Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1708 Who is afraid of who?

The emperor looked down at him and asked, "Are Zhou Aiqing and Wang Aiqing at odds?"

Don't the two of them know about the difference between them and Quanchaotang?

Zhou Man was impeached by Wang Ji shortly after he entered the palace gate. Later, Wang Ji beat his nephew and Zhou Man rescued him. Because of Wang Rong's incident, Wang Ji was not only separated from the family, but also had a bad reputation. It's a lot, and it's weird to be able to do it.

However, this kind of thing that everyone knows is only understood in the heart, and never declared in the mouth. As soon as Wang Ji was asked, he immediately reacted that he had made a trick. His forehead was sweating, but he still insisted. Said: "Your Majesty, medical practitioners have always started as apprentices. When they were apprentices, they never heard that they needed to be trained. It can be seen that the training cost is not as high as Zhou Man said."

"She scolded me as a national scorpion, but the ministers did not dare to recognize them. It is true that the Imperial Physician's Office set up a private school class for His Majesty and the Empress to understand the ministers, but they were used by her and the Imperial Physician's Office for profit. She is the national scorpion!"

The official of the household department who was still standing said: "I have a list handed in by the Imperial Physician's Office here. It estimates the approximate annual loss and the approximate cost of two thousand taels. It can be said that it is basically used for teaching."

Wang Ji asked, "In other words, in the future, the expenses of the Imperial Physician Office will be borne by those who send people to private school classes? Then why does Zhou Man say that I am a national dragon?"

As soon as these words came out, most people felt a little uncomfortable. Yes, will the expenses of the Imperial Physician Office need to be paid by people who send people to private school classes in the future?

The household official said: "Master Wang thinks too much, the expenses of the Imperial Physician Office are more than that."

"Then what are you talking about?"

The Ministry of Household official choked, which made him say, he is not an imperial doctor.

Yang Heshu, who had been sitting silently at the back, stood up and said, "The medicinal materials and utensils used in the teaching of the Imperial Physician Office have been worn out a lot. This minister has seen Xiao Yuanzheng and all the imperial physicians make calculations. If your Majesty wants to know more, it is better to ask Xiao Yuanzheng He. Lord Zhou came to ask the court."

Imperial physicians generally do not go to court because they do not participate in state affairs.

However, Lord Tang lifted his eyelids and said, "Zhou Man is still a fifth-grade editor, right? Why didn't she go to the Great Court?"

Sixth-rank Beijing officials must attend every court meeting.

Everyone was silent for a while, the emperor looked at Gu Zhong, waved his hand and said, "Go to Xuanxiao Yuanzheng and Lord Zhou."

Gu Zhong responded, bowed and retreated to give instructions.

Only then did the personnel department react and explain: "Because Zhou Man was compiled by Chongwen Museum, and Chongwen Museum belongs to Zhan Shifu..."

So why didn't she go to the court and couldn't ask them about the official department, she had to ask the Zhan Shifu?

Guo Zhanshi: ... Can this pot still come to him?

Zhou Man was specially recruited by the emperor and the prince for the prince's sake, saying that it was for the Chongwen Museum to repair books, but seeing that she ran to see the prince from time to time, she knew that her role was to ensure the safe birth of the prince's heir, and she was so young. , who would think of letting her go to court?

However, the situation was favorable for them at this time. Guo Zhan did not want to stagger this topic, so he simply admitted his mistake, "This is the negligence of the minister, please forgive me."

The emperor waved his hand and said, "Go to the official department to receive the punishment yourself."

It's also simple to expose the matter.

Wang Ji and the others wanted to say something, but Guo Zhan confessed his mistake so easily, they couldn't keep up, and they couldn't find a reasonable reason to change the subject, so naturally they continued with the previous question.

Although he could tell the difference, those who impeached him still impeached him. Taking advantage of the absence of Xiao Yuanzheng and Zhou Man, more than a dozen ministers listed took the opportunity to state their impeachment papers.

Their essays are very short and concise, and everyone's dry recitation is over in a while, and most of the meanings are still overlapping.

If Xiao Yuanzheng and Zhou Man hadn't arrived yet, the emperor would not want to listen anymore, mainly because he was sleepy.

When the servants and guards from the Taiji Hall came over, Man Baozheng was busy with a brush and a snack while repairing books and eating snacks.

And Xiao Yuan was sitting quietly thinking about how to write a defense. He received an impeachment paper early this morning. According to the procedure, he would either plead guilty or write a defense.

It is impossible to admit guilt, and the crime of accumulating money with the crown prince is not a light one, and he is not stupid.

After deliberating for a long time, he picked up a pen and wrote a short paragraph, and the Taiji Temple came to announce them, "Your Majesty announced that Xiaoyuan is going to the Hajj with Lord Zhou."

Man Bao didn't react for a while. She looked left and right, as if she was the only one surnamed Zhou in the entire Chongwen Hall, so she pointed at her nose and asked, "Me?"

The maid bent down and said, "Yes, it's Lord Zhou, please, Lord Zhou."

Man Bao immediately put down his snacks, clapped his hands and got up, thinking about it, he felt a little bad, and took a sip of water from the teacup. Then he took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth while asking, "Why do you want to announce me?"

This question was straightforward enough, and Xiao Yuanzheng, who had already stood up to go with the servant, also pricked up his ears.

The maid said with a stern face: "Your Majesty wants to ask about the Imperial Physician's Office."

Man Bao stopped and asked, "What are you asking about?"

Seeing the staring eyes of the servants and guards, Man Bao said confidently: "There are a lot of things in the Imperial Physician's Office. I knew in advance and prepared the materials."

At this moment, Man Bao finally remembered something, rolled his eyes and asked, "Did His Majesty, who I impeached Lord Wang Ji, see it?"

The inner servant felt helpless. If he informed other officials, who would dare to ask so much? Shouldn't have quietly shoved him some money, it would have been nice to get a reminder from him.

However, Zhou Man is different from others in the end. He has also been to the side hall of the East Palace to get acupuncture several times. The last time he caught a cold and had a cold, it was Zhou Taiyi who helped him to make some pills from the Taiyuan Hospital.

Otherwise, the taste of the decoction is too great to be concealed.

Just when Xiao Yuan was hesitating whether to put a purse for the inner servant, the inner servant said directly: "Your Majesty Zhezi read it in court, and Lord Wang defended it in court, Imperial Doctor Zhou should go quickly."

Man Bao still didn't understand, and asked curiously, "How did Mr. Wang argue?"

She admits that her essays are already very good, how can there be any arguments?

And why is he arguing in court? Shouldn't he be arguing with her, and then debate with her in a space?

The inner servant was standing not far from Gu Zhong at the time, and naturally he listened to the audience. He glanced back at the guards, and seeing that the other party only urged them to hurry up, but did not stop him, he said: "Master Wang said that the future of the Imperial Physician's Office will be The expenses depend on two thousand taels per year, so how can we say that they are national scorpions?"

When Man Bao heard this, his eyes widened, and he directly said to Xiao Yuan: "He is really thick-skinned, Imperial Physician Liu, where are the booklets and lists that we received earlier, bring them out to me quickly."

Xiao Yuanzheng was also angry, and immediately said: "Quickly find out."

Imperial Physician Liu, Imperial Physician Zheng and others immediately helped to search in the table and cabinets, and soon they found the booklets and lists in Yihuai.

Man Bao took some, and gave the rest to Xiao Yuanzheng.

The two of them went to the Taiji Hall with high spirits. On the way there, Xiao Yuanzheng and Zhou Man said: "You are clever, and you will scold him back for me later."

Next update around 4pm

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