Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 152 Homework

The county magistrate Fu nodded, indicating that he understood, but still said: "The county government is not well-off, and now the meals for Laoding are following the old rules. It is not easy to reform the system."

Man Bao frowned his little eyebrows, thinking how could it be difficult, isn't it just to make money? And everyone didn't eat much.

When Manbao opened his mouth to speak, the county magistrate suddenly asked Bai Shanbao, "What's the name of Xiao Langjun?"

Man Bao temporarily closed his mouth. His mother said that when others are speaking, they should wait until they have finished speaking before opening their mouths. It is rude to interrupt.

Bai Shanbao straightened his chest and said, "My name is Bai Shan."

"Bai?" Magistrate Fu asked with a smile, "Who is Bai Li from Qili Village?"

Bai Shanbao froze for a moment and said, "That's my uncle."

"Hey, does Bai Li have brothers?"

Bai Shanbao said, "My father and uncle are cousins."

The county magistrate Fu nodded when he heard the words, thinking that Bai Shanbao was a relative of the Bai family who came to depend on Bai Li, and asked him with a smile, "Seeing that you are quite talented in reading, is your father also studying now?"

Bai Shanbao lowered his hand and replied, "My father was a jinshi in the first year of Dazhen, and he was appointed as the magistrate of Shu County in the second year of Dazhen, and later died in office because of arresting bandits."

Bai Shanbao pursed his lips and looked very unhappy. Of course, he didn't come up with these words, but his grandmother once read to a person, but Bai Shanbao replaced his son with his father.

It brought back some not so good memories for him.

Man Bao felt his friend's unhappiness, and immediately left Laoding and food behind him, and stretched out his little hand to grab him.

Bai Shanbao's hand was held by a pair of fleshy hands. He glanced aside, feeling a lot better, his vitality recovered, and raised his head to look at Magistrate Fu.

Magistrate Fu did not expect that this was the orphan of a former colleague. There were not many officials at this time, so the bureaucratic circle was very small. Is it Bai Qi?"

Bai Shanbao said in a milky voice, "It's my father!"

The county magistrate Fu couldn't help but sighed and said, "It turns out that he is the son of an old friend. If you are willing to study in the county, I can give you a letter of recommendation."

Bai Shanbao shook his head and said, "Thank you sir, it's just that the students can't go to the county school with their current knowledge. Let's talk about it when I grow up."

County magistrate Fu nodded and said with relief: "Very good, Lord Bai is also considered a successor."

Man Bao looked at him curiously with his small head raised, and wanted to say something, but Bai Shanbao shook his hand fiercely, and she didn't speak.

The magistrate Fu did not speak to the two children any more, and asked the yamen to take them down, and then went to see the dam.

He came to inspect. He used to come and walk around in a circle. This time, he came to see it because he heard that the project was halfway through.

Bai Shanbao took Man Bao's hand and walked away. After walking far, far away, he looked back at Magistrate Fu and the others.

Man Bao also looked back and saw that there were only her fourth brother and Daji beside her, so he said, "He lied, he doesn't know your father at all."

Bai Shan nodded, "I know, if I knew each other, my grandmother would visit when she brought us here."

"Then why did he lie?"

After all, Bai Shanbao is one year older than Manbao, and he received another kind of education since he was a child, so he said: "This is a courtesy, and Shu County is not far from here, and it is a little farther than Mianzhou, of course he has to say something. Come on, it's you, don't say anything in the future, people outside are different from people in the village."

Man Bao said in surprise: "It turns out that outside Luojiang County is Mianzhou, have you been there?"

Thursday Lang couldn't help but help his forehead: ... This is the point of concern.

But Bai Shanbao accepted it well. He quickly lost his troubles and became happy. He said, "I haven't been there, but that is the prefecture, and it will definitely be more prosperous than Luojiang County. We will go there when we grow up."

Man Bao nodded, "I want to eat a lot of rice, and grow up quickly."

Bai Shanbao nodded in agreement, "I have to learn to ride a horse, otherwise walking will be very tiring."

"I don't have a horse at home, and the horse is very expensive. Is it okay to ride a donkey?"

Bai Shanbao hesitated, "Alright."

Shizu Lang squeezed the back collar of the other with one hand, carried the two to the Zhou family's booth, and said, "Come on, we don't even have a donkey at home, you're not hungry after walking for a long time, hurry up and go home, The second brother shouldn't have brought you here today."

Daji followed silently, letting Thursul Lang carry their young master.

After returning home, Man Bao suddenly called out, "Fu county magistrate forgot to return the manuscript to us."

Bai Shanbao was also a little annoyed, after all, it was written by them for a long time, so he followed Man Bao and sighed for a while, and he was still a little unhappy until he went to school the next day.

Seeing the two children drooping their heads like eggplants beaten by frost, Mr. Zhuang couldn't help dragging them out to ask questions, and he said, "What's the matter, the article was written by you, anyway, it has to be changed in the future, You just need to write it all over again, reviewing the old and learning the new, even if the things are the same, the articles you write should be different."

Mr. Zhuang simply assigned them homework, "Combining this time to see the construction of the dam, you can write it again. This time, the two of you are not allowed to write together, and write your own."

The two children's eyes widened, and they felt a little pain in their hands at the thought of writing so many words.

Mr. Zhuang said: "You are still young, I will give you more time, just give it to me before the holiday before the winter solstice."

Man Bao just counted how long it was until the winter solstice with his fingers, and when he realized that it was still a long time, he immediately became happy and responded excitedly with Bai Shanbao.

Seeing that the two children had recovered their spirits, Mr. Zhuang brought them back to the classroom and said, "Let's go to class."

Although there is still a long, long time until the winter solstice, Bai Shanbao and Man Bao did not dare to slack off. After all, this article is very long, and it took them a whole year to write it.

So as soon as school was over, the two children went back to Bai's house together, and skillfully took things out of the bookcase in the study to prepare for homework.

This is a habit that the two children have developed over the years. When they don't go out to play, they basically come to Bai's study to do homework and read.

After all, Zhou's family has no study, not even a desk. She is lying on the dining table when she wants to do her homework, and no one talks to her when she is doing her homework. It's so boring.

Bai Shanbao also likes to have someone to accompany him when he is doing his homework.

Looking at each other, Bai Shanbao held down the white paper in front of him and said, "You are not allowed to peek at me."

Man Bao, who was about to peek, snorted, turned his head and said, "I won't peek at you, and you're not allowed to peek at me."

The two children looked at each other vigilantly, and also found a book in the middle to separate each other's sight. Only then did they start to grind and think hard, how to write better than him (her)?

Bamboo: Why am I adding more? I forgot

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