Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1535 Yan Hao

As soon as Liu Shangshu walked away with his hands behind his back, the clerk began to look through Zhou Man's file, and Tate put it at hand, so that as soon as she sent the post, he could enter the file here. It is fast and efficient. I believe It must be able to win the favor of the other party.

He began to look forward to the arrival of the favored imperial physician.

Liu Shangshu and the clerk did not know that Man Bao was stumped in the Daming Palace at this time.

Because he was worried about going into the file to receive a salary, Man Bao refused to play with Princess Mingda, Princess Changyu, but went back to the East Palace after getting the pulse of the Crown Princess. Come and invite her in person.

Ming Da and Chang Yu, who were feeling a little sorry that they couldn't feel sorry together, immediately went to see the queen with Man Bao in the bedroom of the main hall.

Because Mingda and the others only had breakfast with the Queen in the morning, they knew that the Queen looked very good, so Aunt Shang definitely didn't come to invite Man Bao to see a doctor.

On the way, Mingda asked Aunt Shang directly, "What does the queen mother call Man Bao?"

Aunt Shang smiled and said, "The princesses will know when they go."

Everyone knew from the look on her face that it wouldn't be a bad thing, so even Man Bao relaxed.

Entering the main hall, the queen is reviewing the book, of course, the book of the harem, even if she lives in the Daming Palace, the palace affairs also need her to handle.

Besides, in addition to the affairs in the palace, there are also some affairs of the life wife that she needs to deal with.

If the average housewife wants to maintain the stability of the back house, and the clan wife wants to maintain the stability of the clan’s backyard, then the queen must not only maintain the overall stability of the royal clan’s backyard, but also maintain the stability of the entire court minister’s backyard to assist the emperor’s management. Good for the whole court and the world.

So she has a lot of things to do.

Seeing Man Bao and her two daughters coming together, she put down the booklet in her hand, waved to them, and asked Man Bao, "You see how different I am today? "

Man Bao looked at the queen seriously, and after a while, he said unsurely, "The lady doesn't look much different from before, and even her face is much better than before, it doesn't look like she is sick."

The queen smiled and said with Aunt Shang, "It can be seen that he is really a doctor, and he only thinks about illness."

She stretched out her hand and touched her face and smiled, "My face is indeed quite rosy, but it's not because of taking medicine, do you see my hand?"

Man Bao stared at her hand, staring for a long time without seeing any difference.

Seeing Man Bao looking at her blankly, the queen burst out laughing.

Aunt Shang on the side had already poured tea for the three little girls. She smiled and said, "Master Zhou Xiao, did you forget the ointment you made two days ago? Oh, by the way, you call it moisturizing rouge."

Man Bao's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch the back of the queen's hand, feeling moist, she couldn't help but feel her pulse, and gently touched the place where she used to feel it, carefully. After feeling it for a while, I felt that the skin was not only moister than the previous consultation, but also seemed to be more elastic.

Seeing her expression, the queen knew that she understood, she took back her hand and let her and Mingda Changyu sit beside her, and asked with a smile, "That ointment, okay, moisturizing rouge, where did you get that recipe? "

Man Bao was a little embarrassed and said, "I found it in the library."

The queen didn't know much about this either, so she asked curiously, "Is the recipe called Run Rouge?"

Man Bao's face was a little weird, he hesitated for a while and then said, "Yes or no."

Chang Yu asked curiously, "Yes, yes, no, no, and yes and no?"

Man Bao's face is inexhaustible, oh, how can I say this?

Do you want to tell them that the doctor who wrote this recipe has some research on skin diseases, but other doctors look down on him, but he really feels that skin diseases are also very important, so he is a little depressed.

Later, he went to study other diseases, and he was barely famous. When he wrote medical books, he couldn't help but write a supplementary volume, which was printed together with the main volume.

Among them, in the supplementary book, he satirized those who had looked down on him and his formulas, and finally joked that those people looked down on him, but because the color of him and his wife was better than that of them and their wife. .

Obviously they are the same age, but he just makes him and his wife look ten years younger than them. They look down on the various ointments he makes, but they don't know that his ointment is more colorful than the rouge on the market.

And people live, one is for life, and the other is for appearance?

He and his wife can live beautifully, and this medical skill is stronger than all of them, so he teased his recipe called Run Rouge, which means that it is more beautiful than Rouge.

Of course, it's actually called Baijigao, and moisturizing rouge is just a joke, and Man Bao thought that his supplementary volume was very interesting, especially when he scolded those doctors, she was very interested, so she specially wrote down this recipe. Son, I took it out to play with Mingda Changyu and the others, just to see if this moisturizing rouge can really cure chapped and make people's skin moist and bright.

So Man Bao said that the name is true or not. If there are only two little friends, then of course she can brag as much as she wants, anyway, everyone will laugh and laugh afterward.

But when the queen asked her, she couldn't answer truthfully.

So Man Bao chirped and talked about the thin medical book.

Chang Yu couldn't help but ask: "So he and his wife are ten years younger than ordinary people with this ointment?"

Man Bao said: "Of course not. I have read another medical classic written by him. He is very good at conditioning methods. There are not only external principles, but also internal adjustments. There is a lot of knowledge in it."

Chang Yu's eyes were bright, and even the queen couldn't help but ask, "Have you learned it?"

Man Bao shook his head, "I just read the medical classics, but I didn't delve into this aspect."

Chang Yu asked, "Then why are you reading that medical scripture?"

"I was looking for a recipe for regulating the liver, and I found it along the way," Man Bao said, "I only temporarily studied the recipe for regulating the liver recorded in his book, and I didn't study the others."

She also has no time to study.

Mingda's focus was different from that of ordinary people. She asked curiously, "Listening to his tone, this doctor is also a powerful person, so how did the medical books he wrote end up in the library?"

Shouldn't this kind of medical book be used for family heirlooms?

Man Bao said: "I only know that he is from Liang, and I don't know the rest."

Studying a person's life is what historians do. However, he is a doctor, and he is not famous enough for historians to study his life. Therefore, his name will be passed on to his descendants in the future, or he will not be Someone knows his life.

See you tomorrow, May 1st is coming soon. Although I can't go out to play, I'm still happy. I'm happy every day. You should be happy too.

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