Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1642 rushing duck

What can Qingyu say?

He could only laugh stiffly: "Serving the master is the honor of the slaves, how dare you accept the gift of the master."

Liu Huan looked at them proudly.

The three of Man Bao hesitated, "Is that so?"

This is not the same as what they knew when they were young.

Bai Shan was the first to return to his senses, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, no matter what, don't change things that have already been decided."

He said to Man Bao and Bai Erlang: "What's more, we are used to this, and if we change it rashly, it is not easy to manage, so let's just follow the trend. Anyway, I think that book is still very useful, at least I feel The long-term workers of our little Zhuangzi are much more capable than the long-term workers of Uncle Tang’s family.”

This Bai Erlang had the most say, and nodded again and again: "Yes, our long-term worker is more capable than my father's long-term worker."

So the three of them looked at Yin Or and Liu Huan confidently again, especially Liu Huan, and solemnly said, "You should also learn."

Yin Zhi remained silent, and returned the manuscript to them, "Then you have to be an official for a little longer. It takes three years for mulberry trees to pick mulberry leaves and raise silkworms. If you have been an official for two years, how could these tenant farmers be wrong? Not to die?"

When Man Bao thought it was true, he immediately said, "I will work diligently when I go back."

Bai Shan put away the things and handed them over to Daji, then got up and stretched, moved his limbs and said, "Let's go, let's go out for a walk?"

Liu Huan looked left and right and asked, "Where's Mrs. Liu and the others?"

Man Bao said: "They went out early. We were originally going to be together. You haven't woken up yet, so we'll be waiting for you here."

Bai Erlang was excited, "Let's go, let's go out to see the night view and lanterns of Yongzhou."

As a result, they just opened the courtyard door, and happened to encounter a guy who came with a mighty group of people. When they saw it, Liu Huan and Yin or were immediately surrounded.

A middle-aged steward came from Liu Huan's house, he fell to the ground and hugged Liu Huan's leg and cried, "Young master, you scared the old slave to death, how could you come to Yongzhou City without saying a word? ?"

Liu Huan said, "Who said I didn't say anything? Didn't I send someone back to tell my family that I came to Yongzhou City to see my aunt?"

The middle-aged steward cried for a while, raised his face without tears and continued to cry: "But young master, this is not the aunt's mansion, you don't know how often the servants go to the aunt's mansion, but they can't find you. Panic, thanks to the generals of the Yin family, he found out that the two young masters were in the Fulai Inn, and the minions rushed over, otherwise the young masters would not be found this night, and the minions would not have to live..."

But Yin Or, who was less than three steps away from them, was another scene.

The family general of the Yin family rushed to Yin or saluted and said, "My lord, let the little one bring something personal to the young master, and let the little one protect the young master."

Yin He nodded, pointed to Changshou and said, "I have reserved a room for the upper room, and I just can't live. You can ask Changshou to take you there, and I will put my personal things in Bai Gongzi's room."

Of course it was impossible for Changshou to go, and it was also impossible for the general to leave. In the end, the things of the generals and servants were given to the servants to take to the upper room, while the things of Yin or Changshou were picked up and sent to Bai Shan’s house. .

During this period, the family will not allow them to leave, they must go together.

Liu Huan was suffering from a headache, and reluctantly appease the middle-aged steward who was crying constantly, and finally promised to take all the five servants he brought with him, and never go out with Manbao and the others after they never run around.

The Bai family had originally reserved five guards for Bai Shan and the others, plus one Daji, and now they are added to the street, and everyone is three feet away from the five of them in an instant, for fear of collision. I don't know where the noble son and the noble lady came from.

Man Bao three people: ...

However, this is not the time to discuss this, because it is getting dark because of the delay!

And the watchman who played the watch knocked on the watch just in time, and then shouted loudly: "One watch -- light up -- "

Not only the watchmen in this street, but also the watchmen in other streets also started to call and shout, so some people in the street started to light the lanterns in front of the door...

The lanterns were lit up in front of us, and suddenly they were lit up like a fire dragon, and the lanterns on both sides of the wide road were also lit up one by one...

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the lit lanterns became brighter and brighter in the dark night. Not to mention the three hillbillies who had not seen much of the world, even Liu Huan, who traveled between Yongzhou and Yongzhou in the capital all the year round, was stunned.

With a wow, he whispered in amazement, "It's the first time I've seen someone turn on a lantern when I'm so old... When I used to go to the street, the lanterns were already lit, and it was the busiest time."

He is still like this, let alone the three Bai Shan, who are amazed, "How beautiful."

Bai Shan sighed, "This lantern is even more beautiful than a flower, the lantern shed is more dazzling than a flower shed, and a street lantern is better than a thousand trees."

Man Bao and Bai Erlang could only nod their heads fiercely.

The four of them were amazed here, and slowly they felt that something was wrong. Why did it seem that there was one person's voice missing?

So when he looked back, he saw that Yin or had been staring straight ahead, but he couldn't come back to his senses when he looked at the lanterns on the whole street in front of him.

Man Bao stretched out his hand and made a move in front of him, Yin or only then recovered a little, and he looked down at Man Bao suspiciously.

Man Bao smiled and said, "Is this your first time seeing lanterns?"

Yin He nodded, and once again couldn't help but look up at the bright street ahead, and said softly, "I've only seen lanterns in the mansion before."

But how many lanterns are there in the house?

How can that be compared with the thousands of lights on the street?

What's more, the Yin Mansion is deserted, and everyone knows that he doesn't like crowds, so even on festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival, they don't come to him easily. How can the deserted appearance be compared with the excitement on the street?

Only then did the three of Bai Shan remembered that the three of them had not seen many lantern festivals in big cities because they had lived in Qili Village since childhood, but they had also seen lantern festivals like Luojiang County and Yizhou City. Yin or is the real "country bumpkin", even though he has lived in the capital for more than ten years, he has never watched the Lantern Festival.

The three looked at him sympathetically and said, "Let's go, let's go to the street!"

Bai Erlang waved his hand: "Come on—"

The voice was so loud that many people turned their heads to look at him. He didn't even notice it, and he had already rushed forward. The guards of the Bai family were not surprised, and almost when he shouted to rush, one of them squeezed him. Beside him, he ran after him as soon as he rushed.

Bai Shan and Man Bao rushed along without thinking, Daji led someone to catch up with them, and left two guards for Liu Huan and Yin or thoughtfully.

Yin He was visiting the Lantern Festival for the first time and thought that was the way to go, so he lifted up his robe and quickly followed them.

There are a lot of people at the moment, and if you say rushing, you just run for a short distance, and you can't rush anywhere.

Liu Huan, who was left behind, was at a loss, grabbed the guard of the Bai family who had left him and asked, "What are you rushing for?"

The guard said: "Rush to find something to eat and play, you can guess lantern riddles, Young Master Liu, what do you want to play?"

Liu Huan's face was mysterious, "Am I alone? Where are they?"

See you tomorrow

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