Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1496 Admission 3

The group entered a palace gate, and it was very solemn inside. There were no palace maids here, and there were occasional servants passing by, and it was very rare.

Yang Heshu walked beside them and introduced: "This is the East Palace Zhanshi Mansion. Zhang Zhanshi is not here today, so I won't take you to see him."

Even if he was there, he wouldn't come to meet a bunch of little brats.

The prince is already quite young, and he doesn't have much time to study, so he might focus more on other things.

Prince Zhan is the third grade, and there is a lot to do.

The East Palace does not refer to the prince alone, but to a small court centered on the prince. The prince needs to be responsible for many things, and the prince's affairs are equivalent to the prince's prime minister and monk. When the prince loses his temper and strikes , it is the prince Zhan Shi who runs the East Palace and this entire "little court" with a group of subordinates.

As soon as Yang Heshu took them back in, they did not enter the courtyards one by one, but walked straight forward along the long corridors. Yang Heshu pointed to the courtyards he saw along the way and said to them, "This is the door under the door. , this is the bookstore..."

When he arrived at the Dianshufang, he stopped, turned around to find Man Bao, and said to her, "If you want to repair books, you can repair them here."

When Man Bao was thinking about whether she was going to stop and settle here, Yang Heshu continued to walk, and said, "Keep up, and show you the place to live."

Continuing down the corridor, everyone turned their heads and saw a very elegant yard. Yang Heshu paused and said, "This is where the masters rest."

The reason why they are added is because the emperor likes to find teachers for the prince. There are only six of them, and Kong Jijiu is the most worthy of the name and the one that has been the longest.

Coincidentally, Yang Heshu used to be a student in Kong Jijiu's class, and the people behind him were all from the Imperial College, and they could be regarded as Kong Jijiu's students.

So Yang Heshu looked at these apprentices meaningfully and said: "Kong Jijiu will rest here when he enters the palace to teach the prince. You know his temper..."

Everyone nodded again and again, and they all said that they knew that if they cheated and played tricks in the future, they would definitely avoid it, and they would never let Kong Jijiu catch it.

Yang Heshu continued to lead them, and when they arrived at the next courtyard, it was much larger, but he didn't take them in to see it. He also stood at the door of the courtyard and said, "This is where you study."

After seeing the place where they read, they turned into a path, walked through a garden, and came to a courtyard, which was full of activity.

The man who had entered before them was instructing the chamberlain to put things into the room.

Yang Heshu stood in the courtyard and nodded to the people who came to salute, many of whom were his age and had been his classmates.

Some are even seniors.

But now, one is already an official in charge of them, and the other is still a student.

Yang Heshu said: "There are two entrances in this yard, which is where you live. There are two people in one room. As soon as you enter the back, there will be a waiter who will serve you. If you need anything, tell them, the rules, look at the announcements on the announcement wall in the yard, in order to It's not a bad rule, you'd better memorize it."

Feng Zongping looked at the other busy people in the yard and asked, "Brother Yang, why did you only tell us this, and why didn't they listen?"

Yang Heshu smiled and didn't answer.

Su Jian, who was beside him, rolled his eyes and said, "Only ten of you have entered the palace to study, no, nine of them. Those of them are here to serve as staff to His Highness, and they are all old. What kind of books do you expect them to read? "

Crowd: ...

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to realize that the last nine of them were really the youngest, all of them were studying in the Guozi School, and they were still familiar with each other.

Even Zhao Liulang is in the ranks of those who "do not read".

The rooms here are not big and very dense. The room that could only be used as a wing was suddenly opened with three doors, and divided into three rooms. Obviously, it was specially made for students, which is more than the school room in the Imperial College. better.

But the question is, among those present, who lived in Guozijian's school?

Moreover, the "adults" who came first obviously did not have the concept of fraternity with the weak, and had already taken the lead in occupying all the rooms, and now there are only five rooms in the east.

The sunlight is not very good. As soon as I opened the door, I saw two small beds side by side, and only two desks and some shelves.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they had grown so big and had never lived in such a small room.

Man Bao was also poking around, Yang Heshu reached out and grabbed her back collar, dragged her back and said, "You don't live here."

Bai Shan turned around and asked, "Where does Man Bao live?"

Yang Heshu smiled and said, "She lives next door next door."

Next door is a small martial arts field, where students practice martial arts, and the next door is where the female officials of the East Palace live. Yang Heshu only sent people to the gate of the courtyard, and a female official came out to lead them.

She bowed to Yang Heshu, then bowed to Man Bao, and then brought her and the servant inside, and said, "Lord Zhou Xiao, this is your room."

Her room is a little bigger than what I saw just now, and the location is very good. The female official said with a smile: "Xiaguan's surname is Zhang, and his name is Wanwan. Your lord can call it Xiaguan Wanwan. You prepare a good room, do you think this room is okay?"

Man Bao immediately nodded, "Very good, I like it very much."

She sincerely thanked: "Thank you very much."

She vacated this room. She was not very happy at first, but she had seen Zhou Man being favored in front of the prince and the prince, and she did not dare to fool the prince.

But seeing Zhou Man's sincere thanks at this time, she felt a lot of balance in her heart, and she became happy, nodding with a smile, "Master Zhou Xiao, rest first, can I help you pack your luggage?"

Man Bao declined politely and said with a smile, "I can do it myself. Master Zhang, if you are tired for a long time, let's rest first."

Master Zhang doesn't force it. After all, who knows if there is anything private in Zhou Man's cage?

Her own servant carried the treasure-filled box into the cage. She first took out her medicine box and put it on the table, and then took out the clothes one by one and put them in the cabinet.

Her space is much larger than Bai Shan's, and it is more elegant. There is a small screen separating the inner and outer rooms. Although the outer room is very small, it can at least put down a table and a few chairs to entertain guests. .

Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru kept things neat and tidy, and Man Bao only had to take out things and put them in place.

She looked left and right, and found that except for the lack of a bookshelf for books, everything else was complete. She decided to ask if there were any bookshelves in a while.

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