Gu Zhong watched him leave, turned around and entered the hall, bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Gong and Lord Zhou Xiao are gone."

The emperor nodded, and handed him the prescription and dietary prescription written by Zhou Man, "Send it to the Tai Hospital, and let Xiao Yuan take a look."

"Yes." Gu Zhong bowed to take it, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Your Majesty, do you really want Lord Zhou Xiao to treat His Highness? The servant looked at it, His Highness didn't seem to trust Lord Zhou Xiao very much, and Lord Zhou Xiao and the Prince His Highness also walked a little closer, I heard that His Highness waited for Lord Zhou Xiao in the garden just now, and the two of them stood together and said something, and it seemed that their expressions were not very good."

The emperor frowned and asked, "Who followed them just now?"

Gu Zhong reported several names.

The emperor said: "Go and ask what the two of them said, forget it, we're fine now, call someone to ask me."

King Gong didn't really want to hide what he and Zhou Man said, not to mention that he was still in confinement, surrounded by people from the emperor, he couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

He didn't want to stay in Daming Palace, so he wanted to use Zhou Man's strength to go back to Luozhou, but after crying, Prince Gong felt a little regretful in his heart, if the father knew what he asked Zhou Man in the garden Will you be sad and disappointed?

King Gong walked back and thought about what Zhou Man meant. He was lecturing in the garden, and he was tit for tat, but when he came to his father, he showed a kindhearted doctor, as if he was all thinking about him.

King Gong didn't know, but as soon as he left, Gu Ji and the two palace servants who had been with him before went to the emperor's palace, and tremblingly told the story of King Gong's stopping Zhou Man.

Of course, it also includes what Zhou Man and King Gong said.

The emperor was really sad. Hearing that King Gong asked about the prince's physical condition, and also asked Zhou Man why he chose the prince in the first place, his face was as heavy as ink.

When he heard Zhou Man's words that Prince Gong and the Crown Prince were his heart and soul, he was even more sad, his face was solemn, and his entire face was expressionless.

The queen was also touched, her eyes turned red instantly, tears were full, and she couldn't help falling from the corner of her eyes.

However, she quickly restrained her emotions and gave Gu Zhong a wink. Gu Zhong understood and immediately took everyone out of the hall.

Gu Zhong carefully closed the door, and instantly only the husband and wife were left in the hall.

With only the husband and wife left, the emperor slumped his shoulders, which had been straight, and sat on the couch in embarrassment, his eyes turning even redder.

The queen stretched out his hand to hold his hand, the emperor's mood collapsed at once, he was sad and disappointed, he hugged the queen's hand and cried: "Even Zhou Man knows the truth at such a young age, why doesn't he Do you know?"

The queen hugged him and said nothing.

Before the matter of Houji came out this time, the emperor never believed that Prince Gong was competing with the prince for the throne, and Prince Gong never stated that he was interested in this position, and rarely attacked the prince in front of the emperor.

It is more that some officials in the DPRK, or his subordinates, are attacking the prince.

And the prince behaved more fiercely than Prince Gong, even family gatherings could not hide his disgust for Prince Gong, and Prince Gong mostly avoided the prince.

Therefore, the emperor always felt that the matter of the brothers was more of the prince's problem.

The Queen was different. She noticed when Prince Gong gave birth to the eldest son and became active, but Prince Gong was also her son, so she also couldn't push another son into doom for the sake of the crown prince.

So he could only persuade the emperor not to favor Prince Gong too much, while standing behind the crown prince with a clear attitude, and at the same time secretly warning Prince Gong.

In recent years, in order to balance her two sons, she has been exhausted.

At this time, when the emperor cried, she couldn't hold back the grievance and disappointment in her heart, and the tears quietly fell down, yes, even Zhou Man knew the truth, why didn't Saburo know?

The emperor lay crying in the empress's arms, noticed that the back of his hand was slightly wet, and raised his head in surprise, only to find that the empress was crying too.

The queen seldom cried, at least not as much as he did.

The emperor quickly hugged her to comfort her, "Zi Tong..."

The queen wiped her tears with a handkerchief and choked: "I'm just sad too, Your Majesty, it's because I didn't teach my children well..."

The emperor hugged her and said, "How can you blame you for this? It's all my fault, no, it's all the people around Saburo. If it wasn't for someone pushing me, how could Saburo think of doing such a thing?"

He said: "The relationship between Saburo and Dalang was also very good in the past, that is, Dalang acted absurdly later, and someone pushed Saburo, so he did these things."

After being silent for a while, the queen shook her head slightly, and said softly: "Your Majesty, Saburo is no longer a child, you can't excuse him like this."

She said: "No matter how bad Dalang is, he shouldn't think about it. At least the method he used is wrong. He persecuted the prince like this, not only persecuting the prince, but also persecuting us."

"Zhou Man knows that the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat, just the amount of meat. No matter which part we give up, our hearts will be heartbroken. Why doesn't he know that if he seizes the East Palace, his eldest brother will not be able to work."

Emperor: "How come, I'm not that kind of person..."

"Your Majesty," the Empress suddenly interrupted him, raised her head and looked at him seriously: "In all dynasties, no abolished prince can live. We are so old, what have we not experienced, things in the world have never been the same? We can do whatever we want, even if you are the emperor."

The emperor fell silent.

"You are a person who wants to be a Mingjun, and you must think more comprehensively than ministers and concubines. Put aside your love for Saburo, you say, is he suitable to be an emperor?"

The emperor was stunned, after a moment of silence, he shook his head, "Sanlang, it's inappropriate."

The queen looked at him with tears in her eyes and asked, "Why is it inappropriate?"

Because he is narrow-minded and too soft, if he becomes the emperor, not only the boss, but also other sons will be in trouble.

Tears welled up in the emperor's eyes, and he held the queen's hand tightly.

The queen wiped her tears and said, "Your Majesty knows it in your heart, and your concubine also knows it in your body and mind, but no matter how bad your son is, he is still a son. Concubine still can't help loving him and worrying about him. But concubine can't let go for him alone. The world doesn't care."

"The troubled times have only ended a few years ago, and the people have only lived and worked in peace and contentment since Zhou Man's generation. How dare you let your majesty and the Li royal family bear eternal infamy because of the two of them?"

The emperor felt ashamed in his heart, held her hand and said, "It's mine or not, I, I, I really don't know when the child has such thoughts?"

The emperor said sullenly: "Forget it, let him go back to Luozhou. In the future, he will not be able to return to Beijing without an edict, which can be regarded as breaking his mind."

The queen shook her head, "I can't let him go back, why did he stop Zhou Man from saying these words in the garden, so that you could let him go back to Luozhou, but the concubine was frightened and didn't know if he would really give up, It will still be like the King of Yizhou, Your Majesty, it is the selfishness of the concubine, I, I understand the pain in the Queen Mother's heart, and I don't want to suffer like the Queen Mother."

See you tomorrow

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