Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1524 play

The emperor didn't know anything about this, so he dragged the queen and talked for a while, feeling that since Zhou Man was here, he might as well show the queen.

"The queen has a bad appetite recently."

Man Bao felt his pulse and said, "It's a bitter summer, there's no good way to do this, but your body is weak, don't use too many ice basins in the house, or use a fan to fan the air, or sit in a well-ventilated place. , be careful not to catch cold at night..."

Man Bao ranted a lot of words, and even the emperor who was listening on the side thought she was too long-winded, but the queen involved listened with great interest.

When he finally sent her away, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "You look young, why are you talking about it like this?"

The queen asked with a smile, "Does your majesty still have a stomachache?"

The emperor felt it for a while, shook his head and said, "Don't say, her acupuncture is quite useful. I heard from the prince that their Imperial Physician Office will teach in different subjects, and one of them is acupuncture."

The queen also felt good. Don't look at her bitter summer this year. In fact, it was better than in previous years. She was very uncomfortable at this time last year, especially when the catkins were flying. She once felt that she could not survive that summer.

This is the first time the emperor has been stabbed with needles, and he feels good, let alone the queen who is often stabbed.

It is precisely because of this that the Empress did her best to persuade the Emperor to reorganize the Imperial Physician's Office.

If Zhou Man's abilities were as written in their booklet, he could teach his disciples and then spread them to medical offices in various places, and then treat diseases for the people of the world, then I don't know how many people would benefit.

The emperor also began to seriously think about this matter, and he thought more deeply than the queen, "acupuncture uses less medicine, and the cost should be less, and some poor people can also use it."

The emperor's fingers couldn't help tapping his thigh, and he said in deep thought, "By then, a sum of money will be allocated from the national treasury every year, and local medical offices will purchase some commonly used medicinal materials, which can also provide relief to patients who cannot afford medicines."

The queen nodded again and again, "That's exactly what it means."

"However, this charter has to be settled, lest the people who really should help don't help and feed some squirrels." The emperor thought for a while, then turned his head and said to Gu Zhong: "This is what the prince is doing, call him here. , I asked him if there are regulations there?"

Gu Zhong hurriedly responded, bowed and walked out to let the Prince Xuan come.

He just ordered to turn around and go back, and saw Zhou Man, who had not left the hall for a long time, sitting happily with the two workers. He didn't know what to say. Zhou Man and Princess Changyu were looking up and laughing. Princess Mingda rolled her eyes with laughter.

Gu Zhong shook his head slightly and turned back.

The empress in the palace also vaguely heard laughter and asked, "What are they laughing at?"

Immediately, someone from the palace went out to ask, and soon came back, "Master Zhou Xiao is telling the princesses an interesting thing about playing by the river in the village when she was a child. The two princesses like it very much."

More than just liking it, if Man Bao said that the sun was too big and didn't want to bask in the sun, the two of them almost took her to the river to dig mud and play together.

Well, Daming Palace also has it.

And because the Daming Palace has not been completed, it occupies a large area, so it is quite wild. The riverside has not been operated at all. There are aquatic plants in the places that should grow water plants, and mud in the places where there should be mud. There are even wild ducks in some tidal flats with lush water plants.

There was no sign that it was coming from the palace.

Finally, when the sun went down, it was not so vicious. Chang Yu, who was pulling Man Bao and Ming Da by the river, saw the frightened wild ducks flying up, and couldn't help screaming with joy.

Man Bao wasn't surprised, but wanted to know if there were wild duck eggs in the aquatic plants, so he lifted up his skirt, tied it up, rolled up his sleeves, and went deep into the grass.

Chang Yu immediately followed, and Ming Da also wanted to go, but was quickly pulled by the palace servant, "Princess, you can't catch a cold."

Mingda felt a little regretful, so he stood on the bank and waited for them, and pointed them in the direction, "Come up some more, the wild duck just flew away from above..."

Man Bao pulled the lush aquatic plants on the beach, and finally found a hay nest with Princess Changyu, opened it and saw five blue-white duck eggs.

The two of them couldn't help but snorted, and reached out to take it.

Man Bao also shook it, and said happily: "The days are not long, you can eat it all."

Chang Yu took three, Man Bao took two, and the two happily squeezed out of the water and grass, and showed the duck eggs to Ming Da.

Mingda is also too novel, "How do you eat this?"

"It can be fried with chives," Man Bao said, "scrambled eggs with chives is delicious, and fried duck eggs should be delicious too."

Eggs anyway.

Chang Yu was reluctant to eat it all, so he took one and said, "I want to wash this one and put it on the case for offering. No one is allowed to eat it."

Mingda also wanted one, so he squeezed one in his hand, Man Bao didn't care, he directly gave the two eggs in his hand to the palace servant, "This egg will last for about twenty days, the weather is hot, if you It will go bad if you don't eat it."

Mingda regretted, "Is there no way to make it not bad?"

"Yes, let's see if it's laying eggs. If it is, find a hen to hatch it, so that the egg becomes a duckling, and the duckling can lay eggs again when it grows up, so won't it be broken? Hahaha …”

Man Bao was just joking, but Ming Da and Chang Yu actually took it seriously. After thinking about it, they thought this was a good idea, so they decided to take it back and let someone find a hen to hatch the eggs.

"How can this be seen as an egg?"

Man Bao was stunned for a moment, carefully recalled her mother's egg selection steps, scratched her head and said, "You have to light the oil lamp, and then point the egg at the oil lamp and look at it to see if it is an egg."

The maids and servants on the side: ...

There was a palace maid who was not too young before entering the palace and knew how to look, so she stepped forward and said, "Princess, this servant knows how to recognize it."

So the group ran back to the palace, directly closed the curtains, lit the oil lamp, and faced the selection of eggs.

Luckily, three of the five eggs were hatching eggs. Ming Da and Chang Yu chose the one that seemed pleasing to the eye, and then looked at Man Bao, "Are you really not going to choose one?"

Man Bao is not very interested in raising ducks. There are many ducks in her small village, so there is no need to raise them all the way in the palace.

But she rarely has one thing in common with her friends, so after thinking about it, she picked up the remaining one, nodded and said, "Okay, but it's not convenient for me to carry, can you help me? The brooding hens are put together to incubate the eggs."

Mingda nodded immediately, took the duck egg from her hand and said with a smile, "I'll keep it for you."

Seeing that they had finally negotiated, the palace servants on the side reminded politely, "Lord Zhou Xiao, it's getting late."

When Man Bao looked out, he realized that time was flying by, and it was almost time for dinner.

She got up immediately, "I have to go back, or the ship will be out of service in a while."

The most important thing is that she still has to hand over the medical case to the Tai Hospital, and the Tai Hospital doesn't know who is on duty tonight.

see you at 8pm

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