Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1546 Serious

Xiao Yuanzheng and the others quickly gave the two of them an answer. This time, four imperial physicians consulted. After they examined the emperor's whole body, they told the emperor solemnly, "Your Majesty's old injury has recurred."

The emperor smiled and said: "No wonder I feel a burning pain in the lower back. It turns out that the old injury has recurred."

While Xiao Yuan was discussing the prescription with others, he whispered to the queen: "Miss, why don't you ask Zhou Man to come over to discuss and see if she can use acupuncture to lower the temperature of Majesty."

He said, "Your Majesty is now relapsed and many medicines cannot be used."

The queen nodded and looked at Aunt Shang.

Aunt Shang bowed and walked out. She quickly found the palace maid and asked, "Has Lord Zhou Xiao come to Daming Palace?"

"No, it's not yet time. Usually, she comes here at noon."

It's only morning.

Aunt Shang said, "Send someone to pick her up immediately, and tell your Majesty to announce her."


When Manbaodong Palace arrived at Daming Palace, not only the crown prince and the crown prince were here, but Wei Zhi and other ministers also arrived, and then they entered the inner palace and found that the queen mother was here.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed with a tired face, wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

Man Bao was brought forward by the palace maid, and the queen mother saw her and said, "Come up and show the emperor."

Get up and give her place.

Man Bao stepped forward to give the emperor a pulse. At this time, the emperor was still awake, so Man Bao asked him to open his mouth and wanted to take a look at his throat.


Xiao Yuanzheng also looked at his throat, but at this moment it was just opened again, ahh, let Zhou Man look at it once.

The emperor comforted himself that although she was young enough to be her own daughter, her medical skills were not bad, so she should be seen by a courtier.

So the emperor opened his mouth, Man Bao held up the lamp and glanced at it, and saw that his throat was full of pus.

Man Bao was a little worried. After turning off the lamp and handing it over to Gu Zhong, he withdrew to discuss with Xiao Yuanzheng, "Why is it so serious? Didn't you say it was getting better two days ago?"

Imperial Physician Liu on the side lowered his voice and said: "Not to mention the first two days, it was not so powerful yesterday, but it was a bit repeated, I never thought that it would become so powerful in one night, the throat is full of pus, Your Majesty Swallowing is a little difficult."

"The southeast wind that blew at night last night, even the Daming Palace is very hot. Your Majesty is no longer suffering from the cold." Fang Taiyi said: "The disease was not broken before, and it was intermittent, His Majesty's healing power. It’s not as good as before, not to mention the old injury has recurred now.”

Xiao Yuan is nodding. He also thinks the same way. He doesn't know whether it is regret or distress. In order to prevent His Majesty from being too uncomfortable, he used conservative treatment methods, but His Majesty's health is worse than he expected.

It's true that the emperor's body is not as strong as he appears, regardless of his age. After all, he is the father of so many children, but he has a lot of old wounds.

Usually these old wounds are fine, at most it is a little sore and itchy when it rains or is hot, but once the old wounds recur...

This time, it was obvious that the inflammation in the body caused the old injury. In addition, the fever was not a simple cold, and the condition was more complicated.

Listening to their discussion, Man Bao said to Keke in his heart, "The emperor's illness has deteriorated sharply. If he can't cool down, he will die."

Keke asked her, "Want to buy antiviral medicine?"

After that, she found a tube of watermelon red-like potion in the encyclopedia and showed it to her, saying: "The new product from the biological laboratory in the encyclopedia only needs 100,000 points."

Of course, this is not specifically for the treatment of sore throats, colds and coughs, but for anti-viruses, and the symptoms are the same.

Keke said: "It may not be necessary to use the first tube, and half the tube will be effective."

Man Bao looked at the color and said, "If you are colorless, I can still find a way to add it to the water the emperor drinks. How can I give him this color?"

Keke also thought about it, if the host could not explain the origin of this medicine, it would be life-threatening to cause people's suspicion.

She has taken two kinds of medicines from the system, one is green, which is given to Qian Shi; the other is blue, which is said to be poison from the detoxification stone. Potion, because a considerable part of the poison stone is blue.

And Zhou Man said that some of the ingredients of the antidote were extracted from poison stones. Of course, this conclusion was told by Mr. Mo to Zhou Man.

Although the prince and others didn't know how to extract this, it didn't prevent them from trusting her.

No one knows about the former except Man Bao and Qian Shi; the latter has a reason, and once again, it is still such a brightly colored potion, and Man Bao can't find an excuse for the time being.

Moreover, instead of relying on the encyclopedia, she wanted to do it herself.

In terms of prescriptions, Man Bao is not as good as Xiao Yuanzheng and the others. In just a short while, Xiao Yuanzheng has formulated a treatment plan.

After prescribing medicine to reduce inflammation and cool down, then prescribe medicine to apply old wounds, adjust internal and external treatment, Manbao then uses acupuncture to cool down and increase the energy of medicine. After seeing the effect, we will talk about it.

After everyone received their respective tasks, they went to prepare. Imperial Doctor Liu took the negotiated prescription to prepare the medicine, Imperial Doctor Fang and Imperial Doctor Lu went to prepare the ointment for trauma, and Xiao Yuan and Man Bao were going to inject needles for His Majesty.

Naturally, Man Bao dominated, and Xiao Yuan was watching. Even if his acupuncture skills were not as good as hers, his medical judgment would not be weaker than Man Bao.

Moreover, the psychology of the queen and courtiers also felt that Xiao Yuan was staring at them more at ease.

Gu Zhong served the emperor to undress, and Man Bao first gave him acupuncture to cool down.

The emperor's head was dizzy at this time, and he asked Manbao vaguely, "Why is this disease so serious?"

Standing at the end of the bed, Xiao Yuan had a chill on his back and turned to look at Man Bao.

At this time, the emperor was lying on his stomach, and he could only see Man Bao in front of him and the queen mother who was sitting on the side wiping tears, but he couldn't see anyone else.

Man Bao gave him acupuncture while explaining his condition, "Your Majesty has entered the summer heat again before the cold has subsided, so the condition is repeated. You have old wounds on your body, and some of the tiger-wolf medicine can't be used, so you dragged it down."

Man Bao sighed and said, "There was a sudden southeasterly wind last night, and the temperature was suddenly high. It's summer, and it's easy to get Xia Wen..."

Man Bao did not say a word, the emperor was unlucky.

Even though his immunity is not very good, under normal circumstances, the general fever will not become what it is now, not to mention that he is still the emperor, and he has hired the best doctor and used the best medicine.

Man Bao had just read the prescriptions from the past three days, and the medicine that Xiao Yuan was prescribing had no problems at all. Even if Man Bao came to prescribe it, he might not be able to prescribe it more comprehensively.

However, if she came to treat him, she would have cured him with three doses of medicine. As for whether it would cause old wounds and pains, Man Bao felt that she would definitely not be concerned.

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