Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1686 Mo Qiang Anger (January Monthly Pass Plus 8)

The friends of Gao who were bumping into the wall were in a hurry, and suddenly Honglu Temple agreed to their request and notified their Honglu Temple official: "Your Majesty grants you permission to enter the four schools of study, but the doctors you applied for are not allowed to enter. The Imperial Physician’s Office is over, and the Imperial Physician’s Office said it was rebuilt, and many things have not been settled, so for the time being, foreign students will not be accepted.”

Gao You didn't care about this at all. It was the greatest good news for them to be admitted to Guozijian. As for the doctors they specially brought, if they can't get in, they can't get in. It's just craftsmanship, and it can't be compared to the strategy of governing the country.

The officials of Honglu Temple saw it and swallowed the reminder.

Forget it, looking at this group of people, it doesn't seem that they are very attracted to the Imperial Physician's Office. Since they don't like it, there is no need to remind them that the Imperial Physician's Office has pointed out that they do not want them.

That's right, it's the Imperial Physician's Office that made it clear that they don't want them.

In fact, Xiao Yuanzheng didn't want to accept a student from a foreign vassal, and he negotiated with Yang Heshu in the same way, but Yang Heshu said that this was the sweetness that the court intended to give to the vassal state, and it involved national policies.

In the end, Man Bao saw that Xiao Yuanzheng was really unhappy, so he asked Yang Heshu clearly, "Which Fanbang student should we accept?"

With a smile in Yang Heshu's eyes, he glanced at Man Bao approvingly and said slowly: "At least you need to teach the people sent by Tubo, Huihe and Dangxiang."

Xiao Yuanzheng suddenly realized, and immediately said: "Well, except for these three families, the rest of the doctors should go back."

Yang Heshu pondered for a moment and said, "At least you have to choose one more family, otherwise it will be too obvious."

Xiao Yuanzheng said casually, "Then another Goguryeo?"

That name sounds nice.

"No," Man Bao said immediately: "Hmph, didn't the Heman and Tiaozi departments also send people here, let's just choose their people, just right, there are many witch doctors there, I'm very fond of witch doctors. Interested."

Together with the Barbarian Department and the Tiaozi Department in the extreme south of Dajin, it is not a vassal state, but the extreme southern part of Lingnan Road and Jiannan Road, where there are many ethnic minorities, dense jungles, and many poisonous insects and flatulence. , said to be the territory of the Dajin, but it has always been tribal autonomy.

The imperial court basically does not collect taxes from there, but only collects tributes from tribes every year, such as peacocks, gems, or some local products.

After sending something to cry poor again, and then get some tribute rice, silk, and porcelain from the court, basically, as long as they don’t humiliate the court and don’t take the initiative to send troops to fight, the court won’t care about them.

Therefore, it is not a vassal state that is better than a vassal state.

Man Bao would rather have them than the people from Goguryeo. They just looked down on the Imperial Physician Department, not to mention the Heman and Tiaozi Departments, the beautiful peacocks, and the legendary and mysterious witch doctor.

Thinking of this, Man Bao insisted even more, "Xiao Yuanzheng, he will be with the Man and the Trick."

Xiao Yuanzheng looked at her curiously and asked, "Goguryeo offended you?"

"No." Man Bao categorically denied, denying that he was still careful when he publicly reported private revenge.

But Xiao Yuanzheng and Yang Heshu are not fools. Her angrily "hum" showed her attitude.

But she didn't want to say it, he said to Yang Heshu: "Okay, it's enough to be included in the Heman and Tiaozi doctors, and the others will not be accepted."

Anyway, he didn't pick.

Yang Heshu thought for a moment and then responded, wrote down the list and handed it over to the clerk to deal with, and then asked Shang Manbao to go out for a walk together.

Man Bao could only put down the half-finished book and go out with him, "Brother Yang, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, did the maid who Bai Shan asked me to investigate last time still want my help?"

After thinking about it, Man Bao shook his head, "Let's check it slowly."

She looked left and right, and whispered, "Grandma Liu has sent someone to her hometown and found her aunt's house. She's been staring at it recently, and she hasn't found any problems yet."

Yang Heshu nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you for coming to deliver your sister-in-law last time. She said today that you didn't catch up with Shisan. When the child is full moon, you must be invited to eat red eggs."

Man Bao said cheerfully: "As long as I meet Xiu Mu, I will definitely go."

Yang Heshu took the opportunity to ask, "Goguryeo's messenger offended you?"

Man Bao didn't want to tell her boss to avenge her personal revenge, but she didn't mind telling Yang Heshu. She forgot for a while that Yang Heshu was also her boss to a certain extent. "They look down on the Imperial Physician's Office, and I'm not very happy."

She said: "Since you look down on it, then don't come in to study, hum."

Yang Heshu pondered for a moment and then said, "But the messengers from Goguryeo are despised. They are all scholars and nobles. It is the doctors who want to study at the Imperial Physician's Office. How can you be angry with others?"

He said: "It's unfair for you to treat the doctors in Goguryeo. They also came here when they heard that the capital was going to open the Imperial Physician's Office. They traveled a long way, but they were not allowed to enter the Imperial Physician's Office because of your prejudice. It's too wrong. "

Man Bao was stunned for a moment, and put herself in her shoes to think, if she missed the opportunity to learn medicine because of a few words from a minister in the court or a student in the Imperial College, then...

Man Bao lowered her head in shame, her face flushed red, her mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, and finally asked in a low voice, "Well, what should I do, do you want to add their names to the list?"

"The list has just been stamped for the clerk to enter the book and sent to Honglu Temple. It is too late to change it now, and even if it can be changed, does your Imperial Physician decide to accept one more student from Fanbang, or who will it be? Where's the name crossed out?"

Seeing the embarrassment on Man Bao's face, Yang Heshu reached out and patted her on the head with a smile: "Silly child, you can correct your mistakes, just don't make them again in the future."

Man Bao went back to lunch in despair.

Seeing her drooping head, Bai Shan asked her, "What's the matter with you?"

Man Bao poked at the rice in the bowl and said what she did wrong, and said, "It's my prejudice. It's too unrestrained to anger others because of Gao You's remarks."

Bai Shan said, "Just fix it if you know what you're wrong."

"But the list has been handed in and cannot be changed."

"You're so stupid, your Imperial Physician's Office didn't plan to accept anyone's physicians but not others. They didn't choose you this time because they didn't take too much. Do the He Barbarians and the Tricks deserve to lose the election? "

"Next time your Imperial Physician's Office recruits Fanbang students, let them compete fairly. If you don't intervene, that's a change."

Man Bao thought for a while, felt a little better, and then started to fight back, "You are stupid, I am not stupid than you."

She was still asking Keke in her heart: "Keke, don't you think so?"

Koko ignored her.

Man Bao didn't mind either, she thought, even if it was a little bit inferior, it shouldn't be much inferior, but she has always been studying hard.

But Man Bao thought it was only a few of them who knew about it and spread it out. Even the officials of Honglu Temple had vaguely heard that the envoy of Goguryeo had offended the people in the Imperial Physician’s Office, so the Imperial Physician’s Office pointed out that the Goguryeo physicians were not needed. Instead, it was replaced by a doctor from the Heman and Tiaozi Departments.

Of course, the Goguryeo messengers haven't heard anything about this, because Gao You didn't care, and the officials of Honglu Temple who wanted to remind them all shut up.

Good night

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