Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1587 Privilege Cancellation (January Monthly Pass Plus 1)

It's a pity that the prince can't do anything right now, because he is really busy today, and he is so busy that he turns on the lights at night and locks them.

The next day he finished the Confucius sacrifice wine class and found that today's book was a little short, so he was very happy to go to the Daming Palace, want to see the crown princess, and then meet Zhou Man on the way.

Who knew that Zhou Man was not with the Crown Princess.

The Crown Princess smiled and said, "She and Mingda Changyu went to Prince Gong's place."

She suppressed a smile and said, "I heard that Prince Gong has been treating his illness for two days. Today is the second day, so I don't know what's going on."

The prince really wanted to take a look, but at this time the emperor was in the front hall, and many courtiers were there. In order not to cause trouble for himself, he still did not go.

So he turned to the emperor to rule.

Coincidentally, the emperor has been thinking a lot these two days. He feels that he was too strict with the prince in the past, so that the relationship between father and son has deteriorated into this, so he is very gentle to him today.

Facing the emperor's smile, the prince also thought of what Zhuang Xun said yesterday for some reason.

Yesterday, the two talked a lot, including the difficult situation that the emperor was suspected of by the previous emperor when he was young. Although the crown prince had some feelings for the emperor, he still listened to some of Zhuang Xun's words.

Zhuang Xun said, "His Majesty is a man of great virtue and great ambition. He wants to be a monarch who will be remembered through the ages. If there is a chance, why would he put himself in the name of disobeying his father and maiming his siblings?"

Of course the prince knew, because he almost made the same choice as his father back then, but if there was still a chance of life, why would he think about rebelling?

Wasn't he thinking of fighting for his life when he couldn't see a way out?

Before, he would say that his father did the same.

But now, he can actually say that he understands his father's situation back then, because not long ago, he was in the same situation as his father.

And Mr. Zhuang said, "Since Your Highness understands His Majesty, why don't you feel sorry for His Majesty? The kinship with father and brother has been so decisive, and we can no longer be like this with our son. Then His Majesty is too bitter."

The prince immediately frowned, looked at Mr. Zhuang and asked, "What did Zhou Man and Zhuang Shi talk about?"

He was prepared to rebel, and for this reason he had alienated Zhou Man. Could it be that Zhou Man guessed something?

Mr. Zhuang said, "Man Bao said that His Highness is very bitter."

The prince's heart softened, and the hostility was not so great, but he still said stubbornly: "Is the prince alone, do you need a servant of hers to sympathize?"

But at this time, looking at his father whose temples were gray, and remembering the anxiety, pain and hesitation when he was about to rebel, the prince suddenly softened.

Zhuang Xun was right, it was really hard to rebel. He who was about to rebel once knew the feeling. He really thought that it would be enough to pick up the sword and wave his arm?

It was sleepless nights and nights, not feeling well at all.

He was just so tormented in the preparation stage, but his father did it.

Thinking of this, the prince felt a sense of pity for each other, so he took the initiative to pick up the teapot and brewed a cup of tea for his father.

The emperor glanced at the prince in surprise, and then suddenly felt overwhelmed with relief. Wei Zhi, Lord Tang, and others who were sitting in the hall, also nodded secretly. For the first time, they didn't bother the prince.

The monarch and ministers spent a pleasant afternoon, and then the ministers led the task out of the palace, and the emperor took the prince to find the queen to have dinner together.

I met Ming Da and Chang Yu not long after they came back from Prince Gong. Because they had walked a lot, their faces were still flushed, and they looked very healthy.

The emperor looked very happy, "Mingda's body also looks much stronger than last year."

Mingda immediately said: "Today, I followed Zhou Man with my sister to see my third brother for treatment. We walked all the way to the foot of the mountain. I didn't breathe much, but I was sweating a lot, and my body was sticky and uncomfortable."

The emperor listened with a smile and asked, "How is your third brother's treatment?"

Mingda couldn't help but covered his mouth and laughed, complaining: "The third brother doesn't want to treat the disease, so he pretends to be sick, but Zhou Man sees it through."

Chang Yu went to the mountain to play for two days in a row, and felt that the mountain was not bad. The main reason was that she really wanted to go up the mountain to experience the feeling of seeing the mountains and mountains as Zhou Man said, so she felt that the third brother should continue to heal at this time. So he said: "Royal father, Zhou Man said that the third brother's problem is to eat less and move more. He obviously ate a bowl of rice, a steamed bun, and a lot of vegetables for lunch, but he said that he was not full, and the way he walked. You're screaming to be exhausted before we have more, you can't stop him from leaving."

Mingda also wanted to go up the mountain to play, so he suggested: "Father, please wait for the third brother to get used to it. Shall we take him to climb the mountain? Zhou Man said that mountain climbing can also cure diseases."

When the emperor heard it, it was natural that the two daughters agreed, and he turned his head to Gu Zhong and said, "The privilege of King Gong entering the palace to ride on the chariot will be cancelled. Since it is better to walk, let him walk more in the future. ."

Gu Zhong smiled.

The prince on the side was surprised and didn't drink the tea.

In the palace, except for the empress dowager, the emperor and the queen, and the prince, other important officials, including all the princes and princesses, had to walk on their own two legs.

So far, there have only been two accidents. One is the Duke of Yuxian County. He is too old and a courtier who is still alive. No one can survive him. the privilege of sitting;

One is King Gong. He is too fat, and his health is not very good. After walking for a while, he is out of breath and sweats a lot. Every time he enters and leaves the palace, he is a little embarrassed.

So the emperor gave him a chariot, and he could sit every time he entered and exited the palace, and he was treated like a prince.

When this matter came out that year, Wei Zhi impeached King Gong and the emperor for this matter.

The emperor was scolded badly, and he admitted his mistake to Wei Zhi face to face, but turned around and didn't deserve to die.

He once whispered to the queen, "King Gong is my son, the palace is my home, what's wrong with my son returning to his own home? What's wrong with my son?"

The queen said: "The royal family is selfless. If your majesty loves Saburo, then let him go to the palace less and travel less. Also, he should lose weight. It's not good for your health to be so fat."

It's a pity that neither father and son listened to her. The emperor felt that the family was not short of food and clothing, and the child wanted to eat but did not give him food, so he was very uncomfortable;

It's not enough to let him not see his son. He should miss him more when he can't see his son, so Wei Zhi scolded him, he endured it, admitted his mistake in person, turned around and continued to die.

Wei Zhi worked hard for a long time and found that the emperor couldn't change it, so he just turned a blind eye and ignored it. After all, he still has many other things to deal with, right?

The crown prince didn't expect that Wei Zhi's two younger sisters changed things that he couldn't do after scolding for so long.

After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help shaking his head, and secretly said: So, it's not bad for Zhou Man to go to treat the third child.

Prince Gong received the decree the next day, and there was nothing he could do. He was so tired that day, and he was so tired and hungry that he fell asleep before it got dark, so the palace servants did not dare to disturb him. God only wakes up to find out.

So King Gong, who was hungry all night and was eager to eat steamed buns, felt that the steamed buns in his hand were not fragrant at all.

This title is so shy, so book friends, have you seen it?

See you tomorrow

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