Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1486 Thunderbolt

She smiled and said, "The side hall you used to see a doctor will be used by you. In addition, His Royal Highness has also set up a set of medicine cabinets there. When that time comes, you will buy some commonly used medicines and put them in. The money will be paid from the East Palace's account. Go up."

The Crown Princess paused and said: "Just as you know, there are many restrictions in the palace, and some medicines cannot enter the harem, so..."

Man Bao knew that this was to prevent people from harming others after taking the medicine. Even if there was a record of the in and out of the medicine, it would be difficult to find out if there were too many people taking the medicine.

In the palace, unless the master is ill, or the palace staff, whether it is a palace maid or a servant, it will be hard to endure.

Therefore, all poisonous drugs cannot enter the medicine cabinet of this side hall, but this is also a great merit for the palace servants who are sick and can only survive.

For Man Bao, this is also a great convenience for disciples. Although the medicines are limited, at least they can learn to prescribe medicines when they go to the palace to learn acupuncture.

And because of restrictions, the flexibility requirements for prescription are also higher.

Especially suitable for training Zheng Gu.

Zheng Gu didn't know that his master found him a good way to exercise prescriptions, and he was working in Ji Shitang.

His master has Xiu Mu, but he doesn't have it, not only he doesn't, but Liu Yinu and the others don't either.

Before they finish their studies, they have to work when they need to, memorize medical books when they need to memorize medical books, and memorize medicinal materials when they need to memorize medicinal materials.

Sanya accidentally misremembered a few medicinal herbs, and at this time she was holding her head and staring desperately at the medicinal herbs that were always misremembered in front of her.

Accompanied by Eunuch Wu, Man Bao once again took a look at the side hall used for medical teaching, and focused on the medicine cabinet that was moved in.

Eunuch Wu said with a smile: "The cot at the top of this place was not removed, and the medicine cabinet was moved in, and then scrubbed, washed, dried, and put in the medicinal materials when they were bought."

Man Bao asked curiously, "Who did you get the medicine list from?"

After all, many medicines cannot be put in.

Eunuch Wu smiled and said: "His Royal Highness asked the Taiyuan Hospital to issue the medicine list, Xiaoyuan heard that the prince was going to teach Zhou Xiaodao, and immediately drew out a medicine list, saying that as long as these medicines are enough, it will be enough. ."

Eunuch Wu said with a smile: "Don't worry, the list has been seen by the Taiyuan Hospital, saying that those medicines are not poisonous, unless they are given to people like cattle, otherwise there is no medicine that can harm people's bodies."

Man Bao opened the medicine list and looked at it, and saw that the beans at the beginning were soybeans, red beans, mung beans, white beans, broad beans, lentils and other beans.

She paused and thought, this is really not poisonous, no matter what, it won't kill people, unless you put a dozen pounds into her mouth at one time, but it's not poisonous, most of it is sustained.

The rest of the herbs are some common herbs such as licorice, Bupleurum, Huangjing, etc. From the beginning to the end, she found that there is no such thing as Polygonum multiflorum, because it is slightly poisonous.

Man Bao handed the medicine list to Eunuch Wu, nodded and said, "That's fine, just follow this."

Before entering the palace, the husband told her to give as little advice as possible in the palace, especially the imported things sent to the palace, because it is easy to make mistakes.

Do not touch your hands unless necessary.

Eunuch Wu received the medicine list, respectfully, and happily sent Man Bao out of the palace.

She said that she would take Dr. Liu and the others into the palace to practice acupuncture, and sure enough, she brought them into the palace after the afternoon on the third day.

This is a more suitable time that she and Eunuch Wu negotiated.

Ji Shitang was busy in the morning, and it was also the busiest time in the palace. Of course, the palace people, who were the main workers, didn't have time to give them needles, so it was set before the right time.

Man Bao brought them into the palace ahead of time. Sanya had not yet reached home, so she could only stand at the door of the drugstore and watch them go away, her eyes full of reluctance.

Besides Doctor Liu, Doctor Xiao was also waiting for them in the palace.

Whether it was Dr. Liu, Dr. Xiao, or Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao, they all memorized the acupoint maps, but it was a little difficult to find these acupoints accurately.

What Manbao needs to do is to enable them to find every acupuncture point in practice, and also to know what acupuncture point for what disease, how to perform acupuncture...

Man Bao usually taught everyone in the side hall, and when the twenty palace servants were all finished, she would go to the back to watch the crown princess, while her three disciples and Doctor Xiao left for the finishing touches.

The Crown Princess didn't have morning sickness, just lethargy, so when she passed, she just woke up, Man Bao felt her pulse, said goodbye and left.

The time is very short, just ask for a Ping An pulse, not to mention prescriptions and needles, sometimes even a doctor's order is not required.

It was only two quarters of an hour before and after, but the Crown Princess was also very relieved, and she even slept much more at ease at night, and then her stomach began to settle down, growing little by little every day.

The prince is very happy to see it every day. Sometimes when he comes back and sees Man Bao, he doesn't care to lie on the belly of the prince and listen. Man Bao is very sure that he has not heard anything, after all, he has not yet reached the age of four. For months, it would be worse if he heard movement.

But the prince and his wife obviously didn't care about this, and they had a lot of fun.

Every time Man Bao saw this situation, he would wink and want to retreat, but the prince suddenly stopped her and said, "The emperor agreed to expand the number of students in Chongwen Hall to 30, and Gu also added Bai Shan's name. Gu is also in charge of the reorganization of the Imperial Physician's Office, so prepare to move to the palace when you go back."

Man Bao stared, and after a while, he came back to his senses, "I, I want to live in the palace? No, Bai Shan is studying in the Chongwen Museum, why should I enter the palace?"

The prince emphasized: "In order to write medical books!"

He glanced at her and said, "Didn't you write that you want to build medical offices in various states? Since you want to teach students, you naturally need textbooks. The medical books in the Taiyuan Hospital are very mixed. Just two days ago, they said they wanted to teach students something. It was so arguing that I remembered that you once gave Liu Yinu a medical book that you wrote yourself, and if that's the case, then you should write it yourself, and then recruit students to teach when the medical book is finished."

He said: "The matter of the Imperial Physician's Office is one of the important things that the East Palace needs to do next, so you can discuss with the students in the Chongwen Museum and ask them to help you with the writing."

Man Bao was dizzy at the news, and he came back to his senses after a while, "This matter, this matter... Then I can't go to Ji Shi Tang to see a doctor in the future?"

The prince gave her a sideways glance and said, "Isn't it enough for so many people in the palace to train you?"

But this disease is too rare.

Man Bao murmured in her heart, but she still didn't recover, so she didn't dare to speak to him.

"No, the Xiaoyuan of the Taiyuan Hospital is the editor-in-chief, you have to listen to him," the prince said, "You should discuss this medical book with the imperial doctors. Didn't you say that there are very few books outside? You can read any book."

Man Bao was immediately refreshed, "Really?"

see you at 8pm

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