Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 149 What did you say

On Thursday, Lang angrily removed the wedding candy and stuffed it in his mouth, stared at Man Bao and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see fourth brother." Man Bao said, "I haven't seen fourth brother for a long time. I miss you so much."

Chu Chulang felt a little better, and felt that there were a lot of ironing posts, he coughed lightly and was about to speak when Bai Shanbao, who came with him, ran up to grab Manbao, and said, "Come and see, I just saw a good one in the river. Big, big fish."

Man Bao immediately jumped up and asked, "How big is it?"

"It's so big, it's so big!" Bai Shanbao gestured, and He Manbao was about to rush to the river to look for fish, and the yamen immediately scolded them, "That's where the river dam is built, stay away."

Daji, who came with him, hurriedly stepped forward to stop Bai Shanbao and Manbao, and whispered, "Master, let's look a little further down."

Outsiders are not allowed to work in the place where the Laodins work. The management of the dam construction is obviously much stricter than the management of the water conservancy construction last year.

Even Zhou Dalang and the others avoided doing business at a distance. After all, they were close. There was sand, stones, and wood, which was inconvenient.

At this time, everyone squatted in front of Zhou Dalang's booth to eat not far away, even those who didn't buy soup and meals also squatted next to it. It smelled delicious, didn't it?

In the past two days, someone has noticed this business opportunity and set up two stalls next to Zhou's stall, both of which are selling food.

At this time, the yamen shouted loudly, and everyone looked over.

Bai Shanbao is not afraid of the yamen. When he was younger, he often saw these yamen and soldiers. Which one didn't bend over to say hello when he saw him?

He was a little unhappy about Daji's persuasion, "We are here to watch the process of building the dam. If we don't look closely, how would we know how the dam was built? What we see downstream is water."

Man Bao nodded again and again, "Yes, yes."

Thursuro: ...... You said you were here to see him?

Shizu Lang put the steamed buns in his mouth, walked over with the bowl, patted the yamen on the shoulder and said, "This is my sister, just two little dolls, who can't steal stones or wood, let them take a look. chant."

Only then did the yamen relax, patted Shirou's hand and said, "Go, go, who am I for, two dolls who have just been weaned, if they fall into the water, will it be yours, or mine? This is Are you a sister?"

"My dear, it's from a family," said Thursday with a grin, "Don't worry, we'll watch, besides, it's not too cold, just drop it, pick it up and shake it up and you're done, my father Mother often said that if you fall into the water once, you will know that water is not for fun, let them go."

Servant:  …

Bai Shanbao and Manbao stared at the yamen.

Helpless, the yamen waved his hand and said, "Go, go, go."

Who let him eat other people's soft mouths? During this time, the Zhou family's soup was provided free of charge to them.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao cheered and ran to the river bank to look down.

Of course they couldn't see it, and they only knew what materials were used to build the dam, but Man Bao could ask Keke.

Keke was helpless, he said: "Host, I am a system that records living things. Regarding architecture, I don't have any relevant knowledge implanted in my chip."

"Ah," Man Bao was a little disappointed, "then don't you know?"

"No." Although it doesn't have its own chip, it can be searched from the encyclopedia. To ensure the safety of the host, it is the most basic to analyze and weigh the safety of the host's environment. Naturally, it involves all aspects. It can be retrieved from the encyclopedia.


Forget it, let's tell her, Keke said: "Host, this is a very simple ancient dam, which can only store and release water simply. The water storage is not all storage, but slows the flow of water from upstream to downstream. In order to achieve the purpose of intercepting water resources..."

In Keke's view, such a building really doesn't have much technology at all. According to the encyclopedia, in the 20th century in ancient times, human beings had relatively advanced technology for casting dams. At that time, human beings could even use hydraulic power. Generated electricity.

However, the child's feet must be taken step by step, and the host's learning must be done little by little. It is impossible for ancient humans to learn ancient knowledge. She just wants to learn, and I am afraid there is no basis for practice.

Man Bao didn't know that so much current flashed through Keke's chip. Although Keke devalued the dam very low, Man Bao still listened with great interest, and then conveyed it to Bai Shanbao in more naive language according to his own understanding.

"Did you see that there is a big hole between the wood and the wood, and the water will flow down from there in the future. If there is a lot of water above, then pump the thing up, and the water will flow down. Now, wow, does that mean the fish can also go downstream?"

"It must be," Bai Shanbao imagined the scene, and said, "If the water flows in a hurry, the fish will not be able to go home. They will definitely be washed down, and then we will be able to net the fish again."

Man Bao said with a saliva: "My family has eaten all the fish, I really want to eat fish."

"My family's too, but you have so many fish, how can you eat so fast?"

"It's sold," Man Bao said confidently: "My eldest brother sold most of the sales, and he ate the rest by himself. Unfortunately, my tank is not big enough, otherwise I can hold more fish. My mother said, as long as the fish are You can keep it alive for me to eat."

"You're so stupid, can't you dig a pond at home? I have a pond at home, and there are fish in it, but the fish doesn't seem to be edible."

Man Bao laughed and hugged his stomach happily, "My family is so small, how do I dig a pond?"

Bai Shanbao also often went to Manbao's house to play, and he laughed when he heard the words, "I know, dig a hole under your bed, put the fish in it, and when you wake up, you can reach out and catch it if you want to eat it. "

Man Bao was unwilling. "Then why don't we dig in the room of my fourth and fifth brothers. It's a big place and can hold more fish."

The yamen and Shirou standing by the side: ... two broken children.

Thursday Lang endured and asked, "Have you read it, have you figured out how this dam was built?"

The yamen was about to speak, but when he raised his head, he couldn't help but his face changed.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao were still squatting on the edge of the dam, with their backs to the crowd, facing the dam: "It's almost, it's almost, fourth brother, you have to repair this dam well, our house is downstream, this dam is not only It can release water, and the most important thing is that it can block water. In summer, it rains a lot. If it can’t stop the water, what should I do if the water rushes down and drowns me?”

Shirou was standing beside Man Bao, and he rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "You are at home, no one can drown you, okay?"

"Who said, I want to go to school. The school is by the river. When the river rises, isn't that the first to flood me?"

When Chuu Lang thought about it, it was true, he couldn't help laughing, "If you don't obey me in the future, I'll dig a hole in the dam and let the water go down to drown you."

Magistrate Fu behind the back: what do you say, say it again

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