Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1505 Accumulation

After dinner, before it was dark, a few people took the money and went to the pantry to get some melon and fruit snacks and went up to the pavilion.

When they climbed high, they stood on the third floor of the pavilion. They could see the West Inner Garden to the north. Unfortunately, they could only see the horse farm. .

Bai Shan stood to the north, thinking in a mess. He didn't know why this floor was built when the East Palace was built. Didn't this give the prince a chance to peep at the palace and the Imperial Army?

Feng Zongping made tea for everyone himself, and said to Bai Shan and Zhou Man who were standing together, "Don't look at it, come and drink tea."

The two of them walked back to their senses and sat down. Some people went up to the attic to play. They found that the best place was already occupied by them, so they turned around and went downstairs or somewhere else.

Leaning on the railing on the third floor, Feng Zongping couldn't help breathing out a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I thought entering the palace would be a chore, but I didn't expect it to be no worse than the outside world, it's just not that comfortable, how is your homework? Like, can you keep up?"

Although they were of different ages and had different classes before, the classes at this time were the same.

After all, there are only nine people, and the teachers who teach them are only part-timers. They still hold positions in other places. It is impossible to keep an eye on them like the doctor of Guozijian.

Therefore, the classes are the same. Some of the content follows Feng Zongping and his seniors, some are more south, and there are also the courses Feng Zongping and the others have studied in Guozijian. You should review the past and learn new things.

However, different teachers have different feelings about the same text.

The day before yesterday, Zhu Shijiao and Sun Shijiao chose the same text to explain, and the content was different. Sun Shijiao, who finished first, heard that Zhu Shijiao was talking about the same content. Just in the classroom you are arguing with each other.

At the end of the fight, he blushed and had a thick neck, like a quarrel. He almost rolled up his sleeves and started fighting, which startled a group of students who had not seen much of the world.

In the end, Kong Jijiu came forward and took away the two waiters.

It's really scary. In the Imperial College, although the gentlemen occasionally have disputes and dissatisfaction, they will never roll up their sleeves and fight. At most, they put down the ring and invite other gentlemen to be the referees. No, it's an argument.

Bai Shan and Yin may have no problem, but Bai Erlang and Liu Huan are a little bit difficult, but they don't have a long time in class, and they have a lot of free time every day for them to study by themselves.

So with the two of them with them, they could barely keep up, but it was a bit difficult for the others. Fortunately, the east is not bright, and the west is always bright. They have many courses. In addition to classics and history books, there are also books on dharma, riding and archery, swordsmanship, etc., not to mention the side courses such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Because there are many courses and they don’t have much time for class, the density is not high. For more advanced scriptures and history, there are at most two classes a day.

The rest of the time is not to study the laws of the dynasty, to explain some military skills, or to take piano, chess, calligraphy and painting lessons.

They only went to the riding and archery class twice, but unfortunately Man Bao didn't catch up. Not to mention, it was quite fun to go to Xiyuan for horse racing.

The prince also liked to go horse racing with them. He obviously didn't come to every classics and history class, if it wasn't for Kong's sacrificial wine class, but he caught up with every riding and archery class.

Bai Shan took a sip of tea and said that they had no problem, and then asked Feng Zongping, "What do you think of the courses in the palace?"

Yi Ziyang said, "What I study is more complicated than what is taught in Guozi, but it is also more profound."

He said: "We are better, we just need to study, they will be miserable. I heard that apart from classics and history, there are very few other courses, most of them are working for Zhan Shifu, and they are looking for materials in the library recently. and organize the data.”

Now that the prince is finally concerned about government affairs, there are still a lot of things to do, so the 20 newly added people are not too many at all, and most of them are chores.

In particular, the reorganization of the Imperial Physician's Office is a lot of complicated work. I heard that they are investigating several large pharmacies recently, and they need to select a few to cooperate with them so that they can supply medicinal materials to the Physician's Office in the future.

Feng Zongping looked at Man Bao curiously, "How is your book doing?"

After a pause, Man Bao said, "It's just the beginning. What's the hurry? We're still reading books. We always have to find information first, and then talk about book repairs."

Feng Zongping didn't understand medicine either, so he nodded.

Man Bao drank tea with a guilty conscience. They have been reading medical scriptures recently, and they have never thought of cultivating books.

But, who cares, take a rest tomorrow, go home first, the fourth brother should be back from Shangzhou now, right?

A few people were eating tea and snacks in the pavilion, and when the bell of the imperial ban rang for the first time, they took their things and went back to Shi Shiran.

After going down the pavilion, Bai Shan raised a lantern and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Man Bao did not refuse, and the two returned to Man Bao's residence together first. Bai Shan took her to the door and turned around after watching her enter the yard.

When he returned to his yard, the bell rang for the third time.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, the palace servants closed the courtyard door and locked it.

Man Bao took off his coat, washed briefly, and went to bed.

After thinking about it, she still went into the system and read a book on the history of medical development. She has no experience in cultivating books, but she thought that the books are for students, and they have to educate whatever kind of students they want to teach. Book.

So she thought, it's better to think about what kind of students they want to teach first.

In the past, there was the Imperial Physician’s Office in the previous dynasty as an example, and in the latter, there is the medical development from ancient times to the present in the encyclopedia. Of course, she can’t see so much.

Man Bao thought that she would just look at the ancient times and ancient times according to what Keke and the others said, and see how their medical sciences were taught at that time.

Man Bao looked through the history of development, but did not find what he wanted to see, so he went to the encyclopedia to look for it.

Of course, she couldn't rummage through so many books. She directly set up keywords, medical development, disciplines, and Imperial Physician's Office. After listing them, several rows of books came out, with hundreds of books.

Man Bao directly removed the books about their era, leaving only books on ancient medicine and archaeology in the past, but there were also about 20 books.

She is not from the world of Keke, she has no borrowing rights, she can only turn a few pages, and then decide to buy or not to buy.

Man Bao glanced at their points, and then glanced at his own total points, so he generously bought all the twenty-three books.

It's impossible to finish it after reading it, but since she bought it, it can't be wasted, so she paid the credits to print it out.

She couldn't help yawning after only reading a dozen pages, so she put the book on the bedside, turned off the light, and pulled the quilt to sleep.

I plan to read this book carefully when I go back tomorrow.

Next update around 4pm

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