Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1513 Division

The Imperial Physician's Office in the previous dynasty only existed for less than twelve years, which was very short-lived, but although it was short-lived, the system in some aspects was quite complete, except that the local medical office had many deficiencies.

Among them, the teaching part of the Beijing Imperial Physician Office is divided into three parts: medicine, pharmacy, and administration. In this respect, Manbao copied the system of the previous dynasty. Because there are precedents, Xiao Yuanzheng did not express that he did not. Opinion.

However, she further subdivided the teaching content, among which medicine is divided into medicine, acupuncture, massage and medicated diet; and traditional Chinese medicine is again subdivided into physical therapy, sore, small, small, ears, eyes and teeth, angle method, ulcer medicine...

Xiao Yuanzheng knew how powerful Zhou Man's acupuncture was, and knew that she could fully afford it by herself, so she ticked acupuncture, and then her eyes fell on the ulcer doctor, she couldn't help saying: "This is the same as sore Is it about the same?"

Man Bao coughed lightly and said, "Actually, I still want to teach bone setting, blood transfusion, and even caesarean section collection courses in Ulcer Medicine, but..."

Xiao Yuanzheng immediately put a cross on it and said, "Lord Xiao Zhou, it's not that I don't want to let go of power, but that this is not good for teaching in the Imperial Physician's Office. Where can I find such a patient for you?"

Man Bao was a little disappointed, "You can set up the project first."

"After the project is approved, you will be recruiting students. You recruit students but you don't have the resources or patients to teach them. Isn't that delaying students?"

Man Bao's head was not dizzy, but he insisted: "Then combine the ulcer doctor and the sore doctor to teach. Zheng Taiyi has seen the ulcer doctor's hemostasis method. When necessary, surgery can also save lives."

Xiao Yuanzheng hesitated for a while, but he didn't object anymore, but combined the two into one, "Who will be responsible for this?"

Man Bao must not be alone, because she has never been in contact with many cases of sores. Imperial Physician Liu thought for a while and said, "Let's come with Lord Xiao Zhou, I have some experience in the treatment of sores. "

So the four of them began to discuss who is responsible for which item, or which item is jointly responsible for, in which Physiotherapy and Shao Xiao are jointly responsible for all of them.

Especially for physical therapy, Xiaoyuan is the general manager, and he will discuss the outline with everyone before thinking about writing a book.

"It is impossible to start teaching after you have completed all the medical books, so let's start with the most basic ones." Xiao Yuan said: "Physiotherapy is a simple subject. If you want to study medicine, you must first learn medicine, and the other subjects will be ignored. In physical therapy, you can’t understand medicine, so let’s memorize the medicine book first.”

"What about pharmacy?" Liu Taiyi asked, "If you have learned all the medicines in physical therapy, then what should you do with pharmacy?"

Man Bao said: "Pharmaceuticals still need to be processed, or can be separated into planting, anyway, there is no need to learn physical therapy."

She said: "Physical therapy requires more than eight years of skill at least. If you only study pharmacy, it is not necessary."

Xiao Yuan is nodding, "Yes, like acupuncture, pharmacy, massage, sores, children and facial features, at least three years, as many as five years are enough to start a teacher, but the time for physical therapy should not be too short."

Zheng Taiyi said: "The previous dynasty was set for seven years."

Xiao Yuanzheng frowned, "Then we also tentatively set it to seven years, and other subjects tentatively set it to three years, and the annual assessment, whether it is a promotion, a demotion, or an average, is based on the assessment standards, and only those who pass the test will pass. Can leave after graduation.”

No one has an opinion on this.

Because most of them have precedents from the previous dynasty, they did not have much entanglement in this aspect, but when they were avoiding people, Xiao Yuanzheng and Man Bao said: "The Imperial Physician's Office in the previous dynasty only existed for twelve years. How many years can the Imperial Physician Office renovated in this dynasty exist?"

Man Bao said solemnly: "The Imperial Physician Office of the former dynasty existed for a short time because the former dynasty was originally short-lived. My dynasty will last forever. As long as I have the heart, the Imperial Physician Office will naturally last forever."

She said: "The imperial court advocates widows remarrying, and men and women marry when they are twelve years old, isn't the purpose of multiplying the population? But you and I both know that men and queens are adults, and women have to grow up before they can have children. This is good for children. , is the best for longevity, but nowadays people generally marry early, and women marry and have children when they are more than thirteen or fourteen... We should not do this. If there are medical offices in various places, the survival rate of babies can be guaranteed with a higher probability, then People don’t have to get married so early, and their life expectancy can be pushed back a lot.”

Xiao Yuan was stunned, he had never thought of this.

After being stunned for a while, he came back to his senses, "This, who told you this, the court's measures are to multiply the population?"

Man Bao said: "Isn't it to multiply the population?"

She said: "It is important for people to expand the territory, and to fight for wars. The previous dynasties fought for more than a hundred years, and the previous dynasties to my dynasties fought for more than ten years, and lost countless people. Don't these people need subsidies?"

Man Bao said: "After the founding of this dynasty, each of the people was given 20 acres of Yongye Tian and 80 acres of farmland. Where did you get so much land? It's not that too many people died in the war before. Wasteland and open land, is there a way to separate people from the fields?"

This was a bit out of Xiao Yuanzheng's scope of thinking. He thought about it for a long time before coming back to his senses, "Aren't we talking about the Imperial Physician's Office, why did it involve the field?"

Man Bao said as a matter of course: "Aren't the two related?"

"Where is it related?"

"Where is it not related?" Man Bao said: "Medicine is related to lifespan, people are related, and people are related to fields. Where are these three things that are not closely related?"

She looked at Xiao Yuanzheng suspiciously, "Have you never thought about this as the Yuanzheng of the Imperial Hospital?"

You know, Mr. Zhuang first thought of fields when she mentioned that the construction of medical offices in various places can greatly extend people's lifespan.

She and Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also secretly calculated whether they could be divided into 20 mu of Yongye Field and 80 mu of Koufen when they grow up in the future.

If the two of them are okay, will they be okay when it’s their children’s turn? If not, how much will they be able to share? Can they support themselves and their family of three if they don’t rely on other fields?

Because women can't share the land, so the Yongye field and the Koufen field that I have been allocated when I am an adult must not only support myself, but also my wife and children, until my son grows up and then can share the field...

Man Bao looked at Xiao Yuanzheng in disbelief, "You are so old, don't you think about these things?"

Xiao Yuanzheng: ... Is his age the problem?

Are they not imperial physicians?

Isn't it just to see a doctor for the emperors, empresses, princes, and grandsons, and then to see a doctor for the elites in Beijing?

Why even think about such a thing?

Looking at Zhou Man, who was younger than his daughter, Xiao Yuanzheng was greatly frightened, and after a while, he twitched his stiff cheeks and asked, "Does Dr. Zhou think about these questions on weekdays?"

see you at 4pm

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