Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1473 Networking

Friday Lang said: "Are there many Luo brothers? Otherwise, next time we go back to our hometown, we will call all the third brothers and they will not be afraid of a fight."

Zhou Chulang thought about it, "You're right, if there are more of them, we have fewer brothers? When I go back next time, I'll see if anyone in the village would like to join us. Brother Huzi had a good fight, but it's a pity that he doesn't have any brothers at home to take care of him. , I'm afraid I can't leave home."

But Zhou Hu can't do it, so can other people in the village.

Originally, Shirou felt that it was enough to bring the three sons and the others. After all, it was just a job of driving the car and carrying the goods. They were used to doing it, but only after this time did they realize that it was still not good.

People are too thin to beat others.

Thinking of this, Chuu Lang checked the tea leaves and there was no problem. When he had dinner, he picked meat to eat. Man Bao held down his chopsticks, "Fourth brother, you can't eat too much meat now, be careful that you will break your stomach."

If someone else said this, Shizuo Lang would definitely not believe it, but Man Bao said that he had to believe it, so he could only go to the next dish with regret.

Friday Lang said: "Fourth brother, I have already agreed with Ah Liu Dun, and he will come to see the tea tomorrow."

Thuro nodded.

Man Bao finished his meal, put down his bowls and chopsticks and said, "Fourth brother, we are going to have housewarming wine at our house on the 19th day after tomorrow. Do you have any guests you want to invite?"

"No," Chuu Lang shook his head and said, "Aliu Dun and the others are only suitable for drinking in restaurants, not suitable for bringing them home. But you reminded me, Li Wei, stay at home to help you these two days, and let you two My sister is going out with me."

Zhou Liwei: "...Why?"

Thursday Lang lifted his eyelids and glanced at him and said, "Why, your second sister is better than you, and she will never suffer a loss. The kitchen at home must help you with banquets. Can your second sister's skills be used in the kitchen?"

Man Bao opened his mouth and glanced at the excited Zhou Lijun, but he didn't tell Thursday Lang that they didn't need to go into the kitchen for the banquet on the 19th.

After eating, Man Bao went to take a look at Fang again, and then she ate a bowl of porridge and fell asleep.

Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru also came to see, and Man Bao saw their worried expressions and said, "Don't worry, you should be able to wake up tomorrow."

The three aunts and nephews went back to the main courtyard with lanterns.

There were only their footsteps on the long corridor. Zhou Liru shrank beside Zhou Lijun and whispered, "Second sister, are you afraid?"

Zhou Lijun rolled his eyes, "What are you afraid of, this is our home."

Man Bao also glanced at Zhou Liru curiously, and then suddenly leaned in with a "wow", Zhou Liru screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Zhou Lijun:  …

Man Bao laughed happily.

Hearing Man Bao's laughter, Zhou Lizhong, who almost rushed out, stopped.

Across a fence, Wu Wulang yelled at them, "Manbao, don't be scary!"

Man Bao dragged Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru away.

Back in the main courtyard, Bai Shan and the others just had enough to eat, so they came to look for her, "How's your sister-in-law on Thursday?"

Man Bao smiled and said: "Although the losses are serious, but at this time there is no danger of life, just take good care of it."

Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Erlang asked curiously, "I heard that brother cried on Thursday, didn't he?"

Man Bao: "...Don't you cry too? What's so strange about my fourth brother crying?"

Of course it's strange, he's already a father, but he's still a teenager, crying... of course it's nothing.

But being stared at by Man Bao, he dared not speak.

Bai Shan asked, "Do you want me to ask someone to inquire about the Luo family?"

Chenggu County is not close to the capital, and the strong dragon does not suppress local snakes. And it's hard to tell who's right and who's wrong these days.

I heard that Fang's two knives were not light.

Man Bao also knew that it was not easy to get out of office, but she also wanted to know, is this the usual bullying of the Luo family, or is it just bullying their old Zhou family?

So she nodded and said, "Then please."

Bai Erlang asked, "How do you check? Let Senior Brother Tang help?"

"How can he be free?" Bai Shan said, "I heard that Lord Yin is arguing with Feng Shangshu, and he is going to transfer Tang Xuexiong from the Ministry of Punishment to Chang'an County to be the county magistrate. I remember that Yi Ziyang had a cousin named Liang. State man, I asked him to help me find out."

Chenggu County is under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou and is very close.

Bai Erlang: "Why don't I remember?"

Bai Shan shook his head, "How do I know about you? His aunt and cousin studied in Liangzhou Mansion. This year, he came to Beijing to participate in Enke. He is now in the capital. Didn't he meet him outside the Imperial Prison last time?"

Bai Erlang racked his brains for a while before he remembered a vague figure, as if he had really seen it, and seemed to have eaten together.

The two brothers looked at the younger brother with contempt, but said nothing.

Everyone turned around and went back to their houses.

Man Bao put down the curtains in the room, turned off the lights and went to bed after washing, and directly entered the system.

In a distant time and space, Mr. Mo's world has just entered nightlife time. Of course, as an educator and a research enthusiast, Mr. Mo's nightlife is to teach students and do research.

Therefore, as soon as Man Bao entered the teaching room, he saw Mr. Mo who was looking down at the materials on the opposite side.

Since the two sides opened video communication, Man Bao can often see Teacher Mo in the teaching room.

He knew that Manbao was only free to go online for classes at night, so he basically adjusted his online time to the evening.

As soon as he saw Man Bao, he put down the information in his hand, raised his head and asked with a smile, "What's wrong, not happy?"

Man Bao talked about the family affairs, focusing on her fourth sister-in-law's pulse and the prescription she prescribed.

In fact, Mr. Mo couldn't understand why he would become so ill because he was frightened when he went out, but according to the pulse condition, Man Bao Kai's prescription was not bad.

What did he think of, he flipped out a book and said, "I happened to read a book two days ago with a similar illness. Among them, I think there are two prescriptions that are good, but they are a little different from the prescription you prescribed... "

The two teachers and students started class.

The next day, Man Bao washed up, grabbed a bun and went to the front to see Mr. Fang.

Fang was already awake. After a night's rest, perhaps because of Manbao's acupuncture and medicine, she was able to sit up this morning.

She was in a daze yesterday, and seemed to see Man Bao, and now she knew that they had really arrived in the capital.

She couldn't help looking out the window and asked, "Man Bao, where is your fourth brother?"

Man Bao came all the way and didn't see Thursday, and after a while, he said, "Go out?"

She stepped forward to feel Fang's pulse and asked, "Sister-in-law Four, do you feel any discomfort today?"

After feeling it carefully, Mrs Fang said, "My chest is still a little stuffy, and my head is a little dizzy. Other than that, it's gone. Your fourth brother went out, what about the child?"

"The fifth sister-in-law is taking it with you," Man Bao said, "the fourth sister-in-law, you are ill, the child is not easy to get close to, and the sickness will pass, so the fifth sister-in-law will take it temporarily."

Fang Shi breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought I wouldn't survive."

see you at four pm

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