzheng back to the Chongwen Museum.

Halfway through, Xiao Yuanzheng said: "You have to be really worried, I will see Imperial Physician Zheng and ask the doctor from Ji Shitang to run."

Man Bao is also planning whether to let Doctor Ding go to the Wang family for a turn, but she has no experience in being an official and is afraid that she will make a taboo.

Seeing Xiao Yuanzheng say this, Man Bao was relieved and said happily: "I knew Xiao Yuanzheng was a doctor with the same kindness as me."

Xiao Yuanzheng saw that she had nothing to worry about, and she couldn't help smiling because of her carefree appearance. She shook her head slightly and said, "Who is so cheeky and boastful like you?"

Xiao Yuan was returning to the Chongwen Museum with a sigh, but he did not stay there for a long time. Instead, he brought most of the materials on the table back to the Tai Hospital. Doctor Liu was busy behind him, "Why can't these things be placed in the Chongwen Museum?"

Xiao Yuanzheng sighed and said: "Let's not say that the old Wang family is all over the court and the opposition, let's just say that this time, our Taiyuan Hospital has been forced to be on the side of the Crown Prince, and it is not good to put things in Chongwen Hall, but it is better to keep it in Taiyuan Hospital for safety. Some."

"The Imperial Physician's Office was originally hosted by the East Palace. Isn't it reasonable for us to get closer to His Royal Highness?"

Xiao Yuanzheng shook his head slightly and said: "We think it is reasonable, but other people in the court may not see it this way. So what should be done is still to be done, no matter what outsiders think, at least this impression cannot be left behind by His Majesty. ."

Imperial Physician Liu understood that they were imperial physicians and could only obey the emperor.

Imperial Physician Liu thought for a while and then said, "Let's just pay it back, where Imperial Physician Zhou..."

Thinking of Zhou Man, Xiao Yuanzheng shook his head slightly, and said with admiration and relief: "That child is stronger than everyone in our hospital combined, her character and talent... Don't worry, she will leave in the future. farther than all of us."

When Zhou Man first arrived at the Tai Hospital, Xiao Yuanzheng was still a little alienated and wary of her. After all, the other party was too young and she was a girl, but after getting along for a few months, even the mature Xiao Yuanzheng had to admit that, She also has a pure heart and is extremely talented in medicine, "She is different from us, we started reading and literacy from the "Materia Medica", but she started from the "Thousand Characters" like the scholars. After passing through the collections of classics and history such as "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean", she is far superior to us in terms of knowledge."

Xiao Yuanzheng could never forget that she stood in front of the case and gave them a list of data showing the importance of the existence of the Imperial Physician's Office.

She just inquired from Ji Shitang and figured out that there are at most five doctors in a lower county, including barefoot doctors and You Fang Langzhong in the countryside; a middle county can have no more than ten doctors at most, and upper counties are more, but for the benefit In Zhoucheng, for example, there are only twenty doctors.

And how many people are there in a county?

Dajin is very short of doctors, but they have never thought about this before, let alone count the number of medicinal fields that need to be planted after the establishment of the medical department, and the medicinal farmers who can support this...

But she counted everything clearly, one by one.

Just like the adults in the Ministry of Housing.

But she is only fourteen years old, her life is still very long, she can do many, many things.

Thinking of how she dared to stand among the hundred officials and quarrel with Wang Ji this morning, how could Xiao Yuanzheng still worry about her?

What should be worried about is whether he is okay?

She will be able to go very far in the future.

Old Master Tang also thought so, and he did not hesitate to praise Zhou Man, and directly told Wei: "Master Wei's eyesight has finally improved."

Not long ago, the censor station just found out a corrupt official, who was recommended by Wei Zhi eight years ago.

The emperor said on the spot that Wei Zhi had bad eyesight.

Wei Zhi: ...

After luck, he said, "There's another one. When Bai Shan goes into office, you will praise me again."

Old Master Tang smiled and shook his head.

see you at 4pm

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