Old Zhou stared, he thought that only the young masters of the Bai family had a good time with their daughters. Did he actually invite the whole class?

"And Mr., Mr. also said to come..."

Old Zhoutou lost his temper, he stretched out his hand to carry his daughter and walked into the house, "Let your mother tell you, father is a little dizzy."

He always likes to keep things low-key, and he won't publicize things until they are done. Why is this kid screaming so the whole world knows about it before he starts doing it?

Sure enough, with the same temperament as him, there is no quiet moment!

Old Zhoutou threw his little girl to his old wife and ran away. He couldn't take a rest, so he went to the village to book a tree.

No way, if he just invited classmates, he can't hurry up, but this kid has even invited Mr. Zhuang, so he can't be too slow.

On the 19th day of Thursday Lang's departure from home, the dam was finally repaired, and after the last meal was sold out on Tuesday and Wednesday Lang, they went home with Shirou Lang.

Man Bao was stunned when he ran home from school and saw Shizuo Lang.

As soon as Thursday Lang got home, he threw the luggage to his sister-in-law, which was full of dirty clothes. When he turned around and saw Man Bao, his eyes lit up, he opened his arms and shouted, "Young sister, I'm back!"

Man Bao rushed over and touched his unshaven face distressedly, "Fourth brother, why have you become so old?"

Shirou put down his arms, turned around and left.

He didn't put down the bookcase full of treasures, and just walked around him, "I've lost so much weight, and my face doesn't look good. Don't you eat meat every day?"

Thursday Lang opened the door, didn't take a bath, didn't change his clothes, leaned directly on the bed and said, "Eat meat, but there's a lot of work to do."

Shirou was a little sleepy, he wanted to eat and sleep as soon as he got home, but Man Bao sniffed his body and fanned by his nose in disgust, "It smells bad, fourth brother, just climb into bed like this, be careful. Fifth brother and sixth brother come back to beat you."

Thursday Lang said: "I just came back from the river and it's clean."

It's strange, the weather is getting colder, and there is no hot water there. Thursullang hasn't showered for ten days, but he feels good about himself, so he rubbed his stomach and asked Manbao, "Is there any candy, let the fourth brother eat one first. grains."

Man Bao took out the candy from his pocket and gave it to him, Thu Lang stuffed it into his mouth, then lay down, pulled the quilt and was about to go to sleep.

Man Bao's eyes widened, turned around and ran out, rushing to find his mother, "Mother, fourth brother is hiding under the quilt dirty."

When Qian Shi heard the words, he immediately stood up, picked up a stick from the corner of the door and walked over.

Man Bao followed excitedly.

Qian opened the door and went in, and saw a bag bulging on the bed. She was so angry that she slapped the quilt lightly and said, "Get up quickly, it's so sloppy, I don't know if I brought the lice back."

Chu Chulang was most afraid of his mother, and he jumped up from the bed as soon as the stick was shot, Qian Shi drove him out of the room with the stick and said, "Shave your beard, I asked your second sister-in-law to boil hot water for you, and after a while. Wash your hair too, and you are not allowed to enter the house without washing it."

Thursday Lang hated bathing the most, especially on such a cold day. He gave Man Bao a bitter look and went to wash up helplessly.

Man Bao was finally happy, he carried a small bookcase into the house and put it away, and then ran to see Shizuo Lang shave his beard.

Xiao Qian didn't understand what was so beautiful about this, but she didn't stop her. She took out all of Shirou's dirty clothes and put them in the wooden tub. She planned to go to the river to wash before it got dark, so she knocked on the wooden door. , rushed inside and shouted: "Shirou, take off your dirty clothes and give them to me too."

Shirou looked around, found a thick sack, took off his clothes and threw it out, and continued to shave under the thick sack.

Man Bao stared blankly. After a while, he stood up from the ground, walked behind Shirou, and stretched out his fingers to lift the sack a little.

Shirou glared at her while shaking his body and shaving his beard, and said vaguely, "It's cold enough, don't lift it."

Man Bao saw the deep blue marks on Shirou's shoulders, which were still swollen and swollen, and one of them was a little reddish.

Man Bao asked, "Fourth brother, how did you do this?"

Shirou shaved his beard cleanly, shaking his body and said, "I lift a stone, that stone is so big that it takes five people to lift it up, your fourth brother, I lifted it up with a bang... Okay, after this Let me tell you again, go out and ask the third brother to bring me hot water, I'm going to die of cold."

Man Bao turned around and ran out to find Zhou Lang, "The third brother, the fourth brother wants hot water."

While Zhou Lang got up and walked to the kitchen, he said, "He's lazy, he needs someone to bring him hot water when he takes a shower."

"The fourth brother has taken off his clothes. It's so cold."

Zhou Lang quickened his pace, but said, "Well, if he packs up as soon as he comes back, does he need to take off his clothes first?"

Considering that he still had to wash his hair, Zhou Lang brought him two buckets of hot water, and seeing Man Bao following behind his ass and wanting to go in, he hurriedly stopped him, "Your fourth brother is taking a shower, you go to Ertou to play with them. Son."

Man Bao said: "I don't play, I want to see the fourth brother take a bath."

On Wednesday, Lang's face became bitter. In the end, Mr. He, who was passing by, took Man Bao away. She taught her, "You are a girl, and your fourth brother is a boy. How can you go to see him take a bath?"

"Why can't I watch it, I just watched three heads and four heads bathing."

He Shi choked, and then said, "Your fourth brother will grow up and be ashamed, with three heads and four heads... They are still young, but you can't watch them take a bath when they are older."

It seems that bathing the children in the future will separate them.

"Okay." Man Bao felt a little regretful, turned around and went back to the house to read. Now that she has grown up, she doesn't want to play anymore.

That being said, she was still facing the window, and as soon as she saw Thursday Lang's hair disheveled, she immediately dropped her book and ran over, "Fourth brother, I want to tell you two good news, which one do you want to listen to first?"

Thursul Lang wiped his hair roughly, thinking it was troublesome, so he didn't wipe it at all, sat on the stool and said, "The first one."

"Your debt is almost paid off."

Thursday Lang's eyes lit up and asked, "Really? How far is it?"

"Man Bao stretched out three fingers.

On Thursday, Lang laughed and said happily, "Three hundred?"

"Three or two!"

The smile on Thursday Lang's face disappeared, "This is almost over?"

"It's almost there, and it will be over in a while." Man Bao asked him, "Fourth brother, what are you going to do when the money is over?"

Chuu Lang felt that this was still far from enough, with three taels of silver, he crossed his legs and asked, "What about the second good news?"

"Oh, my family is going to build a new house. I'm going to have my own new house. Fourth brother, you also have one."

Thursday Lang finally became happy and asked: "Really, is this what my mother said, or did you think it yourself?"

"Of course my parents said it, and I gave all my money to my father."

Thursday Lang's eyes widened, "Why do you give your own money to your father?"

"I don't have enough money to build a house. I built a house for my father, and I also have a room in it."

Thursuro pondered what this meant, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

Add more updates for me and the majority of single book friends. Today is really heart-wrenching. It's not that Xuan is out of the single, or Xuan is married. It's sad!

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